Channels by Type

Planetary Transit Time Chart

Image by Cathy Kinnaird

Source: Channels by Type 4 – Understanding the Transit Program

Except that we don’t use the 29.5 days synodic cycle in Human Design, but the 27.3 days tropical cycle.
See calculations here: Lunar Cycle Calculations

And Mercury and Venus are off too, the mistake is around the Wheel (Earth) vs around the Sun, improved here:

Channels by Type 1 – Introduction and Creative Channels

This book is a transcript of The Channels Course taught by Ra Uru Hu in Taos, New Mexico April 8-19, 1999, and is the most extensive work on this topic.
Including over 40 hours of lectures on all the channels in a Human Design chart, Ra also gives an in-depth view of how each channel adds to the overall nature of the circuit of which it is part. He discusses at length what quality each channel demonstrates about the entire circuit.