Solar Plexus

MoonBlog 11.6 adaptability

Koen Hillewaert : “an open head, open ajna has second hand thoughts and inspiration… not first hand… so the thoughts we have, the inspiration we have is not ours, it came from somebody else. Just like an undefined solar plexus gets and multiplies the emotions from the other…”


Just because we don’t have -consistent access to- the Solar Plexus, does not mean we do not have emotions of our own, ever, at all.

Or thoughts.

This is one of those things that get said in HD that really go too far, are being taken literal, for having been an analogy.

If and when being in aura with someone else, there is the -potential- to take in and amplify theirs, but it is not singularly true, all the time. You can sit with them, they get emotionally triggered, and you not. The Natural and Healthy State of the Undefined Solar Plexus is: emotionally quiet. And this can happen perfectly fine in aura with others.

Never your own thoughts, what a lot of bullcrap is that man. I live and spend so much time alone that I can tell when it is yours or mine. And much of the bullshit I think, is truly mine… well ok, it’s my minds.

Such a notion pretends there is no true self behaviour in undefined centers.
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MoonBlog 40.1 Recuperation

The denial of the defined Solar Plexus, and the open diversion of blame to the other.


Something peculiar and noteworthy can be observed interacting with the defined SP. It is that many are not open at all to this so called truth confrontation, not open to hear other peoples perspectives on their very own behavior and actions, especially when it is not supporting how or what they perceive to feel, or think to feel about.

An interesting phenomenon takes place that is not malignant, but happens o so subtle but profound all the same, is that whenever you speak up about an action, even a mere observation about it, the other gets told to have a problem, is mean, does not play by the rules, and most of all, they perceive to be genuinely hurt by your remark.

Without ever looking at the content of it, the validity of it, or even to seek to understand the perception of the other, why someone has perceived it this way.

It does not matter even if you are factual, all that matters is, that you have told them, in some form or way as they were blissfully unaware, that you resent them for something, which they feel innocent about doing or being.

It seems a great terror comes over them that you are unappreciative and thus unaccepting of something they themselves see as an integral part of their emotional truth in this world.

Regardless if in that very moment they’re making a fool of themselves, are slaughtering kittens, voicing or writing complete nonsense, or just kicked you in the nuts.

The switch around comes back so quickly that as you voice or lament your concern for your testicles or kittens, you get confronted instead with voicing that. “How dare you challenge anything that I do, you are not a victim, nothing really happened to you, but you have a problem that is sure and also how incredibly rigid it is that you deny this part of me, that you exclude me partially, bad, bad, bad you.”

Then they really do take and make it personal, ad hominem
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MoonBlog 7.2

The emotionally overwhelmed mind is unaware of any consequences, being caught up in only now, in this single moment of the wave there is no perception beyond this now. This can start to really fuck things up when speaking or acting before the clarity has actually arrived.

Following up on the wild interpretation of the intensity and ravishing all within reach for that singular phased truth, now. To only learn about the mis-take later, and to further the depth of drama may even beg for forgiveness, by that time it is either not applicable or can be too late.

It is the mind that regrets what the mind has done, in response to that momentary perception of this particular now, of this singular phase of the wave. If and when there is no truth in the now, who is speaking anyway and what is the content?
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