Bodies don’t wake up.

“That can actually sound quite cute. But anyway they don’t. They don’t. Vehicles don’t wake up. It’s not even in their criteria. Vehicles are vehicles. Only passengers can wake up.

To break through that, it’s not enough to say “Ok, follow your strategy, honor your inner authority.” You can’t imagine, well, I guess you can because most of you have heard it, I say this endlessly, it is my “take two aspirins and go to bed,” over and over and over again, but it’s not enough when it comes to any attempt to awaken the passenger. As I said earlier, you can follow your design and have the serendipity that your passenger sees. There isn’t anything to say that there isn’t a 2nd line somewhere that will come to that quite naturally. It’s all possible. But in terms of the vast population, in terms of the vast majority of people who will experiment with this knowledge? No. No, it’s not a given because it is a gift and not a right. How about that? It’s not a right.

There can be a number of ways. You can be Krishnamurti. That is, you can have a fabulous intellectual mind. And through the very glory of your intellectual mind you can get to a resolute place of recognizing choicelessness. Bravo, very few beings can do that. It’s impressive, but very few can. You can have satori, that incredible epiphany, magical moment, whatever you want to call it, in which suddenly seeing is there. So many of the beings that we call masters, gurus, whatever, have had these kinds of experiences where suddenly there’s this seeing and everybody says “ah”; yeah, well, ok. It’s not transferable. We’re talking about transference and we’re talking about what’s transferable. I have no right as a teacher to teach anything that isn’t transferable” – Ra Uru Hu