Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet


The first of six films in this series begins with an investigation of the first 30 years in the three-part life process of a nine-centered being. It starts with how we are raised and fed by our parents. Every human being is designed with one of six basic, unique digestive systems. In order to be physically healthy and for the brain system to develop correctly, it is essential that a child eats according to their particular dietary regimen.

The School of Enlightened Selfishness Series
This is the School of Enlightened Selfishness; enlightened not in the spiritual sense, and not in the sense of selfishness that is dark or mean. It is a selfishness that begins with the fundamental truth that in order to have fulfillment in your life you must be correct, and this can be an extremely selfish process, yet is essential. This Series, filmed in 6 half-hour segments, offers guidelines for the correct development of a Nine-Centered Being.