eva printhead
phaetus dragon uhf, orbiter 2, dyze horizon, fly sht-36, sunon 4020 fans, 60w heater, mellow/dyze thermistor, .5 bozzle nozzle
I made an overview of all mods done to my Prusa Mini + ?
With lots of thanks to so many different people on Thingiverse and Printables
Prusa Mini+, mellow V6 alu cold block/heatsink, mellow brass heater block, mellow silicon heater block sock, E3D v6 Titanium heatbreak 1,75 mm (origineel), Bondtech CHT 0.4mm nozzle, LDO Orbiter 1.5 extruder, Weishuo 24V-10A-240W PSU, Raspberry Pi 3a, Argon1 FanHat, Raspberry Pi PSU 5.1V 2.5A MicroUSB, Prusa Stepper motor Z-axis, Misumi Linear bearings kit + superlube, AluX Bear mini 2040 extrusions, GT2x6 mm Kevlar-reinforced timing belt (2,5 meter), USB-USB-c kabel, wiring + plugs, printed parts, High Power MOSFET 30A, fans, PrintBay Heat bed insulation, buck converter
today, I finished the main modification of the printer (I only want to change the wires soon) so the whole frame is changed, the hot-end, extruder, heatbreak and nozzle, and all printed parts were PETG are now ASA, instead of a Cantilever design it is now an H-frame with double Z axles, so the frame gives rigidity and structure to the printing, yet still running the original Prusa firmware (with some added G-codes)