Human Design is a tool, a practical tool, it is something that we use, that we apply. It is not a philosophy, it is a tool to experiment with, and see, witness how we actually operate. It is also an individual tool, it is something we need to apply in our own personal life, on our own, for it to work. It is not a group effort, there is no safety in numbers, we and we alone need to do the work. Yes, by all means, sharing our process, sharing about our experimentation with others, be it with one other or a thousand, but no one can help us with it, except we ourselves as we go deeper into the uncovering of how we function, how the mechanics of our Design operates.
Human Design is not an opinion, let alone a shared opinion. Even among the same Type, or with the same Centers Defined and/or Undefined, the same Variable, PHS, or Defined Channels, no one is the same, each and everyone is completely unique, and as soon as we try to adhere to any group, or group effort, at least one of us is using their mind as a decision maker, and not their inner authority. And the experiment slows down or even grinds to a halt, discussing opinions and what are perceived as feelings in an effort to find a common ground. A ground that will never be found, and thus the people forever lost in the discussion about it. Imposing mental considerations to which there is no solution, no escape, no right nor wrong, but just another run around while seemingly experience a sense of purpose and righteousness.
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