Now, we have all kinds of speculation about the nature of the aura. In order for us to connect with the other, in order for us to be directly conditioned-in other words, you have a gate in a channel and it’s open and somebody has a gate in the same channel at the other end, the harmonic gate-in order for that definition to come into existence your auras have to make contact.
But they make contact in different ways. And different auras have different sizes. The first thing about the size of the aura, the size of the aura is not static. It breathes. If you’re an urbanite and you have to get on the subway you’re going to pull your aura in. And when I say you are going to pull, it’s not that you consciously do that. Your aura will pull in. In other words, the aura breathes. And it’s very important not to see it as something that is static. It’s not like you’re moving in a fixed shell, like you’re inside an egg or something. You really have to understand that this is something that is breathing.
More than that, that breathing fluctuation can go from being quite large-so for example, if you stand up and you place your arms up in the air away from you, spreading your arms as far as they can so you’ve got your full wingspan, if you double the length of that distance, twice an arm length on either side going all the way around you in every direction, that’s approximately the maximum potential. Now, if you think carefully about that, what that means is that if you’re living in an apartment building and your bedroom has a common wall with a neighbor next door, they’re always sleeping with you.
I don’t want to shock any of you, but I truly want you to understand that. If you’re living in one of these modern buildings that has a very low ceiling, then you’re in contact with those that are above you, and you’re in contact with those that are below you. Your aura will go through anything. It does go through walls. If you’re living beside a street and there is a room in your house or your flat that is very close to a pedestrian walkway everybody walking by walks through your house. It’s something to keep in mind.
So the aura is more than something that’s static. The aura is something that is breathing. But that’s not what I really want to talk to you about today. I want you to understand that each type has a unique aura. Now, that’s just logical. Each type is a very specific configuration genetically. They operate very differently from each other. Their strategies are different from each other. And it’s essential to see that it also is evident in their aura. So let me describe to you the four different auras of the four types.