MoonBlog 19.3 dedication
I only have to find my own correctness in it, yours or anyone else’s has nothing to do with my S&A.
My correctness, is not a stance, nor is it something I take, and therefor not need to defend nor explain.
Besides correctness not being logical, anyone pretending that my correctness is their business, is mistaken.
This goes for any and every topic.
MoonBlog 19.3 dedication
Gate 19 of wanting, approach. That all things are interrelated is apparent and manifested through the action of approach.
Gate 19 Line 3 dedication. Receptivity to approach can only be maintained through vigilance.
Exalted: The natural ease with which communion is maintained. Sensitivity and ease fueled by acceptance by others.
Detriment: A tendency to moodiness that may lead to carelessness. The need to be wanted hampered by oversensitivity.