If you like my website/blog but don’t want to read all items or are only interested in certain topics, you can easily use RSS Feed option to do so. Firefox for instance has a built in RSS Feed reader, for Chrome this description works well, so here are some examples links to follow:
Only want to read MoonBlogs, use this link: moonblog/feed/ Like the Baffo expressions, use this link: baffo/feed/
I don’t usually write reviews but simply link to Books or Movies I enjoy, follow these:
books/feed/ & movie/feed/ Except ofcourse when I do review/feed/
The same goes for tags you can find on the Menu page, like the ‘Another View’ series: another-view/feed/
Nederlands: nederlands/feed/ Astronomy: astronomy/feed/
Human Design: human-design/feed/ Ra Uru Hu: ra-uru-hu/feed/
Rave Cosmology: rave-cosmology/feed/ Ibiza 2009: ibiza-2009/feed/
Posts on or about Facebook: facebook/feed/
That which I think is Poetry: poetry/feed/ or Stuff for Nerds: stuff-for-nerds/feed/
‘abiding non-dual awareness’ with Jed McKenna: jed-mckenna/feed/ or read some Osho: osho/feed/
and ofcourse Reflector: reflector/feed/ & and Lunar Cycle: lunar-cycle/feed/
The structure is straightforward:
https://www.mcha.nl/tag/-name of tag-/feed or https://www.mcha.nl/category/-name of category-/feed/
simply add ‘feed/’ or ‘/feed’ after a tag or category that you find underneath a blog post or on the menu page. The feed number is set to the 15 last posts of that category or tag.

The full feed of the whole Blog is simply: https://www.mcha.nl/feed