The optimist

MoonBlog 13.6 The optimist

What is interesting to notice, is that many people coming to Human Design limit their fact finding to the internet and/or to exchange with people just like them who also only found more information about Human Design online.
Hardly ever is a session booked with either someone trained or even only very experienced, let alone read a proper book, or even study an actual course in Human Design, or 4.

But these are the people that populate, the loudest, the many different FaceBook groups.

From both my own personal experience and from watching other people, Living Your Design is near impossible without help, without some form of guidance, however simple some slogans may sound, or are perceived. And even if that guidance is from someone who did study and read or had their own sessions, it does not need to be someone properly trained, but it does need to be someone who properly experimented. And I don’t mean experimented on FaceBook, or written tons of articles even.

Now of course some voices immediately would say (shout) that the teaching then is too complicated, it is a closed pyramid scheme hierarchy all for money arguments.

But I say, there are at least 30 books in print and over 100 eBooks available, and most people read -none- of them.

Sure some books are from non-Jovian sources, and maybe those are correct for you, I personally doubt it, but you are the only one that can figure this out, if only you read at least one, or 5. And yes, many of the other publications are far too complicated, but there is a book for you out there, for your level, at least 3 or 5 perhaps even, easily.

It is kinda weird to me, that when we come to Human Design we see it’s potential and are quick to shout out about what a promising system it seems to be, and then what do most of us do with it?
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