I’m clearing my mind, and its process is quite benign
I’m not asking my questions, anymore. Oh I still have plenty of them, some quite hilarious, some are great, and they are all, still, my questions. But I no longer seek answers to them. Nor seek to share them with you. At least, not for answering. Because the answers will always come to me, over time, regardless of me being with them, or without them. Regardless of me using them in conversations to pass the time of our togetherness.
However much or little effort I put into them, into asking or answering them, they will come, or not.
Or not
And that’s the result of living life as it is, just as it is. To have questions but not necessarily ask them. And certainly not have them answered !
The mind no longer in panic, no longer addicted to questioning, while still being able to ponder and wonder about so many things. Stepping out of the treadmill of prime-time Q&A, the great distractor.
But to call the result silence would be a misnomer, there is no actual silence within, me, but it has become quiet-er. From a run-down badly maintained treadmill loopty-loop with an obese giant running in it, deafening with each heavy step in its relentless pace, non-stop go-around, to a gentle rippling stream of ice-cold mountain water.
Clear as day
Gate 62 of detail, preponderance of the small. Caution, patience and detail produce excellense out of a limitation.
Gate 62 Line 2 Restraint
Exalted: The innate restrictiveness and discipline to comply with and exalt restraint. The discipline necessary for detail work.
Detriment: The intellect stymied by severe restraints tends to anxiety and restlessness. The expression of anxiety and restlessness when faced with detail work.