MoonBlog 23.4
Sometimes it feels like an € 1140,- prison, and feel I need to move, ‘faire bouger’.
It even sounds a little ungrateful, having all this. But it seems not enough. Or even too much, at times.
It just does not feel *just right* and wondering if anything ever will. Hmpf Noticing a great calm, eye of the storm perhaps even. Something is up, while nothing is going on.
Are we hiding, playing make belief, shallow superficiality, or…? Are we perhaps readying ourselves, sharpening our knives and qualities, honing them, or are we just licking our paws as we sink our fat bellies in the lush sunshine with clouds endlessly sailing by, and by, bye-bye.
Purring in hedonistic bliss.
*sigh* deeper and deeper, the merry go round.
Is a new giant leap coming, or will we let it pass us by until the next, or the one after, hmmm
Do you feel a pause, or a break, a momentous moment of stillness, or a dragging clutched drenched in sticky tar-sand gooey.
A slow rant that is lament, a kick in the nuts and a pat on the head.
And a cabin on a piece of land with a lake on-site in-sight, hmmm
*mumble mumble jumble tumble*
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