
Rave New Year Forecast 2019 Excerpt

The Rave New Year Forecast is Fundamentally a Transit Weather Forecast

The transits of the Rave New Year are frequency patterns, interpreted by the mind, that will arise over and over throughout the year. It is easy to become caught up in the planetary transits because they influence all of humanity – we are in a material program which promotes a homogenized way of thinking and acting.

Learning about the planetary transits help us to become aware of what is not us, of what is not our individual life. When we learn about the Rave Year ahead, it is a finger pointing us towards what we can become aware of, without becoming identified with it, or acting upon it. It becomes the basis of our wisdom about the world, and what is not us.

It can be valuable to remember that this is the transit weather passing through; however, it is a weather pattern that will come up over and over throughout the year. We do not need to identify ourselves with the weather passing through; it is simply something that is experienced through the body and observed with the mind. We don’t make up stories about how the weather is doing something to us, or that we must do something about the weather; it is simply a fact of life here on planet Earth. Just like the weather, the Rave New Year transit themes are a fact of life on planet Earth every year.

If we know it is going to be rainy, we can be prepared, and take an umbrella with us; if we know the Rave New Year forecast, we can be prepared for what the homogenized world around us will be caught up in, and therefore, what to look for in the transit weather.

What is the Program?

The Program is a term that Ra used to describe the way the planetary transits operate together. We live in a vast neutrino ocean of approximately 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch per second; and we take in their energy, which arises primarily from the core of stars. Each neutrino travels to us across the solar system; and as they pass across or through a planet, the neutrino picks up the frequency imprint of that planet.

Each planet has a specific orbit in our solar system, which is described in Human Design through the Rave Mandala wheel, from the point of view of planet Earth. As each planet moves in its orbit, it passes through each of the gates in the Rave Mandala wheel. The Sun takes 365 days to pass through all 64 gates, where Pluto takes 251.9 years to do the same.

When we look at a transit of a specific day, we are seeing a snapshot of the planet’s movement around the wheel, and the specific energies that the neutrinos are bringing to us. The combination of all these planetary aspects and their gates is called The Program.

By observing The Program for the Rave New Year, we can learn to recognize these imprinted themes in action around us, and not get caught up in acting upon them, or identifying with them. Simply stated – energy is not personal.

Each planetary body has its own unique frequency theme, which is then expressed through the imprinted neutrinos passing by, and through that planetary body.

When we are looking at the Rave New Year Transits, we are looking at the over-arching, global themes for the entire year. Their potential influence is in the way our mind is conditioned to think, with a particular direction or focus. We can also become caught up in identifying with the homogenized world, which amplifies this same conditioning.

Each planet’s frequency for the coming year, expressed through the specific gate it is transiting, brings a unique energy transmission, which can be experienced by the body, and observed by the mind.

However, each of us have our own imprint of the planets, and their gate energies, that make up our individual BodyGraph. Our very strategy, and Inner Authority, arise through the specifics of the planetary imprint of our design. When we are operating correctly, we are living a life that is built upon the specifics of our design, through each planetary aspect and their frequencies.

When the mind is running the life, it runs on The Program; it is a distorted, and homogenized way of life – acting and reacting to the transit themes and their influences. And, if The Program provides a transit in a gate that is open in our design, the mind will be very attracted to acting upon it.

By learning about The Program, and specifically the Rave New Year programming, we can learn to observe these themes in action around us. Slowly, we can become familiar with these themes, and avoid being identified with them, or initiating action based upon them.

Remember, the transits are here to be observed, and self-observation builds our wisdom, and potential for awareness in the now.

By Dharmen & Leela Swann-Herbert

Bodies don’t wake up.

“That can actually sound quite cute. But anyway they don’t. They don’t. Vehicles don’t wake up. It’s not even in their criteria. Vehicles are vehicles. Only passengers can wake up.

To break through that, it’s not enough to say “Ok, follow your strategy, honor your inner authority.” You can’t imagine, well, I guess you can because most of you have heard it, I say this endlessly, it is my “take two aspirins and go to bed,” over and over and over again, but it’s not enough when it comes to any attempt to awaken the passenger. As I said earlier, you can follow your design and have the serendipity that your passenger sees. There isn’t anything to say that there isn’t a 2nd line somewhere that will come to that quite naturally. It’s all possible. But in terms of the vast population, in terms of the vast majority of people who will experiment with this knowledge? No. No, it’s not a given because it is a gift and not a right. How about that? It’s not a right.

There can be a number of ways. You can be Krishnamurti. That is, you can have a fabulous intellectual mind. And through the very glory of your intellectual mind you can get to a resolute place of recognizing choicelessness. Bravo, very few beings can do that. It’s impressive, but very few can. You can have satori, that incredible epiphany, magical moment, whatever you want to call it, in which suddenly seeing is there. So many of the beings that we call masters, gurus, whatever, have had these kinds of experiences where suddenly there’s this seeing and everybody says “ah”; yeah, well, ok. It’s not transferable. We’re talking about transference and we’re talking about what’s transferable. I have no right as a teacher to teach anything that isn’t transferable” – Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is not a moral knowledge

“It doesn’t teach us to be nice
Human Design is the rule breaker
It urges us to be ourselves in any price
All the prices our conditioned mind might think we pay
Turn out to be the biggest gifts bestowed upon us through this process
There is no bigger gift then being one’s SELF
It can’t be quantified
It can’t be compared
It can’t be defined
And there is nothing more important or worthy than it.
There is no cause
There is no enlightenment.
SELF is all there is.
And the gift of its unique expression through a body and mind.
We humans have so many ideas, in any path we walk.
Every “truth” brings endless words to feed the thought,
Which now translates its instructions into new language.
If we believe it, we fall into the pit. Illusion.
If we think it can tell us what it means to be SELF
We are mistaken.
The problem cannot recognize the solution
Thought cannot comprehend what is before and beyond thought.
Human Design reminds us what it is to be a guest here, on this plane.
A passenger consciousness in a vehicle,
Driving us safely on itself.
To be a passenger is not to look at everyone else,
And think who we are in compared to them.
It is to watch and see our SELF,
Being revealed and exposed, out of letting go into what IS.
And to allow the expression of it as it is,
Without masks, or trying to please and ease, to fit in.
Without fighting to change, to be someone or something.
It is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others.
And it takes courage. It takes courage to be who we are.
Mostly the courage of the first decision – to try.
After that, out strategy and authority take us.
I love Human Design.” – Pavaka Katzir – Living Your Design Guide – Human Design Manifestor Group

What is left to ‘let go’ of?

“So I meet so many people around the world who are trying to let go of or release thoughts and feelings, they’re trying so hard to be free from thoughts and feelings. Of course that’s the mind’s version of freedom, that’s always the mind’s conversation with present experiences. ‘How can I be free from you? How can I be free from you, fear? Hey anger, how can I be free from you? Hey doubt, how can I free myself from you?’
So that’s how the mind conceives of freedom, it’s some kind of destination, some kind of goal.

So I’d like to shift the paradigm. What if freedom is not a goal? It’s not a destination? It’s not something that’s coming in the future, but freedom is actually your nature. So it’s no longer about, ‘How can I be free from thoughts and feelings? How can I free myself from judgmental thoughts or negative thoughts? How can I free myself from fear or sadness or shame?’
What if the true freedom actually lies in this allowing, allowing thoughts to be here, allowing feelings to be here. So you’re not trying to free yourself from thoughts and feelings but you are the freedom, you are by nature, it’s your nature, freedom. You are the freedom in which thoughts are allowed to come and go, feelings are allowed to come and go. The freedom in which fear is allowed to arise and fall, in which anger is allowed to appear and disappear. As if you were this great ocean of presence and every thought, every feeling was like a wave coming and going in your vast embrace and your ever present embrace.
Read more

What I came to see was that my suffering wasn’t a result of not having control

“Before I woke up to reality, I had a symbol for all my frustration: my children’s socks. Every morning they would be on the floor, and every morning I would think, “My children should pick up their socks.” It was my religion. You could say my world was accelerating out of control in my mind; there were socks everywhere. And I would be filled with rage and depression because I believed these socks didn’t belong on the floor even though, morning after morning, that’s where they were. I believed it was my children’s job to pick them up even though, morning after morning, they didn’t.

I use the image of children and socks, but you might find that for you, the same thoughts apply to the environment, politics or money. We think these things should be different than they are, and we suffer because we believe our thoughts. At 43, after 10 years of deep depression and despair, my real life began.

What I came to see was that my suffering wasn’t a result of not having control; it was a result of arguing with reality. I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered; when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.

When you question your mind for the love of truth, your life always becomes happier and kinder. Inquiry helps the suffering mind move out of its arguments with reality. It helps us move into alignment with constant change. After all, the change is happening anyway, whether we like it or not. Everything changes. But when we’re attached to our thoughts about how that change should look, we feel uncomfortable when we realize we’re not in control. Through inquiry, we enter the area where we do have control: our thinking. We question our thoughts about the ways in which the world seems to have gone crazy, for example. And we come to see that the craziness was never in the world, but in us.

When we understand our thinking, we understand the world, and we come to love it. In that, there’s peace.

Who would I be without the thought that the world needs improving? Happy where I am right now: the woman sitting on a chair in the sunlight. Pretty simple. The apparent craziness of the world, like everything else, is a gift we can use to set our minds free. Any stressful thought you have about the planet, for example, or about life and death, shows you where you’re stuck, where your energy is being exhausted as a result of not fully meeting life as it is, without conditions. You can’t free yourself by finding a so-called “enlightened” state outside your own mind. When you question what you believe, you eventually come to see you’re the enlightenment you’ve been seeking.

Until you can love what is–everything, including the apparent violence and craziness–you’re separate from the world, and you’ll see it as dangerous and frightening. I invite everyone to put these fearful thoughts on paper, question them, and set themselves free. When the mind is not at war with itself, there’s no separation in it. I’m 65 years old and unlimited. I’m no longer interested in what my children do with their socks.”

Quoted from a book by Byron Katie: A thousands names for joy

Planetary Transit Time Chart

Image by Cathy Kinnaird

Source: Channels by Type 4 – Understanding the Transit Program

Except that we don’t use the 29.5 days synodic cycle in Human Design, but the 27.3 days tropical cycle.
See calculations here: Lunar Cycle Calculations

And Mercury and Venus are off too, the mistake is around the Wheel (Earth) vs around the Sun, improved here:

To Magnetize or Demagnetize?

The Magnetizer/Demagnetizer is a useful tool that helps mechanics, electricians, and hobbyists to alternatively have magnetized or demagnetized tools. It’s important that electricians have demagnetized tools so that their tools do not magnetically attract to anything as they work on small hardware. Similarly, mechanics may need magnetized tools to attract screws and other fasteners. Rather than buying pre-magnetized tools at the hardware store, they can use this helpful magnet to magnetize or demagnetize any small steel tool already on-hand!

Simply run the tool through the “magnetize” side (open rectangle) and the steel tool will carry a temporary magnetism, allowing it to easily pick up and hang on to small screws and nails. The magnetism is not permanent and will eventually wear off, even without running it through the “demagnetize” side. This is because the steel is exposed to a magnetic field, which temporarily aligns the electrons, causing it to be magnetized. Eventually, the electrons will resume their original position.

It is sometimes necessary to switch between magnetized and demagnetized, which is where the other side of the tool comes in. Run the magnetized tool through the “demagnetize” side (indented opening) to quickly remove any magnetism. Running the magnetized tool through this end allows the previously aligned electrons to become interrupted, thus removing the magnetism.

The ease with which this product can be used lends to its appeal across multiple industries. In conjunction with its portability and functionality, it is decorated with a full color domed decal on either side. The product itself is magnetic and therefore can be placed on a toolbox, filing cabinet, or other ferrous surfaces.

The science behind magnetism is contained in this compact tool!

Source: to-magnetize-or-demagnetize-one-handy-tool-does-both