Characteristics Do Not Matter When Living Out Your Purpose

“We’re talking both the fulfillment of purpose. Everything about the cross is about the potential to fill your purpose. It is very difficult to get to that place where your cross runs your life. I know. And when your cross takes over in your life boy does it take over. It’s almost as frightening as the idea of giving up the not-self, because your purpose is something that does not honor your characteristics.
So for example, let’s say that you’re an anti-social nasty savage little survivor like me. And you get on the wheel and the wheel turns you into some kind of social interactive good-for-everybody nice guy. But that’s the cross. And it doesn’t matter once you’re into the movement of your purpose what your characteristics are.
Characteristics only matter when you’re stuck with your not-self and you’re unawake. This is the whole thing about my joke about not being furniture in a movie, background. The background doesn’t mean anything. But the moment you give background purpose it jumps to the front of the lens and everybody can see it. And it doesn’t matter where you come from. The coward in the movie in the background that suddenly emerges as the hero and everybody is wondering where that come from.
Your characteristics don’t matter when you’re living out your purpose. They don’t. If I was living out my not-self my nature, my very characteristics would create problems for me in this life as they did before I knew all of this. They just would. And purpose would never allow me to transcend the problems of my characteristics, never. That’s the magic of being yourself, because the moment that you really are leaving out your nature your cross will take over, your purpose will take over and out of that will come its archetypal demand and the opportunity to be fulfilled that way, whatever that way happens to be.” Ra Uru Hu – Incarnation Crosses by Profile, I The Quarter of Initiation