Voor mij, van jou
“There is a certain sentence one regularly hears from many people who are new to Human Design:
‘I have already done a lot of work on myself….‘
The truth is that the more work you have done on yourself, the harder it will be to decondition all of that work. I speak as one who knows! I did a lot of work on my ‘not self’ as well. I was really into polishing my not self! And it’s not about devaluing all that work either. It all has its value in the end.
If you have found Human Design, you must be a naturally lucky person, but you may also be damned! You have to have double luck for the knowledge to take root inside you.
There are no prerequisites for awakening. This is the only thing that can never be read from your chart – who will get it and who will not is still one of the true mysteries. It doesn’t matter how good a student you are – you could know more about Human Design than Ra Uru Hu himself and not get it – or you could only ever hear 2 sentences about your strategy and get it. You can be the most impatient person on this earth, but if your design makes the commitment to the process, you will learn to be patient within your impatience.
It’s a maddening business is Human Design.
So, after years of digging, I have only one diamond.
I would say: tread softly. Human Design isn’t about inner work – it’s about shedding all of that – and once its gone, we really get to see that it’s really about inner play. It isn’t serious at all. In fact, it’s bloody hilarious.”
An Afterword by Richard Rudd – Living Your Design manual
we aren’t just friends
we -are- lovers
but, lovers of life
lovers of us
not, of each other
Like brothers and sisters
or, best friends forever
with others for intimacy
those others our fuckers
7-centerdness shed
and included 2 more
one hundred percent
is, what is correct
nothing else matters
that’s how we’ve met.
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“It is a very important question. Who wants crutches? Who is the person who wants crutches? The one who cannot stand on one’s own legs. As long as you are insecure on your legs, you want crutches, you need crutches. The one who is secure does not need them. Crutches are not a part of your outfit. You do not dress up nicely and don some crutches also! No. People need crutches only when they feel insecure on their own legs. The more you need crutches, the more insecure you feel. Tell me now, do you want crutches or do you want freedom from insecurity?
Nobody wants crutches. The more crutches you have, the more insecure you are. And there are many crutches. Finances are crutches, name is a crutch, fame is a crutch, power is a crutch, community is a crutch. All these are crutches. You want to become a member of a community so that you will feel good, which is why all cults will tell you, “You are special.” Somebody is there to keep you under their control, telling you that you are someone special, that it is you against many.
When we seek security, it means we feel insecure. There is nothing wrong or right here. We are only trying to understand what is going on. We are not making any judgement that this person is right and the other one is wrong. ‘Right and wrong’ is not the point. What we are trying to get at is, we feel insecure about ourselves. Being self-conscious, the human being is insecure. And there are definitely reasons for this sense of insecurity, but they seem valid according to the person.
We are going to analyse these reasons that seem to be very valid. We are going to question their validity by seeing thoroughly the fallacy of all those arguments that seem to support the sense of insecurity. If they do not have a standing, they fall apart; naturally, the insecurity also goes away along with them.
It is important to understand that you are not seeking security. You cannot stand being insecure. It means you are seeking freedom from insecurity. When you seek freedom from insecurity, should you seek security or should you question, “Why am I insecure?” When you seek security, you are taking youself for granted as someone who is insecure; you have already concluded that you are insecure.
Now, how real is this conclusion? What are the reasons for it? All these we analyse. That is the viveka here. “Am I really insecure, or is something else insecure which I take to be myself, and then feel insecure?”” – Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Tattvabodhah
Get DiRT 3 Complete Edition, the definitive edition of off-road racer DiRT 3 now expanded with extra content and enhanced with Steamworks integration, including Achievements, Leaderboards and Steam Cloud Saves.
In DiRT 3 Complete Edition, you’ll race iconic cars representing 50 years of off-road motorsport across three continents – from the forests of Michigan to the infamous roads of Finland and the national parks of Kenya. You’ll also express yourself in the stunning Gymkhana mode, inspired by Ken Block’s incredible freestyle driving event, and take on other modes including Rallycross, Trailblazer and Landrush. Powered by Codemasters’ award-winning EGO Engine, DiRT 3 Complete Edition features Flashback to rewind time, genre-leading damage and you can take on all game modes in split-screen and competitive online multiplayer.
DiRT 3 Complete Edition extends DiRT 3’s content with:
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Something that started in October 2010 as a small seed in an email which only contained: “Rave Cosmology?” and what grew patiently larger during all these years since, and then triggered into higher gear through the death of Ra Uru Hu, finally after an interesting 250 hours of study during 15 months containing lots of drama, and then with even more intense focus in the 2 weeks that it took to prepare the exam papers I present you:
And a big shout out to –all– people who helped, supported and also to those that challenged me to explore me being a late bloomer more and further then ever before as all of you are a source of inspiration.
I hope you know who you are, since I may have forgotten a few of you that also deserve some form of credit, then please take it, it’s yours too 🙂
To read the exam paper go here: Rave Cosmology: The Nature of the Stars
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“‘Tattva‘ means generally the ‘ness’, the essential nature of anything, the truth of it. Here it is used in the sense of the ultimate truth. When we say that tattva is the ultimate truth, there is a definitive meaning for it.
There is a truth, tattva, for everything. The pot has pot-ness as its truth because without the pot-ness there is no pot. And the pot-ness itself does not exist without a substantive, which, for a clay pot, is clay. So does the clay have pot-ness? Clay cannot have pot-ness as its truth; it can only have clay-ness. Therefore, pot-ness is an incidental attribute to clay. Clay-ness itself is an incidental attribute because clay cannot exist without being atoms. It being so, clay-ness is an incidental attribute to atoms, and those atoms themselves have atom-ness, which are incidental attribute to particals.
As we analyse the truth of something, we keep finding that it is not the truth of that thing. And if we arrive at a truth that is not an incidental attribute, which itself is the truth, then it would be the ultimate truth.” – Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Tattvabodhah