

Hi, in the Reddit HD faq it says under Definitions:
1. “Passenger: Used as another word for the mind, the personality, the conscious

mind is not the passenger, at all. The Personality Crystal is, regardless of it’s (current or future/past) imprint(s).

“From what I have observed the Personality is not the same thing as the passenger. The Personality is who I think I am, filtered through the mind (Ra’s definition). We have a binary consciousness; there is the potential to observe both the design consciousness frequency of the form, and the personality consciousness frequency of the mind. We are held together in the illusion of our separateness…That which observes the body/mind vehicle is the passenger, the eternal Personality Crystal. As long as I am identified – ‘me’ as the Personality, or ‘me’ as the vehicle, or the idea of ‘me’ as the passenger – I am missing half of the movie. Learning to observe, to be the witness to what life brings is a moment by moment experiment in being aware.”- Leela Swann-Herbert

2. “Vehicle: Used as another word for the body, the form, the unconscious, the design

There is no ‘the unconscious’. It, is only unconscious -to the Personality-, but it, is not unconscious at all. We are. Well, ok, who we think, we think, we pretend to imagine to be, are. It actually has a perfectly functioning consciousness, stabilize your Design Color and whoop, there it is! We are a Binary Consciousness, ie there is form consciousness. So to call that unconscious…?

Make sense?

Reply: “What exactly is the change you are asking for?

Well to remove the errors as stated about those 2 definitions.
Passenger: the Personality Crystal itself.
Personality: the Mind, the Personality Crystal imprint
Vehicle: the body, the form
Design: the Design Crystal imprint

Your first message was not very clear. Thanks for laying it out.


I got around to making those edits to the wiki. Thanks for your corrections!

Cool, thanks