Are you serious?
Sjef Romijn talks with Fabrice Mars
Sjef: I want to make an analogy for people starting in Human Design. When I started in Human Design, that first day that I heard my Type, my Reflector Type, I also got this information about my Variables. So my PHS and all that.
Fabrice: Are you serious?
Sjef: The first day, and, it took me 5 years before I was actually ready to, to know about it, to work with it. Right? And I see many people, that are more interested in knowing about their PHS and this and that, than to use their Strategy & Authority, than to apply Human Design.
It’s this, this race for information. Right?
And I’ve made an analogy to, to give an example why I think it’s ‘wrong’, I mean, I’m not sure how to put it, but…
-When you learn how to drive a car, when you learn the rules of the road, you don’t need to know about the driveshaft-joints. It’s irrelevant. You don’t need to know it.
When you become a garagist maybe you need to know about it, but if you’re just starting to take your lessons with driving a car, or a motorbike, or… this information is not helping you.
It is distracting you from Living Your Design, because you go… ‘oh I’m Color 2, I’m Tone this’
What is the relevance? There is -no- relevance.
Some people, they use this information very quick and they use it correctly. Other people, 16 years into Human Design, they never touch it, it is correct for them not to touch it.
What is correct for you? And you can only find out what is correct for you: Strategy & Authority. Not, chasing information, and then, you know, wearing it ‘oh I am Color 2 and Tone so-and-so’
No, doesn’t work … like that
Talking about Human Design and my new guitar
Fabrice Mars talks with Sjef Romijn.
Fabrice: Hello Sjef. Nice to see you, always nice to see you and meeting some Opportunistic Role Model, working on himself. So, it’s a rare feat and it’s a treat to have access to that. That’s why I want to give you access to this equipment because I feel that you have many stuff to share with people about: “what is the experience of Human Design?”
Sjef: And it took me a while myself before actually making decisions according to my Strategy and Authority. I was caught up with knowing this and knowing that and then talking about knowing this and knowing that. But to actually, in my case of course I’m a Reflector, to wait, to actually wait with a decision, 28-ish days, to actually wait. And you know in the beginning not even looking at ‘ok today this is my decision’, tomorrow this is my decision and journaling all that. But just to, to allow myself to wait. That took a while before I actually started applying it. And once you do and once you know, once you -know-, then you make different decisions.
And it’s so different that when you are not mentally convinced about it, but you know, you -know-. I jump on my motorbike and I buy a guitar. I -know- this is correct and it happens. My mind was like: ‘what are you doing? You don’t have money for this guitar.’ So…? I did and it was ok, it was correct. And to find yourself not strategizing, not making it up, not … becoming mentally certain that it’s correct. I’m not certain that it’s correct. I do and then ‘ohh, ok, this is my experience and now I have this guitar, ok cool.’ And I just use the guitar and when it’s correct, I’ll sell it. Without trying to ‘oh I need money or I don’t need money, or I don’t have the money. This will be a good guitar, I like the color’, no. it’s not about this mental process, of trying to persuade myself it’s correct.
Fabrice: That’s the key element, because I see many people they take a decision and after, they make everything uuhh, they take all the parameters to make it possible. They go see people ‘oh please how shall I do it? Tell me, tell me. I need to go there, tell me the way.’ And ooh ok sure lets invoke the spirit. I don’t say you don’t have techniques and accesses and I am not denying this aspect of things but what it’s going to be of use for your daily life. Is it going to make it better? Or is it still the same like: ‘Universe listen to me?’
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Are you, living it?
Design Humain: Approche et Bases (French Edition)
Manuel Introductif au Design Humain (French Edition) – Kindle edition by Fabrice Mars
Vous vous demander ce qu’est le Design Humain (Human Design) et comment l’aborder? Ce livre est fait pour vous. Vous y trouverez les bases pratiques de ce savoir pour vous aider à l’aborder de façon simple. Ce livre couvre les différents types énergétiques et leurs stratégies, les autorités intérieures ainsi que les profils. Sans être un ouvrage exhaustif, ce livre apporte des éléments simples et basiques pour commencer à regarder le Design Humain de plus près.
Voici donc un manuel qui se focalise sur les bases élémentaires du Human Design. Souhaitez-vous en savoir un peu plus sur votre propre unicité, sur ce qui vous rend véritablement unique? En avez-vous assez de la pression du mental au quotidien, de toutes ses décisions à prendre et qui rend la vie parfois bien compliquée?
Le savoir du Human Design est incroyablement vaste et pourtant ce sont ses bases qui font la différence au quotidien, pas besoin de tout connaître, bien au contraire. Comprenez votre stratégie et votre autorité intérieure et vous aurez enfin les clefs de votre propre expérience, ayez conscience de votre profil et vous serez enfin à l’aise avec votre propre costume dans la vie.
Tous ces éléments sont abordés dans ce livre qui constitue une excellente porte d’entrée pour améliorer votre conscience au travers de cet incroyable outil qu’est le Design Humain. L’auteur de ce livre est analyste professionnel diplômé et enseigne ce savoir tout en s’efforçant de retranscrire avec fidélité la fréquence originelle de la transmission afin de la rendre accessible à un plus grand nombre.