We are Here to Communicate Outer Authority
We are all here to communicate our outer authority. It’s what we’re about. And we know it is not easy to find those that we can communicate with and we are understood. Human beings talking to each other, how little they hear each other. When your mind is in control of your life and you’re having a heated discussion with somebody, your mind is so busy trying to figure out how to win, control, defeat the other, defend oneself, and prepare the next sentence. And while you’re preparing the next sentence you don’t hear what’s being said because you don’t care, because you’re just dealing with homogenized views and homogenized views can always be argued about, because there is no universal truth. There isn’t. It’s a myth.
There are universal homogenized accept abilities. Truth is unique; it’s just unique. And it’s not about saying when someone receives outer authority and that person tells them something in that outer authority that does not have to become their truth. It is simply something that has been communicated. We don’t understand that kind of communication. We don’t.
This is the way in which the program tries to compensate, there are all these hidden fractal lines. There are these natural mathematical partners. It doesn’t mean they’re there to be your lovers, your friends, but they are certainly going to be those forces that when you communicate they hear it. And if it resonates within them they pass it along—“you’ll never guess what I heard yesterday.” This is the movement.
It’s why I’m always so concerned about simplicity. It’s not because I think that those beings that are interested in Human Design don’t have the grasp. The greatest dilemma of a knowledge like this is how misleading intelligence is. It’s misleading. When you understand the nature of fractal you realize that simple is the only way that you get beyond the third or fourth or fifth or sixth generation of communication. It’s the only way that anything moves. I’m a 5/1; I’m here to call universally. You can’t do that when the language is so complex that nobody can truly grasp it. It has to be simple.
And if something can be distilled down to the simple and stand up to testing, then it is something that will move down the fractal line. And it says something about all communication, is that one of the things that we avoid the most in our dealing with the other is the simple. We don’t say what we really think; we don’t say what we really feel. We couch things in coded expressions, innuendos, facial movement. We don’t really share what’s really there because we don’t know how, and I’m speaking of humanity. -Ra Uru Hu, Facets & Fractals, Advanced Base Theory