Human Design is not a moral knowledge
“It doesn’t teach us to be nice
Human Design is the rule breaker
It urges us to be ourselves in any price
All the prices our conditioned mind might think we pay
Turn out to be the biggest gifts bestowed upon us through this process
There is no bigger gift then being one’s SELF
It can’t be quantified
It can’t be compared
It can’t be defined
And there is nothing more important or worthy than it.
There is no cause
There is no enlightenment.
SELF is all there is.
And the gift of its unique expression through a body and mind.
We humans have so many ideas, in any path we walk.
Every “truth” brings endless words to feed the thought,
Which now translates its instructions into new language.
If we believe it, we fall into the pit. Illusion.
If we think it can tell us what it means to be SELF
We are mistaken.
The problem cannot recognize the solution
Thought cannot comprehend what is before and beyond thought.
Human Design reminds us what it is to be a guest here, on this plane.
A passenger consciousness in a vehicle,
Driving us safely on itself.
To be a passenger is not to look at everyone else,
And think who we are in compared to them.
It is to watch and see our SELF,
Being revealed and exposed, out of letting go into what IS.
And to allow the expression of it as it is,
Without masks, or trying to please and ease, to fit in.
Without fighting to change, to be someone or something.
It is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others.
And it takes courage. It takes courage to be who we are.
Mostly the courage of the first decision – to try.
After that, out strategy and authority take us.
I love Human Design.” – Pavaka Katzir – Living Your Design Guide – Human Design Manifestor Group