it is absolutely impossible

“There are 60 million mothers of Reflectors on the planet, approximately, if they’re alive. That is, they’re 1% of our 6 billion population so there are about 60 million Reflector mothers that show up every once in a while. It’s not like they don’t exist. They do.

I want you to understand disappointment. The Projector arrives and it’s really annoyed. It wasn’t invited. It doesn’t know what this is all about. The Reflector arrives looking forward to the whole thing, only to be deeply disappointed from the very beginning. And it has to do with the nature of their aura. I don’t know how many of you were able to listen to my Daily View special on auras. If not, the transcribed version of that is available on the website.

The thing to recognize about Reflector auras is that their auras are made of Teflon. Reflectors have Teflon auras. And basically what that means is that they shimmy with you, but they don’t let you in. Everybody looks at a Reflector chart and they say oh, they’re so vulnerable and they’re so open. But that’s simply because you have the counterpoint.

It is impossible, if you have definition, it is absolutely impossible, I don’t care if you’re a single definition, mental Projector, it is absolutely impossible to understand what it is to be a Reflector. It is a totally different aura.

If you could see the aura of a Projector, it is like a fist breaking into a beanbag. This is a Projector’s aura. It goes whack like that, which is why Generators don’t like them, because the Generator aura is this kind of fuzzy warm swallow you. And it’s really kind of enveloping. And the Projector does whack.

So when you’re dealing with a reflector, you’re dealing with this Teflon aura. Here you are, momma Generator (swoosh sound). And you’ve got this baby that goes (sound), and the mother is already disappointed. “I don’t seem to have contact with my child.” It’s like: “We don’t really seem to connect.” And the child is going (swoosh sound).

This child doesn’t care that it has a mother. The Manifestors and Generators and Projectors, everything is dependent on the mother; everything. The mother ally is going to change their life. The Reflector—swoosh. It doesn’t make a difference who it is because they’re not interested in people. They didn’t come to this planet to look at other people. They came to look at the sky.

If you have a Reflector baby, you wrap it up really warm—two weeks old—you take it outside at night with a full moon like you’re baptizing a werewolf. Then it’s going to know why it’s on the planet. And it’s one of the most magical things to understand about Reflectors.

It’s what I teach them in terms of awakening. I teach them to understand the program. They’re not here to understand people. They’re not here to understand themselves. They don’t care. They don’t. Oh we teach them to care, which isn’t necessarily good for them. We condition them to all these other things. But they still have this Teflon aura. They’re never really going to connect with you, because that’s not what they’re here for.

We have two ways in which we are conditioned. We have the auras that are there between life forms. And then we have the neutrino ocean and its feed. The Reflector is the only type that is designed to ward off that human quality, diminish it, and reduce it in value. It’s not that it’s gone; but to reduce it in its value and power, and in doing so they become more receptive and more attuned to the program. And that’s what they’re here for.

So, the parent that has a Reflector child, it doesn’t matter what they do. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what they are. It doesn’t matter what their configuration is. It doesn’t matter what the partnership is. The only thing that matters is that we hope that the child is well fed, that it’s got a decent environment.

But you really have to understand this about the Reflector; they’re very different. And this introduction to sky, we don’t do that anymore. It’s one of the first things I did when my son was born the countryside here on the north end of the island, in an old finca in the countryside, when he was about two weeks old. He’s not a Reflector. It’s just that I wanted him to see the sky. I took him outside. He’s lying there staring up at these incredible lights.

You can’t imagine how important that is for the Reflector baby, to have contact with this vastness. You give them this image of vastness; you take away all their disappointment. You take it all away. If you only show them these silly human beings that are all around them, they will be disappointed all of their lives, all of their lives.

It’s one of the deepest things that I can teach Reflectors. Forget about the importance of people; forget about all that. Forget about it. Don’t study people’s charts. Watch the program. That’s your job. That’s why you’re here. That’s what you’re here for.” -Ra Uru Hu