
Passive Desktop Monitor Controller

Heritage Audio’s Baby RAM is the ultimate passive-monitoring system, delivering the most transparent signal with the best stereo imaging of any other passive designs available!

The Baby RAM is a boutique, passive-circuit monitor controller inspired by classic European console designs. A Baby RAM is the ultimate controller for total transparency — a zero-compromise signal path, paired with a simplified control set ensures your monitors receive the cleanest, purest signal possible without unnecessary complications.

The Baby RAM proudly features a 4 gang, 24 step rotary switch for volume as opposed to cheaper stereo potentiometers, which means the precision of your stereo signal is perfect on every position as well as offering a subtenth of a dB precision on every single attenuation position! Baby RAM also has no insertion loss, meaning that there’s no extra coloration, signal loss or degradation at any settings.

Even though the Baby RAM packs a zero-compromise circuit design, it couldn’t be any easier to use with 2 pairs of stereo inputs and outputs — both balanced and ground free (unbalanced compatible) on gold plated TRS jacks. Mute, Dim, Mono, and Volume monitoring controls make the Baby RAM a breeze to work with. And with it’s passive design, it also means you have no concerns with bad power supplies, as no electrical current is needed!

The Baby RAM is built with the most cutting edge methods in manufacturing and design, without ever compromising audio quality or cutting corners.
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Gate 57 Line 3 Acuteness

In the collective and in the tribe, there is no recognition for Reflectors, they are not seen/acknowledged, asked, initiated, prodded. Except talked about in the third person sense.

Only in individual interaction, are they seen
and maybe/perhaps even praised for their impact and influence, their razor sharp perception and guidance. Yet, however, even then not by many.

For the hard hearing and newbies: the HD ‘community’ is most certainly not excluded from this. Just mechanics and duality.
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MoonBlog 47.2 Ambition

Once gone through the Rave Cosmology series, none of it/this matters anymore. These concepts (gods, spirituality and their supposed containers to what is and is not included and which modality includes what part of this or that) just become superfluous, and that was fun to experience.

When things don’t need to make any sense anymore, cause conceptualising it makes no more sense.
Seeing that only the ego/mind seeks to hold on to them, or identify, or use as a crutch, or even as a navigational tool (living strictly by the rules of a religion or dogma or spiritual belief etc)

When you experiment and notice when you drop a few, as a test, nothing happened. Until you drop it all, and still nothing happened. Nothing bad per se. Looking at life through as little lenses as possible.
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Taig Peatol Grimberg mini lathe

After not liking some elements of the first lathe I got, the Emco Unimat 4 I went looking for another one, that did have those features or differently than this Emco, while still being quite small in size, but not capability.
An Emco Compact 5 was an option, cause it could also do threading, but most for sale were too expensive for their age/usage and not a lot were offered anyways. The 2 major other ones were Sherline and Taig (also known als Peatol or Grimberg) and even if Sherline also makes a lot of stuff in metric, you just don’t see them sold in EU much, Taig however, even if not metric, was. And then I found one.

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We gaan winnon!

According to Joost himself: “‘Europapa’ is about an orphan who travels throughout Europe (and beyond) to find himself and tell his story. At first, people don’t recognise him, but he goes on seizing any opportunity he gets to let himself be seen. ‘Europapa’ is a tribute to my father. When bringing me up, he passed on to me an expansive view of the world”

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“Any reflector’s group to join ? I would love to join an online community”

Often run by non studying non deconditioning admins who think New Age religion and pseudo psycho analysis with subjective moralism is the way, preferably combined with Myers-Briggs, colour yoga, mineral hugging and countless years of youtube Astrology. Not a great place for unsuspecting Reflectors to be.

Your mileage may vary 😉

“Due to being so completely open, everything you ‘feel’ is not from you.”

Please don’t be ridiculous. Every human has their own feelings and thoughts, and emotions too. Reflectors experience their own sorrow, sadness, joy, etc. Just because we –can– mirror does not make –everything– a reflection.

15 Reflectors in one room, and they, potentially, all reflect something else of that room. Some may not even reflect anything.

Knackered and fuckered

I visited a buddy on Sunday, helping with the settings on his 3d printer that we modified together

He tells me on monday he is not going to work cause he got a high fever

I feel my throat a little but an occasional cough is not that weird

The next morning I’m fucked and fucked over. It’s like all my nerve endings are firing as if there is pain, muscle aches but also serious brain aches, my jaw, my teeth, inside my teeth, inside my brain, my neck

The internet says; no cure, wait it out, up to max 10 days

And I could have sworn paracetamol used to be 4x 2 tablets a day, is now max 6 per day total.

meanwhile the builders want to install the city/water heating, but they’re not coming cause the neighbours are not also home, so I wait and wait, till I finally get back into bed

Wait, comma, pause.

I sleep another 9 hours, in between I have some little foods, and more paracetamol, and just sleep, or try to.

then some tv watching in the middle of the night, now, the next morning, my multiple aches seem gone but my throat hurts real bad. And I’m so tired, pffff

Put on some thermo underwear, but still a little cold, brrrr

Which reminds me of:

47.4 Repression. The constraints of external oppression.
Exalted: The strength of identity that even in times of the most powerful oppression can maintain its resources and to some extent ensure their survival for the benefit of others. A sense of identity that can be maintained despite external conditioning.
Detriment: When robbed of its light, the Moon is lost in darkness; barely able to nourish itself, let alone others. The identity overwhelmed by external conditioning.

A Most Powerful Adversary

Kevin: “If you want me to do something, just fucking say it.”

Patti: “I’m glad you finally asked, Kevin. There is something you need to do.
In Cairo, Egypt, there is an ancient artifact. It’s in a museum now. They found it in the tomb of Amenhotep. Scholars call it the wishing cup. You need to acquire this cup. It’s more of a chalice, actually. It’s gonna be heavily guarded, but you need to get it any way you can. Because once you do, you need to fill it with your cum, Kevin. And then you need to drink it down. Every last drop.

Jesus, Kevin! I have no fucking idea what you’re supposed to do.”

Keynote: Self-empowering of zelfbevrediging?

art by Felicitas Driessen ©®™

In Human Design worden specifieke woorden gebruikt om bepaalde eigenschappen te duiden. Dit heet keynoting. Een ander woord voor keynote is ‘grondtoon’ maar ook ‘trefwoord’. Het Engels kent meerdere lagen van het woord keynote. Human Design is ook een heel gelaagd systeem en de keynotes zijn als het ware tonen of trillingen waar het lichaam en je DNA op resoneert.

Gedurende mijn PTL-opleiding (opleiding tot professioneel analist) moesten wij als studenten wekelijks huiswerk insturen waarbij wij voortdurend begeleid werden in het correct en nauwkeurig gebruik van de keynotes. Het werk werd ingestuurd en vervolgens kregen wij op een A-4tje feedback teruggestuurd. Wij werden als het ware ‘gedrild’ op keynoting. Kortom ik heb geleerd om het beestje bij de naam te noemen volgens het Human Design Systeem van Ra Uru Hu.

Onlangs schreef ik over wat het programma voor 2024 door de lens van Human Design in petto heeft. Hierop kreeg ik een reactie omtrent het gebruik van het woord ‘overleven’ voor kanaal 57-10 ipv ‘self-empowerment’ met als reden dat het woord ‘overleven’ mensen bang maakt en een lage trilling heeft en met het woord ‘self-empowerment’ til je mensen op en zend je een hogere trilling de wereld in en het betrof immers een integratiekanaal waarbij ‘het tenslotte om self-empowerment draait’.
Het bericht eindigde met ‘als je mij vraagt zou ik het zo doen’. Uhm, a) ik heb je niet om jouw mening gevraagd én b) ik ben ik en doe de dingen op mijn eigen wijze. Je kunt ‘als je mij vraagt’ ook omdraaien zoals Byron Katie altijd zegt: “turn it around” en mij vragen waarom heb je het zo gedaan? Nou, wel hierom:

Ik gebruik de keynotes zoals ik het geleerd heb volgens het Human Design Systeem van Ra Uru Hu. Niet het Human Design van Karen Curry, Richard Rudd, Steve Rhodes of wie dan ook. En met die originele kennis begon ik destijds te observeren en al vrij snel begonnen de kwartjes te vallen waarop ik oud ingesleten niet-zelf gedrag achterwege kon laten. Als ik een stuk schrijf, is het nooit slechts vanuit de theorie, maar vanuit een combinatie met mijn eigen ervaring.

Waar gaat het over? Het thema van het Rave New Year. De definitie van kanaal 57-10, kanaal van de perfecte vorm, een design van overleven. Waarom zou ik dat anders noemen? Nou omdat, zo schrijft deze persoon, naar eigen zeggen ‘een expert’ van het Human Design systeem, ik mensen bang maak door het woord ‘overleven’ te gebruiken ipv ‘self-empowerment’ en daarmee een lage frequentie de wereld instuur. Ik heb dat even laten bezinken. En……. Wauw! Ik bedoel……WAUW! Human Design keynotes misbruiken als wapen door mij emotioneel te framen als iemand die mensen bang maakt en lage frequenties de wereld instuurt om jezelf te verheffen als een beter mens die mensen bekrachtigd in hun zijn? Dat heet ego-vergroting als ik mij niet vergis.

Even laten bezinken en het levert inspiratie op. Deze blog bijvoorbeeld. Stel ik had geschreven zoals de commentator beliefde. Het thema van 2024 gaat over ‘self-empowerment’ oftewel zelf-bekrachtiging vanuit het integratie kanaal van de 57-10.
Klinkt dat goed of wat? Of is het uiteindelijk inhoudsloze ijdeltuiterij? Niemand bang, iedereen blij met ….ehm…..niets? Waar gaat het eigenlijk over?

Een reflector-vriend die ik persoonlijk als een expert beschouw onder de Human Design Professionals vat deze benadering van het systeem samen als: “Allemaal zelfbevrediging zonder ooit echt klaar te komen.”
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“I went from wanting to fight for Sjef to wanting to fight Sjef.”

I say, she initiated everything from her own mind, starting on feb 12, 2021 with:

“ok new question, are you interested in a romantic relationship with me?”

a lot has happened, and most if not all just turned out strange if not weird, including her visiting me. We each walked away a few times.

Until all of a sudden, she planned for me visiting her, again, as in, planned to make it happen, planned. October 1st 2023:

“The will is being initiated to get u on a plane to come to meet here. Only if/when it is correct for u. I don’t know if you need an American passport, but the money is available for u if needed and it’s correct, you can keep the money if not.”

I can’t come to US, nor do I need a US passport for this, can probably never get one. Each citizen of each country has a passport of their respective country, unless they go through a whole lot of work and effort to change citizenship to that other country. And then…

“will write tomorrow about plan (for visit)”

I replied: “Please do not email me, at all, anymore. Not now, not in a year, not in 10 years.” The end…? Right? Right!

(ofcourse) 15 days later she writes:

“Can i come to you in the netherlands I’m sorry about before “

So I think it is ‘stupid question day’ today and reply: “Can you send 500 bucks? Today?”
One of her many replies is:

“no I don’t have 500 bucks to give”

So I say: “375?”
After some back and forth, she sends me 375 and then becomes angry. Pffrt. At least silence, for now….Right? Right!

Januari 4th 2024:

“Hi. Wanna talk?”

So another payment link is sent…The end…? Right? Right!

The Reflector

Your authority is not simply the emotional ‘there is no truth in now.’ For you, there is only truth after a cycle of the Moon. This is your key. And it’s only then that you can begin to experience the Reflector life, not muse on it, ponder it, but to experience it in all of its richness and depth. Follow your Strategy and Authority. Honor the Moon. Be a true Reflector, and in being a true Reflector find that surprise that you can transcend all of those forces that have dominated you forever, you can, and that you can fulfill your purpose. — Ra Uru Hu