brutal, quick and sturdy
for T-Matik connector 30 B-type slot 8
After not liking some elements of the first lathe I got, the Emco Unimat 4 I went looking for another one, that did have those features or differently than this Emco, while still being quite small in size, but not capability.
An Emco Compact 5 was an option, cause it could also do threading, but most for sale were too expensive for their age/usage and not a lot were offered anyways. The 2 major other ones were Sherline and Taig (also known als Peatol or Grimberg) and even if Sherline also makes a lot of stuff in metric, you just don’t see them sold in EU much, Taig however, even if not metric, was. And then I found one.
made a 3060-3030 extrusion frame with my Wabeco/Compact 5 drill/mill-press for the Unimat 4 mini-lathe with hidden joints.