Darwin’s Defeat
Baby can you hear me now?
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Then you really might know what it’s like…
Two and a half …
Public FaceBook Posts
Human Design. Not for Sissies…
A year ago, I considered myself – and my life – to be a dismally failed experiment. It’s really, really hard to get to the ripe old age of 72 and then to realize that your whole life has been a total waste of time! And it certainly didn’t make it any easier that no one else seemed to agree with me, cheerfully citing my successes and adventures. Definitely, there was no lack of love or appreciation in my life and I was treasured and pampered by family and friends. But my deep sense of unworthiness didn’t stem from anyone else’s opinion. So stressful. So bitter!
That is how my excruciatingly exhausted/burned out 2/4 Projector Bitterness felt a year ago. Then on the 20th of April 2012 I had my foundational reading with Becky Markley – and yes, she was marvelous and she expertly launched me into a whole new way of being. For the very first time in my whole life, someone really recognized the true me, and, maybe more important, I recognized the truth in her words. And that was an unmitigated WOW!
My seven year deconditioning process had begun!
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Self professed, profound
Amy Winehouse – St. James Church, Dingle, Ireland
Co. Kerry , Ireland 3rd December 2006 TV Series “Other Voices” 45.43 min
In December 2006 a 22 year old Amy Winehouse traveled to Dingle to record a performance and interview for seminal Irish music TV series Other Voices. This is the story of that day.
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Conditioned, lost and confused
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Hexagram 19
Hexagram 19: nearing; R Wilhelm 19: approach; Hua-Ching Ni 19: advancing; HDS Gate 19: gate of wanting, approach; S Rifler 19: conduct; J Blofeld 19: approach; S Karcher 19: nearing, releasing the spirit; GeneKey 19: the future human being
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You must have seriously pissed someone off
A documentary about the discovery of the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil ever found. When Paleontologist Peter Larson and his team from the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research made the world’s greatest dinosaur discovery in 1990, they knew it was the find of a lifetime; the largest, most complete T. rex ever found. But during a ten-year battle with the U.S. government, powerful museums, Native American tribes, and competing paleontologists, they found themselves not only fighting to keep their dinosaur but fighting for their freedom as well.
Director: Todd Douglas Miller
Stars: Susan Hendrickson, Peter L. Larson, Trevor Groth, Todd Douglas Miller, Kristin Donnan, Bob Farrar
But I’m goin’ to try for the kingdom if I can
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the religionless religion
“The way of the Buddha is not a religion in the ordinary sense of the term, because it has no belief system, no dogma, no scripture. It does not believe in God, it does not believe in the soul, it does not believe in any paradise. It is a tremendous unbelief-and yet it is a religion. It is unique. Nothing has ever happened like it before in the history of human consciousness, and nothing afterward.
Buddha remains utterly unique, incomparable. He says that God is nothing but a search for security, a search for safety, a search for shelter. You believe in God, not because God is there; you believe in God because you feel helpless without that belief. Even if there is no God, you will invent one. The temptation comes from your weakness. It is a projection.
Humans feel limited, helpless, almost victims of circumstance-not knowing from where they come, not knowing where they are going, not knowing why they are here. If there is no God it is difficult for ordinary people to have any meaning in life. The ordinary mind will go berserk without God. God is a prop-it helps you, it consoles you, it comforts you. It says, “Don’t be worried-the Almighty God knows everything about why you are here. He is the Creator, He knows why He has created the world. You may not know but the Father knows, and you can trust in Him.” It is a great consolation.
The very idea of God gives you a sense of relief-that you are not alone; that somebody is looking after the affairs; that this cosmos is not just chaos, it is truly a cosmos; that there is a system behind it; that there is logic behind it; it is not an illogical jumble of things; it is not anarchy, Somebody rules the cosmos; the sovereign King is there looking after each small detail-not even a leaf moves without His moving it. Everything is planned, You are part of a great destiny. Maybe the meaning is not known to you, but the meaning is there because God is there.
God brings a tremendous relief, One can believe that life is not accidental; there is a certain undercurrent of significance, meaning, destiny, God brings a sense of destiny.
Buddha says there is no God-it simply shows that we do not know why we are here, It shows our helplessness. It shows that there is no meaning available to us. By creating the idea of God we can believe in meaning, and we can live this futile life with the idea that somebody is looking after it.
Just think: you are in an airplane and somebody says, “There is no pilot.” Suddenly there will be a panic, No pilot?! No pilot means you are doomed. Then somebody says, “The pilot is there, but invisible. We may not be able to see the pilot, but he is there; otherwise, how is this beautiful mechanism functioning? Just think of it: everything is going so beautifully, there must be a pilot! Maybe we are not capable of seeing him, maybe we are not yet prayerful enough to see him, maybe our eyes are closed, but the pilot is there. Otherwise, how is it possible? This airplane has taken off, it is flying perfectly well, the engines are humming. Everything is a proof that there is a pilot.”
If somebody proves it, you relax again into your chair. You close your eyes, you start dreaming again, you can fall asleep. The pilot is there; you need not worry.
Buddha says: The pilot exists not; it is a human creation. Humankind has created God in its own image. It is a human invention. God is not a discovery, it is an invention. And God is not the truth, it is the greatest lie there is.
That’s why I say Buddhism is not a religion in the ordinary sense of the term. A Godless religion-can you imagine? When for the first time Western scholars became aware of Buddhism, they were shocked. They could not comprehend that a religion can exist and be without God. They had known only Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All these three religions are in a way very immature compared with Buddhism.
Buddhism is religion come of age. Buddhism is the religion of a mature mind. Buddhism is not childish at all, and it doesn’t support any childish desires in you. It is merciless. Let me repeat it: There has never been a man more compassionate than Buddha, but his religion is merciless.
In fact, in that mercilessness he is showing his compassion. He will not allow you to cling to any lie. Howsoever consoling, a lie is a lie. Those who have given you the lie are not friends to you, they are enemies-because under the impact of the lie you will live a life full of lies. The truth has to be brought to you, howsoever hard, howsoever shattering, howsoever shocking. Even if you are annihilated by the impact of the truth, it is good.
Buddha says: The truth is that human religions are human inventions. You are in a dark night surrounded by alien forces. You need someone to hang on to, someone to cling to. And everything that you can see is changing-your father will die one day and you will be left alone, your mother will die one day and you will be left alone, and you will be an orphan. From childhood you have been accustomed to having a father to protect you, a mother to love you. Now that childish desire will again assert itself: you will need a father figure. If you cannot find it in the sky, then you will find it in some politician.
Stalin became the father of Soviet Russia; they had dropped the idea of God. Mao became the father of China; they had dropped the idea of God. But people are such that they cannot live without a father figure. People are childish! There are very few rare people who grow to be mature.” – Osho, Buddha; his life and teachings and impact on humanity
the totality is formed through our instruction
a cup, of tea
NASA | Evolution of the Moon
From year to year, the moon never seems to change. Craters and other formations appear to be permanent now, but the moon didn’t always look like this. Thanks to NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, we now have a better look at some of the moon’s history.
No Personality Consciousness yet
MoonBlog 42.4 The middle man
The MoonBlog is on its return, as I am less engaged with others, less interacting with their and my own not-self, there is less to write about, less to be upset about, and less insights arrive through the things that come up and play out. As the noise levels are lowered, as there is less information and interactions filtered, what remains, is me. Me doing, me being, me thinking, me farting, me me. Just me.
And there is a lot of me being simply ok, simply being. It is in the interacting where things get yummy. Where things get personal, or become it, get made personal. While actually, on your own, or from your own self is the most personal you get to ever get, in the interaction is where we, or at least I, really can get personal. This is where the drama enfolds, this is where the show really begins. On my own, by myself, even while doing grocery shopping, not much is going on. The choices that present themselves to be made, get made, with not a lot of fuzz, if any. But when it comes to you, and me, in interaction, oh boy, that is where the engines are started, the sparks start flying and we begin to roar…
For territory, for ego, for all the things we expect from that other, impose as rules, conditions for those interactions. By my rules or not.
When looking at your solitary life, there is not a lot that is not ok, there is not a lot that is bugging, you/me as an individual are functioning quite well. We get up, we wash, we feed, we think, we poop, we read a book, we simply function, day in, day out. We would hardly impose that many rules on yourself, and otherwise they will wear off over time, look at the stories of recluses who stop getting dressed or shave and so on. You really get to drop some pretenses, some conditioning, some cultural habits. Which is added dress-up behaviour.
When interacting with others, all that stuff is used, and put in position even, to presume boundaries, to presume go and no-go areas of that interaction. Everything is rigged, and put well into place and from those individual made up fortified positions, we interact, we converse, we shower the other with birthday greetings, or presume to give non-reciprocal gifts. Such a weird animal we are, all those ritualistic dances and poses, acts and actors as the narrator speaks: “and here we see the mating dance of the idiot, the human idiot”
And to find out, and then take offence, when we are not accepted, but we are tolerated. By someone we (f)actually do the same to, we tolerate them too. And now, they have shown to actually only tolerate us for whatever reason works for them, and you/me/we get upset. We get upset with the confrontation of that truth, and, we get to no longer even tolerate them, us that is soooo accepting of others, ha! If you operate within this frequency band, then we can interact like this. And if you operate within this frequency band, we really do get to interact like this, yeah, awesome ! But no, if you operate in that frequency band, then no, we can not interact in any way.
How others can be a mirror, to get to see our very own chalking of imaginary lines on imaginary playing fields, if we dare look, if we dare accept that truth. I have never accepted you, my relation to you and my relationship with you is always subject to a myriad of conditions, of pre-texts and set-ups, always. And when you, being yourself hopefully, but even if you were not you, behaving as you, when you cross my lines, my conditions for interacting, what my Inner Authority deems correct, then that tolerance is over, that tolerance of your behaviour.
‘Mind your step, mind your step’ echoes through the hall of the airport by the speaker near the flat-conveyor belt. Now that is honesty, mind your fucking step buster… or else… or else tolerate my wrath, my disgust, my, my…
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LinkedIn and not LinkedOn?
You’re a breath of fresh air to me
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RandstadRail (HSE) NL.IMRO.0518.BP0241ZRRHSE-10CO
5.2 Ontwikkeling
De Randstadrail Erasmuslijn (ook wel E-lijn genoemd) is een snelle lightrailverbinding tussen Rotterdam en Den Haag Centraal. In de huidige situatie komt de Erasmuslijn aan op de bestaande sporen 11 en 12 van het NS station in Den Haag. Dit was bedoeld als tijdelijke oplossing. Spoor 11 en 12 zullen weer in gebruik te genomen worden voor NS-materieel. Dit betekent dat een nieuwe aanlanding voor de Erasmuslijn gerealiseerd dient te worden.
Er zijn hiervoor verscheidene varianten onderzocht, waaronder een tunnelvariant, een maaiveldvariant, een variant van plus twee boven maaiveld direct boven het busstation en een variant van plus twee boven maaiveld met kolommen in de Anna van Buerenstraat. Er is gekozen voor de laatst genoemde optie als meest reële optie. De variant staat bekend als de Anna van Bueren variant. Deze laatste variant is uitgewerkt in dit bestemmingsplan.
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I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: Slowly, and then all at once.
Two teens, both who have different cancer conditions, fall in love after meeting at a cancer support group. Hazel and Augustus are two teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them on a journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous, given that Hazel’s other constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gus jokes about his prosthetic leg, and they meet and fall in love at a cancer support group.
Director: Josh Boone
Writers: Scott Neustadter (screenplay), Michael H. Weber (screenplay), John Green (book)
Stars: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern, Sam Trammell, Willem Dafoe, Lotte Verbeek
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For I am a Rain Dog, too
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How now, brown car?
The Bhan Tugh Plates
Before there was light, there was something else: the juxtaposition of the Bhan and Tugh. At the heart of this very special eleven week course are the Bhan Tugh Plates, created by Ra Uru Hu in 1994 to tell the story he was told on the first day of his encounter in 1987. They contain the keys to how the cosmos was conceived and then structured along a line of geometry that began approximately 15 billion years ago and continues unbroken to include you today.
The simplicity of these illustrated manuscript plates allows us to learn and share stages of juxtaposition and biverse conception, enriched by dark matter research and the dialogue between quantum mechanics and relativity. Other topics covered: the prime crystals and monopole, the origins of the neutrino stream, core fractal geometry, the birth of stars and consciousness. Dog, Camel and Center, the 88 Alphas, the mechanics of incarnation, specific planetary roles and triggers for mutation in our time, and also the dance of Phoenician cosmology with the Human Design revelation. This is the cornerstone offering of the Rave Cosmology Certification Program.
Lavishly complemented with easy-to-reference images (Quick Time) of forces like dark matter and star birth. And, of course, continuing the Rave Cosmology story telling tradition begun by Ra Uru Hu.
The Stranglers on 40 years of fights, drugs, UFOs and ‘doing all the wrong things’
Legend has it the Stranglers started a fight with the Clash, took heroin for a year, exploited strippers on stage, and incited a riot in Nice. But the truth was often much worse
A fight with punk royalty
Jean-Jacques Burnel (bass): In 1976, we played with the Ramones. In those days, [Clash bassist] Paul Simonon had a nervous tic: he used to spit on the ground. He did this just as we came off stage at Dingwalls in London, so I thumped him and it all kicked off. We were thrown out by the bouncers and it continued in the courtyard. On one side were the Pistols, the Clash, the Ramones and a load of their journalist friends. On the other side was us, a few of our fans and me, nose to nose with Paul. Dave [Greenfield, Stranglers keyboards] had John Lydon up against the ice-cream van.
Jet Black (drums): It polarised opinion against us, but we’ve always been at our best with our backs against the wall.
Burnel: Contrary to what has been written, Hugh [Cornwell, Stranglers singer] and I never had punch-ups. There was one incident in Rome where he tried jumping in the air during Hanging Around and managed to get two inches off the ground. I said something afterwards and he threw a glass against the wall. I pushed him and he just went straight through a paper-thin wall. It was like a Tom and Jerry cartoon, with a silhouette in the wall in the shape of Hugh.
Creature Comforts
‘100 Robi’
One hundred humanoid robots perform a synchronised dance routine in Tokyo on Monday. Each of the one hundred ‘Robi’ robots weighs just 1 kg (2.2 pounds) and stands 35 centimetres (1.1 foot) tall. The ‘100 Robi’ project was the brain child of Tomotaka Takahashi of Tokyo University. The synchronised dance lasted three minutes
That’s all I have to say about that
In your heart, you’ve always known
All right, so what’s on the menu?
Struggling with a marriage on the brink of falling apart, a couple escapes for a weekend in pursuit of their better selves, only to discover an unusual dilemma that awaits them.
Director: Charlie McDowell
Writer: Justin Lader
Stars: Mark Duplass, Elisabeth Moss, Ted Danson
Don’t believe the hype
But not with real intent
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Hexagram 41
Hexagram 41: diminishing; R Wilhelm 41: decrease; Hua-Ching Ni 41: sacrifice, decrease; HDS Gate 41: gate of contraction, decrease; S. Reifler 41: decrease; J Blofeld 41: loss, reduction; S Karcher 41: diminishing, the offering; GeneKey 41: the prime emenation
3D Printed Motorcycle
Tell me Universe, what is the meaning of life?
Keep an eye on the clouds and the sky
Hey hey hey hey, It was the D.N.A.
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And smile down deep inside
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Another view (96)
The Rubik’s Cube’s 40-year history is full of twists—quintillions and quintillions of them.
How Ernö Rubik Created the Rubik’s Cube By Noah Davis
At 29, Ernö Rubik was too old to be playing with blocks. But the Hungarian professor of architecture couldn’t help himself: He was fascinated with shapes and spent much of his free time building and perfecting 3-D models. In 1974, a particular project had him stumped. For months, he’d been working on a block made of smaller cubes that could move without causing the whole structure to fall apart. So far, each attempt had failed. The evidence was strewn all over the two-bedroom apartment he shared with his mother.
One spring day, a frustrated Rubik left the apartment and wandered the streets of Budapest. He followed a gentle bend in the Danube River, a path he had walked countless times before. At one point, he stopped to listen to the water lapping ashore and looked down at the polished round pebbles that lined the riverbank. Suddenly, his heart started racing.
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Did you have a good day at school?
A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie. Adam Bell is a Toronto area History college professor. He is a rather somber man, largely because he is stuck in a routine, which includes a relationship with his live-in girlfriend, Mary. While watching a rental movie, he spots an actor in a bit part that looks like him. He becomes obsessed with finding out about this double of his.
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Writers: José Saramago (novel), Javier Gullón
Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon
We only have one life. I believe this is a great experience and I don’t want to put it to waste.
America does not repel the past or what it has produced under its forms or amid other politics or the idea of castes or the old religions . . . accepts the lesson with calmness . . . is not so impatient as has been supposed that the slough still sticks to opinions and manners and literature while the life which served its requirements has passed into the new life of the new forms perceives that the corpse is slowly borne from the eating and sleeping rooms of the house . . . perceives that it waits a little while in the door . . . that it was fittest for its days . . . that its action has descended to the stalwart and wellshaped heir who approaches . . . and that he shall be fittest for his days.
The Americans of all nations at any time upon the earth have probably the fullest poetical nature. The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem. In the history of the earth hitherto the largest and most stirring appear tame and orderly to their ampler largeness and stir. Here at last is something in the doings of man that corresponds with the broadcast doings of the day and night. Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations. Here is action untied from strings necessarily blind to particulars and details magnificently moving in vast masses. Here is the hospitality which forever indicates heroes. . . . Here are the roughs and beards and space and ruggedness and nonchalance that the soul loves. Here the performance disdaining the trivial unapproached in the tremendous audacity of its crowds and groupings and the push of its perspective spreads with crampless and flowing breadth and showers its prolific and splendid extravagance. One sees it must indeed own the riches of the summer and winter, and need never be bankrupt while corn grows from the ground or the orchards drop apples or the bays contain fish or men beget children upon women.
Other states indicate themselves in their deputies . . . but the genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors . . . but always most in the common people. Their manners speech dress friendships—the freshness and candor of their physiognomy—the picturesque looseness of their carriage . . . their deathless attachment to freedom—their aversion to anything indecorous or soft or mean—the practical acknowledgment of the citizens of one state by the citizens of all other states—the fierceness of their roused resentment—their Curiosity and welcome of novelty—their self-esteem and wonderful sympathy—their susceptibility to a slight—the air they have of persons who never knew how it felt to stand in the presence of superiors—the fluency of their speech their delight in music, the sure symptom of manly tenderness and native elegance of soul . . . their good temper and openhandedness— the terrible significance of their elections—the President’s taking off his hat to them not they to him—these too are unrhymed poetry. It awaits the gigantic and generous treatment worthy of it.
The largeness of nature or the nation were monstrous without a corresponding largeness and generosity of the spirit of the citizen. Not nature nor swarming states nor streets and steamships nor prosperous business nor farms nor capital nor learning may suffice for the ideal of man . . . nor suffice the poet. No reminiscences may suffice either. A live nation can always cut a deep mark and can have the best authority the cheapest . . . namely from its own soul. This is the sum of the profitable uses of individuals or states and of present action and grandeur and of the subjects of poets.—As if it were necessary to trot back generation after generation to the eastern records! As if the beauty and sacredness of the demonstrable must fall behind that of the mythical! As if men do not make their mark out of any times! As if the opening of the western continent by discovery and what has transpired since in North and South America were less than the small theatre of the antique or the aimless sleepwalking of the middle ages! The pride of the United States leaves the wealth and finesse of the cities and all returns of commerce and agriculture and all the magnitude of geography or shows of exterior victory to enjoy the breed of full-sized men or one full-sized man unconquerable and simple.
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That’s right, pleased 2 meet U
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