a not so Human Design soap
so (carefull, mansplaining here!) the title of the book ‘How to fuck a woman’s brains out’ to me means, to be so devoted to loving your partner -mind, body and soul- that she has no more desires left. That you have cared and catered for her so much, that she says: “thank you, I’m fine.”
Which is what I indeed try to do. And it is a big task, because I’m just a man, and to go that far is not easy. But the journey there is freaking awesome, and incredibly entertaining. No misogyny anywhere.
And one could go all bananas with my open centers and say: “see there, is not-self of him, in this center, that gate, ooh look at the color here.” Great.
Let’s begin with the close read and break-down of the comments on this feuilleton, after these screencaps: