If you’ve reached this page and still don’t get what the fuzz is about: – It takes the Moon ~27.5 days to go through all 64 Gates in the BodyGraph or Rave Mandala (Tropical month)
The Lunar Cycle lasts roughly, on average (!) 27.3 days, more easily referred to as 27.5 days, many Reflectors say 28.5 days, even if it is observed as short as 26.6 days as you can see on this page.
Never 29.5 days, since that is the Cycle of the Lunar Phases which is the observation from Earth of reflected Sunlight on the surface of the Moon (ie synodic month), which has no direct relation to the Moon’s actual position relative to the Earth and through the Rave Mandala.
See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon#Lunar_periods
See more on the Lunar Cycle & Transits