Rave Cosmology Teacher Training Certification Program


Rave Cosmology – Final Certification Course with Darshana Mathews begins January 11th. For more information please click here: http://www.ihdschool.com/School/Get/Course/403

Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of Human Design.

**To download the Rave Cosmology Certification Program Brochure please Click Here**
**To listen to an audio preview of Lynda Bunnell talking about this course please Click Here**

For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.

Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.”

The entire Teacher Training Program will include the following 8 courses:

The Bhan Tugh Plates
The Nature of Stars
Brahma’s Long Night and Beyond
The 6 Mystical Ways
Dying, Death and Bardo
Profile, Purpose and Function
The Nature and Mechanics of the Rave (2027 Education)
Final Cosmology Certification

A New Mythology

If you feel called to share Human Design Rave Cosmology with others please join us for an incredible journey through this vast ocean of knowledge. Once you take this journey you will be forever transformed. Anyone interested in Rave Cosmology may take this course. It is open to the general public as well as those interested in becoming Certified Rave Cosmology Teachers.

Rave Cosmology Certification course

Final Course – Cosmology Certification

This will be a series of 8 classes, reviewing each one of the Cosmology courses and discussion of the possibilities for the students to take the knowledge into the world. Ra envisioned the Cosmology Courses to be and to remain an active knowledge; as both a deepening of the understanding of the mechanics of the Maia, as well as individual personal services that through these applications that can provide support. Rave Cosmology is the mystical side of the knowledge, and serves as the 9-centered version of shamanic guidance in the journey of individual transformation.

Within these areas of Cosmology – through understanding of the specific matrix they bring light to, we can help ourselves and others as we move through this major transition that’s taking place evolutionarily. It started about 200 years ago, and it’s something, that is going to peak in the next 12 years. We have an evolution, that’s taking place in a way in which the neurology functions and the solar plexus. As a certified Rave Cosmologist, you can teach and provide support for those that struggle with this greater framework. It will also give you a unique position of to teach the children that are going to give birth to the Rave children, they are already in the world now, and what they are carrying within their genetic material is a mutation, that’s changing the way the information is being written to the developmental structure of the solar plexus. Rave Cosmology provides an essential element to the deeper understanding of our times.

The Rave Cosmologist Teacher Certification

General Requirements – There are three steps in the Certification Process:

1. Training: Completion of all 8 Courses and prerequisites of the Rave Cosmology Program.
2. Certification: Certification is based on the completion of the training, and the Submission of Certification Materials.
3. Submission of Certification Materials: As outlined below.

1. Training:
Those wishing to become Certified Rave Cosmology Course Teachers are required to complete the eight-course Rave Cosmology Training Program. The program may be attended by anyone interested in this topic. Each course consists of 10 one-hour lectures. This series presents and in-depth elaboration of Ra’s mystical teachings. There is more than 70 hours of mystical and general knowledge

The Certification Courses Include:

The Bhan Tugh Plates
Dying, Death and Bardo
The Nature of Stars
The 6 Mystical Ways
The Nature and Mechanics of the Rave (2027 Education)
Profile, Purpose and Function
Brahma’s Long Night and Beyond
Final Course – Cosmology Certification

Note that we recommend that all students attend the current Classes, even if they have the Rave Cosmology Self Study Courses from IHDS website. Our observation is that the synthesis of the expanding field of quantum mechanics together with the foundational teaching by Ra Uru Hu of the mystical aspects of The Human Design System provides an invaluable depth of understanding for students in preparing their Certification, and in their careers as Human Design professional teachers of the Rave Cosmology course. Our research and our Training materials are constantly being developed and enriched, so students who took the course many years ago may find it to be an advantage to expand their knowledge base.

(The Rave Cosmology Self Study Courses by Ra Uru Hu are available from IHDS website (offered at a 20% discount to students enrolled in this program)

2. Certification:
The final Certification Course is open to those who have completed all 7 courses (Prerequisites: Rave Cosmology eBooks and Rave Cartography)

3. Certification Materials:
Readings and Teaching

The Certification packet to be submitted consists of:

· Two final assignments: one as an overview (of 1 or 2 pages) from a choice of one of the Cosmology topics or 2027 (Bhan Tugh, Nature of the Stars or Brahma’s Long Night), one 30 minute personal guidance session (with written transcript) from the Individual Service topics (Mystical Way, Dying Death & Bardo, Profile or Purpose & Function); (If not in English, then an English transcript of a half-hour portion)

Due Dates and Deadlines:

We encourage you to submit the complete Certification packet (cover sheet, 2 written assignments, and 30-minute reading) within six months from the day you start the RC certification course.