November 2014

The Danger in Demonizing Male Sexuality


Alyssa Royse explains how our current predator/prey model of sexual relationships is harmful to both men and women.

“I am sorry that generations of lazy storytelling and bad media have perpetuated the myths of men as predators and women as victims. Or the idea that women’s purity is what can redeem the nastiness of male sexuality. It is wrong for both men and women alike. But the only way we’re going to change it is together, and it’s gonna take time. We need to all be better. Oh, hey, I know, we need to come together—if we want to, that is. You can also come alone. Or with someone else. Ain’t no skin off my back, as long as it’s all consensual. And, hopefully, pleasurable.”

Jamie Peck over at The Gloss, wrote a great little piece asking a great big question: Can Men Write About Sex Without Sounding Like Douchebags?  In asking, however, she wasn’t pointing at men and suggesting they are douchebags so much as she was pointing at all of us and suggesting that we have a tendency to demonize male sexuality. She rightly points out that most of the men who achieve any sort of status and acceptability in writing about sex are somewhere on the gender queer spectrum. Sure, James Deen has a successful blog, but if you read most of the comments on it, there’s this weird anger at him for being a porn star, and enjoying it and writing about it. It is couched in the assumption that he is just doing what every guy in the world would fantasize about doing, because, you know, the only thing straight guys want to do is pound as much pussy as possible.

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That skinny motherfucker with the high voice

This video comes online and then is taken down very often, it is the first live rendition of the song Purple Rain back in 1983, and this recording is used for the album, but edited. I saw one version of this video with elaborate comments on screen telling exactly where and when parts were cut, left out, repeated and so on, but that version seems gone. Enjoy 13 minutes of this awesome song 🙂

Hexagram 9


Hexagram 9: small accumulating; R Wilhelm 9: small taming; Hua-Ching Ni 9: small accumulation; HDS Gate 9: gate of focus, the taming power of the small; S Rifler 9: minor restraint; J Blofeld 9: the lesser nourisher; S Karcher 9: small accumulates, gathering the ghosts; GeneKey 9: the power of the infinitesimal

Ik geloof niet in snelle therapieën

Irvin Yalom ‘Ik geloof niet in snelle therapieën’

januari 2009 door Oden. e. (edwin)

Filosofie is de grote inspiratiebron van de beroemde Amerikaanse psychiater Irvin Yalom. Daarmee biedt hij zijn lezers en patiënten geen snelle oplossingen, maar troost en hoop bij existentiële vragen. ‘Juist het besef dat het leven tijdelijk is, helpt ons gelukkig te worden.’
Met zijn ringbaardje en ernstige ogen ziet hij eruit als Sigmund Freud: het archetype van de psychiater.

Irvin Yalom ís ook psychiater. Sterker nog: hij is zo ongeveer de beroemdste psychiater van Amerika. Hij zit ruim veertig jaar in het vak, en werd begin jaren negentig ook wereldberoemd als schrijver. Toen verscheen zijn roman Nietzsches tranen, waarin de filosoof Friedrich Nietzsche in therapie gaat. Sindsdien is Irvin Yalom niet meer weg te slaan uit de bestsellerlijsten. Zijn verhalen over therapeuten en cliënten die antwoorden vinden op de grote levensvragen zijn uit het leven gegrepen, recht uit het hart opgeschreven en daardoor vaak onweerstaanbaar.

Hij is inmiddels 77 en emeritus hoogleraar psychiatrie aan Stanford University, maar wie denkt dat Irvin Yalom rustig geniet van zijn bonsaituin, heeft het mis. Hij spreekt twee cliënten per dag, is mentor voor therapeuten, geeft af en toe les aan studenten, werkt hard aan zijn volgende roman en reist de wereld rond voor de promotie van zijn onlangs verschenen boek Tegen de zon in kijken, over het overwinnen van doodsangst. ‘Geen tijd voor een interview’, zo had hij aanvankelijk in een eenregelig mailtje laten weten. Maar oké, na enig aandringen wilde hij wel anderhalf uur vrijmaken.
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The Genetic Hierarchy

“The Human Design System shows how the four types actually make up a structured ‘genetic hierarchy’, which highlights the way different human beings are designed to interact with each other. In this hierarchy, we are all interdependent, just like the cells that make up our bodies. Below is a symbolic matrix of the way in which the four types interlock with each other. The two energy types, manifestors and generators form the creative foundation, with projectors at the top of the hierarchy being the natural guides, although they are also dependent on the two energy types below. In the centre are the reflectors. These people are designed to be the hub of their communities, playing a vital role in bringing a sense of justice and balance to the hierarchy as a whole.” -Richard Rudd, Opening Doors with Gene Keys


a man with an accordion heart und a woman cloaked in thunder…


The Book Thief (2013)

While subjected to the horrors of World War II Germany, young Liesel finds solace by stealing books and sharing them with others. In the basement of her home, a Jewish refugee is being sheltered by her adoptive parents.

Director: Brian Percival
Writers: Markus Zusak (based on the novel by), Michael Petroni (screenplay)
Stars: Sophie Nélisse, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Nico Liersch, Ben Schnetzer

Mindfulness? It’s not enough.

There’s a New Mainstream Out There — and You’re Probably Part of It

Who are the people of The New Mainstream? What do they want? What do they know? What are the economic, social and political implications of this rapidly-rising tide?


I’ll tell you why I had to write this. I’ve encountered a phenomenon that needs to be shouted from the rooftops. There’s a burgeoning underground narrative going on and it’s time for it to surface. In fact, it astounds me that marketers, business leaders and political strategists have remained unaware. It’s huge.

After being interviewed on hundreds of radio and TV shows during the past three years and listening to at least double that number preparing, I had to ask myself — was there a larger purpose to my experience on all these shows? What was I being shown by The Force? Nearly 300 interviews and 900 shows later, the realization isn’t so startling. It may even seem obvious — yet it needs to be said:

There’s a New Mainstream out there.
You’re probably part of it.
I call it “The Consciousness Crowd.”

Millions of people the world over are part of The New Mainstream. It is defined neither by generation, by politico credo, nor by religious creed. The New Mainstream is defined by recognition that we are in a time of awakening to a new mindset, an expanded worldview and yes, a higher-level consciousness for humanity. The New Mainstream is defined by a cosmic pulse of awakening — a new consciousness!
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Bob Marley Complete Chord Songbook


A comprehensive collection of many of the Reggae King’s greatest songs. Includes lyrics and guitar chords.

Presents the complete lyrics and chords to all 124 Bob Marley songs as featured on the albums “African Herbsman”, “Catch A Fire”, “Burnin'”, “Natty Dread”, “Rastaman Vibration”, “Exodus”, “Kaya”, “Survival”, “Uprising” and “Confrontation” plus extra songs featured on the compilation albums “Legend”, “Songs of Freedom” and “One Love”.

Paperback: 272 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0711988507
Dimensions: 170 x 246 x 18 mm 540grams

Another view (76)

Demonstration of an optical technique that allows us to see small changes in the index of refraction in air. A point source of light is reflected from a concave mirror and focused onto the edge of a razor blade, which is mounted in front of the camera. Light refracted near the mirror and intercepted by the blade gives the illusion of a shadow.

Seen here are the heated gases from a candle flame and a hair dryer, helium gas, and sulfur hexafluoride gas.

Nutella Cake


150 grams butter or oil
125 grams cane sugar
2 sachets Vanilla sugar
100cc milk
3 eggs
2 table spoons Nutella
25 grams Maizena
225 grams flour
2 teaspoons rising agent
half a lemon or orange of zest

MoonBlog 5.1 Perseverance

De Vloek moet dicht

een open brief aan wie dit lezen wil. Sommigen zullen het ermee eens zijn, en sommigen duidelijk niet. En anderen op sommige punten wel, en op andere punten weer niet. En dat is wel wat er mist in de meeste debatten, of onderwerpen die in Nederland en daarbuiten soms voorbijkomen: er is helemaal geen debat, er is stellingsname en opwerpen van ‘oneens-baricaden’ en dat is het dan.

Lekker afgescheiden in idealen en mores aan deze of een andere kant, en een enkeling die daartussen schippert. Er is helemaal geen delen van punten en waarden, het is een illusie dat er wordt gedebateerd, want de meesten van ons, welke zijde dan ook, staan helemaal niet open om die ander te horen, of om vanuit diens perspectief dingen te zien. Soms kun je je afvragen of dat sociaal aangeleerd is, of is het een psychische afwijking, of is het mogelijk iets anders?

Er wordt gesteld dat “steeds meer vrijplaatsen en autonome ruimtes worden ontruimd en bedreigd” en ook “Keer op keer moeten vrijplaatsen en autonome ruimtes wijken voor yuppenprojecten” Nu kun je je afvragen hoe werkelijk ‘autonoom’ die ruimtes zijn als er gewoon ook entree wordt betaald, zelfs als dat met Lets is. Maar iets wat haast onopmerkelijk is, en toch blijft na-etteren is de openlijke discriminatie naar bijvoorbeeld yuppen toe. Even buiten de vraag of die groep als zodanig wel bestaat nog in deze tijd. En ook, of de voornamelijk roomblanke jongens en meisjes in die autonome vrijplaatsen dat niet zelf -ook- zijn. Ik begrijp niet, hoe die zogenaamd hoogste idealen gut-mensch het in het warhoofd haalt, om mee te doen aan het uitspelen van groepen en groeperingen.
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The curious ‘rules’ of serendipity

Beginning Without Intent


The human experiential way, as it has been known from the beginning of the Cross of Planning era going back to 1615, is a process that is slowly coming to an end. The seven-centered way of life that we are all used to and which is the basis of the homogenized world is dissolving, and the nine-centered being is starting to emerge. In this show, Ra explains that in the beginning there was no intent, and there were no rules. We are now leaving behind the world of winners and losers, and ego driven strategies. The new way, the way of uniqueness and differentiation, begins with you. If you wish to challenge what you think uniqueness really is, and discover how to be alive at a very deep level beyond the homogenization, this lecture is for you.

Ramones – It’s Alive (The Rainbow) 1977

1- blitzkrieg pop, 2 – i want to be well, 3 – Glad To See You Go, 4- You’re Gonna Kill That Girl, 5- commando, 6 – habana affair, 7- Cretin Hop, 8- Listen To My Heart, 9 – I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You, 10 – pinhead, 11- Do You Wanna Dance, 12 – Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy, 13 – now i want to sniff some glue, 14 – We’re A Happy Family

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2014 November 22


Solar Flare from a Sharper Sun
Image Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory/AIA, NASA
Processing: NAFE by Miloslav Druckmuller (Brno University of Technology)

Explanation: Solar active region AR2192 was the largest recorded sunspot group of the last 24 years. Before rotating off the Earth-facing side of the Sun at the end of October, it produced a whopping six energetic X-class flares. Its most intense flare was captured on October 24 in this stunning view from the orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory. The scene is a color combination of images made at three different wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light; 193 angstroms shown in blue, 171 angstroms in white, and 304 angstroms in red. The emission, from highly ionized Iron and Helium atoms, traces magnetic field lines looping through the hotplasma of the Sun’s outer chromosphere and corona. Beneath, the cooler solar photosphere appears dark at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. The exceptionally sharp composite image has been processed with a new mathematical algorithm (NAFE) that adapts to noise and brightness in extreme ultraviolet image data to reliably enhance small details.

Another view (75)

Created using player-submitted voice comms, “This is EVE” showcases the game’s true multiplayer experience. Battle cries, calls to action, cheers of victory, panicked escapes and virtual high-fives… This is EVE Online.

Note: This video contains strong language.

Hexagram 34


Hexagram 34: great invigorating; R Wilhelm 34: great power; Hua-Ching Ni 34: great strength; HDS Gate 34: the gate of power, the power of the great; S Reifler 34: great strength; J Blofeld 34: the power of the great; S Karcher 34: great invigorating strength; GeneKey 34: the beauty of the beast