Rave Cosmology Teacher Training Certification Program

Rave Cosmology – Final Certification Course with Darshana Mathews begins January 11th. For more information please click here: http://www.ihdschool.com/School/Get/Course/403
Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of Human Design.
**To download the Rave Cosmology Certification Program Brochure please Click Here**
**To listen to an audio preview of Lynda Bunnell talking about this course please Click Here**
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.”
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