Kick my butt
Hm, so, no more HDS bashing, and no more honouring IHD for now through closing/pausing the IHD group… damn… 😉
Through HDS, sidestepping to MHDS (multi dimensional), dancing with Zeno’s flowing HD, and a short but intense fling with IHD, I come to the GeneKeys.
Surrendering to it actually.
But also with some bagage, and integrating it with my daily life, and that feels correct/logical from where we should/could enter the GeneKeys.
And here is the thing, all the Human Design variants -are- part of my -daily- life, in one form or another, some just skimming the surface, others quite deeply.
Just yesterday I was again contemplating transcribing the IHD London event recording, to help my process with it, and possibly could be used for the english courses/books/whatever.
And sure, I do feel (some) difficulty combining them, in me, in my life. I’m having a hard time with the homework for one of the other courses I’m doing, meanwhile more and more clients now suddenly need my computer/network services while I -am- shutting it down.
But I will continue to walk these different design paths at the same time, with or without the opportunity and shelter here in this community, I -have- to, because I have chosen it to be part of my life, or it has chosen me, to sample it, digest it. Either way, I’m not finished with it, and cannot possibly be paused (now).
Sometimes I wish I did not understand all these things (because I do understand the reasoning, and implications yadda yadda), so I could just shout at someone and be joyfully angry or something :-Þ