
‘Cause we need a little, controversy

to all moralists, liars and other 5 centered idiots, Sjef says: “of the 12 women into HD that had sex with me, averaging not even one HD sex partner per year of being into HD

about 4 have I taught any HD before the sex, with well over 200 that is averaging less than 1 in 50

the other 8 I either never taught or it was after the sex.”

If you read some of my writings and sharing and happen to experience a drive to –not– connect, great. If you do experience a drive to connect, great, you are hereby invited, asked, informed and initiated to do so through the contact page.
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Let’s begin at the beginning.

Dharmen Swann-Herbert 1/3 Reflector, RAX of the Unexpected

“Reflectors are the only beings born with no definition, unlike everybody else. We have activations. What that means is that our auras are different, but not entirely so. Manifestors’ auras are closed and insulating. Generators’ auras are open and enveloping. Projectors’ auras are focused and absorbing. But Reflectors’ auras are sampling, which means these auras open and close, and our openness amplifies that experience. Reflectors will never experience definition, only conditioning, as that is our nature. This is where the Reflector begins life in the open vastness with no definition, and no hope of ever being defined. Always conditioned, always looking to be like everybody else; always seeking to be filled in. Until a Reflector finds their path, we are lost in the sea of conditioning. And here is the cosmic joke, every Reflector is different from every other Reflector, and yet all seeking the same thing– to find themselves.

Reflectors have the greatest ally– the Moon. But here’s another of those jokes — only the Personality Moon can show the Reflector our unique way. We’re open, there is not center energy guide for us, it’s the Moon that shows us our way, and in the only way it can– through our personality. Why, you might ask is this so? It’s really quite simple — our personality is what is conscious to us. When we as a Reflector accept the moon as our teacher, we are on the way to finding our path. Reflectors are the student of experience and experience comes to us amplified.

Conditioning is always amplified so that we can become intimate with experience. Experience reveals how energy gets experienced. Every 28.5 days shows the Reflector what energy feels like, looks like, smells like, tastes like, flows like. Every 28.5 days gives the Reflector a glimpse of what an experience is, and all based on what the Reflector has activated. This is mechanical. Not personal. But the stories are personal. The stories are the Reflectors greatest teacher, because the stories are amplified too.

You begin to see the beauty of design. The mind takes in all the conditioning and turns that conditioning into stories, and the Reflector is here to see all those stories in their openness. Every time the mind is saying something, it is telling you a story about what has happened, what is going to happen, or what may happen – based upon your conditioning. It does not tell stories about what is actually happening; what is actually happening is experienced only through direct observation. When we can see this phenomenon, we become the guides of observation.

This is our role, to see how all of the stories make experience personal; to become aware of how these stories are not our actual life. Our work is to become aware that the mind and its stories are not an actual experience; but what they do is provide us with an example of how experience is seen by the mind. Our life as a Reflector is a moment by moment experience of what comes and goes. This takes place when we sacrifice trying to be like everyone else, we gain the gift of understanding of how energy is experienced.

This is the wisdom the Reflector can bring when they find their path, and when they trust their openness. So for Reflectors, the thing to recognize, that there is no experience you are mechanically designed to hold onto, to have consistently; because experience is your life.”

Dharmen Swann-Herbert –

Moonblog 49.6 attraction

reflector sampling, or… not-self? 😉

I once bought a Digital Multi Meter. Hadn’t had one in a while and building guitar pedals, working on motorbikes and what not, they come in handy. So I buy a new one from a so-so brand for about 40 bucks I think. Conrad’s own Voltcraft VC175.

At one point it stops working, all I get are four dashes – – – – and not 0.035volts for instance.

So I try to find another one to replace it, second hand this time, and preferably a brand. I find one that looks a bit crummy but is super easy to use and has all the functions that I think I need and it’s a Fluke, 113 model. Stil twice the price of the other one new, but hey, its a Fluke.

Once home I clean the outside up a little with water and soap and use it, and it’s great. Until I need to do some tests and I get weird results. I even end up sending the pcb elsewhere for testing and finding out what is wrong. Turns out, all the tests run fine, my meter is off ! So seemingly fully functioning, but wrong values.

So I decide to scour the interwebs for advice for another one. Cause I’m not that enthusiastic about getting a ‘better’ 200 bucks Fluke this time, even if I love my gadgets and I like well known stuff, but let’s see what the experts have to say. There I find there are kinda 2 camps, the cheapos and the semi-professionals. The cheapos advice the Aneng AN8008 or AN8009 for about 20 bucks, new, incl shipping from China and the semi-professionals advice the Brymen BM235 which costs about 95 bucks brand new, excl shipping.

I realize one meter is no meter, you need to be able to check yours if anything is off. So I decide to buy them both, it’s only 20 bucks extra and the cheaper one is quite liked too, so why not? I see a funny GM328A meter gadget for 3 pin diodes and whatnot for 15 bucks and get that one too.

Realising also, that my electronic work and interest is growing and that maybe it is time for an oscilloscope too. Go into the deep end of measuring and the semi-professionals kinda agree on the Rigol DS1054Z as a great beginners scope, so that one is in the back of my mind/on the wannahave list. Meanwhile I also read up on calibrating Digital Multi Meters and find the ‘DMM Check Plus‘ which comes with a proper calibration report so you can always verify your meters and their measured results, or compare to each other how precise they are, mmm yum, I like that even better ! 🙂

Slowly slowly the meters arrive, and while I’m making a post about the different meters, I see a picture of the inside of the Voltcraft VC175

And I notice 2 fuses… so I open it up and with the new Brymen BM235 I check the fuses, and the 10A 5600V one is working, but the 0.5A 600V is broken. Would it.. could it be?

I order a few spare fuses and once they arrive I replace the broken one and voilà ! No more dashes and reading normal values….

So now having 4 Digital Multi Meters, of which 3 are working fine (fluke is still flakey), one gadgety one, an oscilloscope and a calibrated meter checker/tester, when all I needed was to replace one fuse? Was it?

Happy sampling ! 🙂
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MoonBlog 28.1 preparation

I’m about to throw in the towel, leave all these FB HD groups. Again 😉

The influx of newbies who are drawn in by people like Jenna Zoe selling people ‘Reflector muffins’ and ‘dieting by Type’, combined with the groups admin/moderators too uninterested in keeping the contents about HD.

I really enjoy sharing experience and knowledge with others about HD, in individual sessions, classes and in those groups.

But it seems it is just not my network anymore, when other Certified or semi Professionals also use such groups for shooting from the hip and just blabber from their minds.

I don’t care about the newbie doing so, it is what we are here for, to help guide the way, shine the light, give proper info.

But when the trained, or even certified start doing so, I know it is no longer ‘safe’ for me anymore. When some caretakers take a break themselves, and the groups instantly become much much worse.

Now I know it is in part the Transits cause every single year around this time, this notion happens. I know it is the 4th line overwhelm and sense of abdication.
Is it my Kiron Return of last May? Is it the caving in of the structure of the Cross of Planning too?

I just don’t feel available anymore to the masses, the lurkers, the silent readers, and the network seems depleted, or at least shrinking.

Anyways, maybe see you again elsewhere
(For now, I left a couple of badly moderated groups, and blocked a few more idiots, maybe it helps)
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The one thing…

… that an energy type likes about a non-energy type – The Projector – is that the Projector is interested in them. That’s true; this is the Projector. They’re interested in the other.

So when an energy type meets a Reflector they’re surprised; they’re often upset. “They’re not interested in me.” They expect that interest to be there; it is not there. The Reflector aura samples, it takes just a touch of the other. No more. It isn’t to say that when you see a Reflector with somebody else and you’re doing a composite chart, because I can hear the question coming, that they don’t activate it. Yes, of course, they do. This is just simple basic mechanics. But it’s very important to understand something. It has a very, very minimal effect and in terms of conditioning. It is nowhere as powerful as the same activations coming from the planets. And this is the difference.

The Reflector has no way to protect itself from the daily program. So, in fact, more than any other creature on this planet they are designed to be deeply impacted by the program—Sun worshipers, actually. It may be that the Reflector cycle is ruled by the Moon, but they are focused on the neutrino field. It is what they’re here to take in. They’re here to take in the primary programming information.”

– Ra Uru Hu

Reflectors with their sampling aura

“can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits.

Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…

No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves –

all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…
from outside of their aura –

Reflectors/initiated…” Leela Swann-Herbert