November 2022

You have to go into the cosmic level

When you‘re looking at somebody‘s bodygraph, one way of trying to understand it is imagine that that bodygraph is only a cell in a larger organism. That‘s the first thing. Just as a metaphor. If you imagine that that bodygraph is a cell in a larger organism, it‘s going to at least take you away from the vanity of its importance, uniqueness, specialness. It‘s just a cell.

At the core of that cell, you‘re going to have all of the DNA information for every single aspect of that being. In other words, we can take a cell now and you can go in and grab the DNA and you can take the cell from anywhere and that cell is going to contain the information of the totality. If you look at the cell as a bodygraph, you see the bodygraph contains the information of the totality. In other words, it carries the entire spectrum of all 64 gates. So the bodygraph is a cell and you can see inside of the cell that there is a genetic information pool that outlines the totality.

Now, what happens to us is that we have a surface imprinting program. In other words, you have liver cells, you have blood cells, and you have this kind of cell, that kind of cell. But if you go into the center, they all have the same information. The only difference is that each of those cells has a place where there is a special imprinting, where something is highlighted. And instead of them being occupied with being everything: “growing up to be a human”; they‘re occupied with being a good blood cell.

So, when we take a calculation and you have the planets and so forth, what you‘re really looking at is our imprinting. It‘s the highlighting. We do, after all, have everything. You cannot go through this life with 64 gates and not experience everything. We do, all the time. This room is 64 gates. And if it‘s not with the transit included, it will be the moment we go outside; all of these things. It‘s always there. Every aspect is always there because this is life.

The difference between us is Human Design measures uniqueness. The easiest thing with human beings is to see our similarity. The easiest thing; and I‘m speaking from a biological genetic level. It‘s very, very hard genetically to differentiate one human being from another in terms of where the information actually is that makes a difference in us. After all, a fruit fly has 70% of our genetic information.

So, the question of analysis is not about similarity, it‘s about uniqueness. What we see from the imprinting is that as a cell what are the things that are important for us to accomplish as a cell; that‘s our imprinting. And of course, when you‘re living out your uniqueness, that is, you‘re following your Strategy, what you get to do is fulfill that. In other words, you become a good blood cell that does a really good job, instead of a blood cell that may become a problem and infect others and so forth and so on, and on and on and all those illustrations…

So, one of the things we‘re seeing in the mapping is that we‘re looking at a bodygraph that‘s just showing us our uniqueness imprinting, and when we go down to the Sun/Earth configuration, we‘re showing 70% of that uniqueness imprinting. In other words, the major themes of our imprinting; but, when we go out to the 64 hexagram wheel, we‘re going back to similarity. Genetically the First Imprint is General and Similar We‘re actually stepping into another place.

The similarity derives from the first imprint, if I can speak that way genetically of our cell. The first imprint is general and similar. We work from general and similar to becoming unique. This is the mutative process that operates out of the similar and general and eventually leads to diversity and uniqueness.

So, if you really want to understand us, the first thing to recognize is that you have to get rid of the uniqueness of us, which is the bodygraph level, and you have to go into the cosmic level. You have to go into the larger, spiritual domain of wholeness, and see that we don‘t begin with a connection to the one. In that sense, it‘s always there because the bodygraph carries the complete matrix.” -Ra Uru Hu

Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea Syndrome

As it turns out, after a sleep measuremement

that where up to 5 breath stops is normal (per hour), I have 66
I snore at 68dB (like a loud telephone)
sleep too light and often wake myself, out of breath or cause of own snoring noise
have (at lowest) only 70% blood/oxygen saturation

which is super heavy on the body/arteries (like running a marathon), which then may/be cause of acid reflux issues and overweight (metabolism troubles). So I need a cpap machine (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

Subject: Overname

Weirdos in the mail:

Beste Directie,

Ik wil u bij deze laten weten dat wij de domeinnaam in de verkoop doen.

Via Google kwam ik uw website tegen en ik zag dat u soortgelijke diensten aanbiedt, dus vandaar dat ik u nu een mailtje stuur met de vraag of u geïnteresseerd bent in overname van deze domeinnaam.

Ik mag eenmalig aanbieden voor EUR 795,- ex btw. Voor deze prijs bent u de nieuwe eigenaar van de domeinnaam. De domeinnaam wordt zonder website of statistieken geleverd.

Wij gaan als volgt te werk:

Stap 1: We zijn het samen eens over de overname en verkoopprijs.
Stap 2: U levert ons uw facturatiegegevens, inclusief btw-nummer aan.
Stap 3: U ontvangt van ons een factuur én de verhuiscode van de domeinnaam.
Stap 4: U verhuist de domeinnaam en zet de domeinnaam op uw (bedrijfs)naam.
Stap 5: Wij zien de betaling van de factuur tegemoet.

Ik hoor graag of u interesse heeft in overname. Wat ons betreft kan de domeinnaam al binnen 24 uur op uw (bedrijfs)naam staan.

Fijne dag!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Sandra de Boer

Domain Office
domainoffice .nl

Bozzle Tungsten Carbide Nozzle – 0.5mm

The Bozzle nozzle is the very first high flow (and lower back pressure) tungsten carbide nozzle for 3D printing applications.

Tungsten carbide nozzles are capable of printing all 3D printing filaments due to their exceptional hardness, ultra high operating temperature and high thermal conductivity.

0.5mm orifice
No inserts – constructed out of a solid piece of tungsten carbide there are no inserts here
Non stick surface finish
Significantly increased layer to layer adhesion at same printing temperatures vs hardened steel nozzles
Compatible with V6 and MK8 hotend heatblock

This nozzle requires hot tightening. Install the nozzle, heat hotend to 20c over desired use, and hand tighten with a 6mm or 1/4″ socket.

This nozzle will print every material.

Neutrino Timezone calculations

Since the Neutrinos travel at near the speed of light (299.792.458 m/s) through (the diameter of) the Earth (12.742.000 m) all places on Earth have the exact same Neutrino stream. So even if, you were in another Time Zone During the Design imprint than during the Personality imprint, they will be the exact same everywhere.

ie, the Neutrinos cross ~23,5 Earths in one second
even Base for the Moon is ~35,39 seconds long (see
and it takes Neutrinos 0,042503 seconds to pass through Earth

operating correctly through your strategy and your authority

“We take drugs to change our moods. How easy it is— we‘ve got all kinds of receptors in the brain for endorphins that will immediately give us a chemistry that makes us feel good. And you have to see that the chemistry that makes you pessimistic, the chemistry that gives you this terrible feeling that’s all it is, is a chemistry.

One of my biggest things about trying to awaken the Personality is to remind you that the vehicle operates as a chemical thing, that the experiences of this or that, the up and down, the good mood and bad mood, the upset and not upset, and the melancholy and the not, it’s all just chemistry; nothing more, nothing less. But that chemistry—the whole thing about operating correctly through your strategy and your authority is that you align, you balance this chemistry. And that you don’t distort it so that you’re moving more towards the pessimistic or more towards the other side.

So many human beings that have been involved in drugs in their life and whether those drugs are pharmaceutical abuses or whether they are pleasure drugs or whether it’s alcohol or whatever the case may be, so many beings have gone that way because they have not found in their life experiences that were transforming. And it is the transforming experience that adds depth to the field of consciousness. It’s why we have a human experiential way.” -Ra Uru Hu

Analog Man Prince of Tone overdrive


The POT is pretty much the same as half of the King of Tone, with an external MODE switch standard. It is the same as the KOT with HIGHER GAIN option, so you can use the full range of the DRIVE knob and it has a little more drive at the top than a normal gain KOT. The DISTORTION mode is improved though, for a louder, stronger distortion sound. See for more info.

Power Jack is standard on the POT –

The TREBLE trimpot is inside, just like the KOT.

There are also two new DIP switches inside! They are a bit subtle at some knob settings and modes:

DIP1 : LO-MID lift switch. The tone from your lower strings will be enhanced a little when DIP switch is ON.

DIP2: TURBO switch- with higher gain settings you’ll hear deeper compression, especially in DIST mode. You will hear a brighter, crunchier sound with this on at higher DRIVE settings when this DIP switch is ON.

The three modes, as on the KOT, are:

1) Normal Overdrive mode (OD mode): This is the standard King Of Tone sound, – a touch drive available than a tube screamer. Can get much louder than a tube screamer. The RED side of KOT has this setting from the factory.

2) CLEAN mode : This mode has less distortion, it can be used for clean boosts or clearer, louder sounds. It’s sort of a cross between a true clean boost and an overdrive. CLEAN MODE is even less compressed and louder than the OD mode. I love this mode with high drive settings too! The YELLOW side of KOT has this setting from the factory.

3) DISTORTION mode : more drive than the standard mode- a touch of hard distortion. The sound is more compressed, yet retains the pedal’s character. Same volume as OD mode.

At low DRIVE settings, or when playing softly, there is not much difference between the three modes, they all can get pretty clean and have the same level at low drive settings. The ability to clean up when playing softly is a very useful feature of this pedal. The Drive knob works like the KOT with HIGHER GAIN OPTION, so you can set it anywhere and get great tones.

The DRIVE knob taper is different than the KOT. It comes up faster and more linear, while KOT has a lot going on from 2:00 to max. So comparison to a KOT with HG option will not be the same at the same knob position unless it’s up all the way, where they are the same.

We are making these by hand in China by the same people who are making our Analog Delay. Though it’s made in China, we use the same parts as the King of Tone – best Japanese chip and capacitors, not cheap Chinese parts. No surface mount parts, NO ROBOTS, everything is vintage style and hand wired for easy maintenance and repairs unlike most Chinese pedals and most USA “boutique” machine-made pedals which are disposable if they have any problems like a pot, jack, or switch that wears out.

POWER SUPPLY: A Standard Boss PSA120 type 9V DC adapter will work fine. Center is negative. The pedal uses only about 6mA of current at 9V. You can get a fuzzier sound if you want, at lower voltages, for example the SAG mode on the pedalpower2. When your battery dies you will notice the pedal will not get nice and clean, the sound will be hairier. Use a good Alkaline battery or a power supply for best results. You can use higher voltage for more headroom, 12V is common, 18V is safe too. Clean boost may be improved the most with higher voltage.

CHIPS: You can also try other standard dual op-amp chips in the Prince of Tone. Just make sure you put it in the right way, with the pin#1 dot on the side with the chip socket cut-out. The TS-808’s JRC4558D chip sounds good in this pedal, especially with single coil guitars and smaller Fender type amps. You can try a high fidelity chip for the CLEAN mode which may work well.

We made our own case for this pedal, it’s lower and a little shorter than our Beano Boost / Orange Squeezer / large SunFace box, and a little bigger than the Astrotone / Peppermint / small Sunface size.
Size is 2.5″ wide x 4.5″ long x 1.5″ tall, not including switch/knobs/jacks.

Buffer option
If you run through some long cables to your amp, or through some tone sucking pedals (volume pedals, etc) you might want to add the optional buffer inside the POT. If you run the POT into a pedal with a good buffer like our ARDX20, then it’s not needed at all. There is no room for a battery with the Buffer option. The buffer will work great at higher voltages like 12V or 18V also. See our BUFFER page for more info.

Source: Analog Man Prince of Tone overdrive