‘it is only unconscious to the mind, not to the body’

Our natural state is love; our very essence is love. When we are present to our experience of life, it is an experience of love. Love of our self, love of life – those are just labels to try to describe the felt-sense of awareness of being present, here, now.
The mind is very good at interpreting the body’s experience into a story, and that story repetitive in our internal dialog, can harden into a pattern – a neural pathway that can be triggered by a similar experience, a passing energy that the mind interprets once again – and into a story.
As 9-centered humans, we are capable of the felt-sense of awareness of love, while also capable of identifying with the story that our mind is telling us. The dilemma is that we have been trained to believe that we are our mind, rather than training the mind to be an observer of our experience. We believe the mind’s story that we should find love in a particular person, that love should carry us from one peak experience of excitement and happiness to the next, that there is something in particular life should give us as an experience of love – and if only we did this or that, we’d have it. Or, we believe the mind’s story that we are not worthy of love, we are broken and wounded, and will never find love if we don’t change this or that about ourselves.
Love is like an ever-shining internal light, showing us ourselves, as we experience the pure love of communion with our self. The dilemma is that we don’t see it at all. The internal dialog or mental stories are like blinds which block that internal love light. The blinds may be beautiful or ugly, but we find them captivating our attention, so that we never see the inner light itself. We don’t recognize love, because we are stuck looking at the obstacles, the blinds that we put in the way between us and our actual experience of life.
With the mechanics of Human Design, the path to self-love is a binary path. On the one side, we have to train the mind to observe the experience of the present moment, the life that the body is experiencing. In order to train the mind, we have to be able to see the conditioning blinds, the persistent illusion that the mind is focused upon. When we can see the conditioning stories, we can begin to observe what is beyond them.
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Uno, dos, uno, dos

The next generation rhythm machine

Boss DR-880 Dr. Rhythm
The DR-880 is a rhythm-programming powerhouse that’s loaded with world-class drum, percussion, and bass sounds from Roland’s famous SRX library. It also includes a stunning collection of original waveforms. You can get microscopic with the DR-880, but you also have the option of taking the simple route with its three EZ Compose buttons, which allow original patterns to be constructed without note-by-note programming hassles. Patterns can be taken deeper with the Groove Modify feature, where various groove and triplet feels can be applied. Ghost notes and fills can also be added automatically. Guitar and bass players can join the action by plugging directly to the DR-880’s Guitar/Bass Input jack, and playing through the built-in COSM Drive/Amp models and multi-effects.
Innovative EZ Compose feature for quick, hassle-free programming, 440 world-class drum and percussion sounds, 40 bass sounds with COSM bass-amp models, Guitar/bass input, multi-effects, COSM amp models, 3 independent insert effects (EQ and compression), TSC (Total Sound Control) featuring 3-band EQ and high-quality ambience, 1,000 patterns (500 preset, 500 user); easily add fills, ghost notes, chord progressions, and more, 20 velocity-sensitive pads, Four assignable footswitch and expression-pedal inputs, Individual outputs, digital out, USB port
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Crescent Moon HDR
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2020 August 24

Image Credit & Copyright: Miguel Claro (TWAN, Dark Sky Alqueva) (posted with permission)
Explanation: How come the crescent Moon doesn’t look like this? For one reason, because your eyes can’t simultaneously discern bright and dark regions like this. Called earthshine or the da Vinci glow, the unlit part of a crescent Moon is visible but usually hard to see because it is much dimmer than the sunlit arc. In our digital age, however, the differences in brightness can be artificially reduced. The featured image is actually a digital composite of 15 short exposures of the bright crescent, and 14 longer exposures of the dim remainder. The origin of the da Vinci glow, as explained by Leonardo da Vinci about 510 years ago, is sunlight reflected first by the Earth to the Moon, and then back from the Moon to the Earth.
Fa vay em

Listening to you, I get the music
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Hugs are free, kisses 1 dollar

And I’m seeing things mighty clear today, I’m alive
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Vinz ‘Everest’ Ground Wall Anchor
Drill 4 holes in concrete (16mm wide, 70mm deep). Attach ART4 certified wall anchor to wall. Put 4 ball-bearing balls in hex heads. Lock bike to wall

You are seconds from the impact, but you’re movin’ way too slow
initiated by Ra