Bon voyage master Jedi
John Martin – The Last Transmission
Two days before he departed the Earth plane John recorded his experience of what happened to him, and his experience of the same as a Passenger and witness.
John Martin – The Last Transmission
Two days before he departed the Earth plane John recorded his experience of what happened to him, and his experience of the same as a Passenger and witness.
Staatsloterij biedt gratis loten en vergoeding
De Staatsloterij trekt meer dan 30 miljoen euro uit om het vertrouwen te herstellen in verband met de jarenlange misleiding over de winkansen. Er komt onder meer een bijzondere gratis trekking voor misleide spelers en iedereen die zich bij een van de claimorganisaties had aangesloten kan een vergoeding van 40 euro krijgen. Daarover heeft de loterij een akkoord bereikt met de Stichting Staatsloterijschadeclaim.
De Staatsloterij vermeldde tussen 2000 en 2008 niet dat ook niet-verkochte loten aan trekkingen meededen. Daardoor konden prijzen vallen op loten die niet waren verkocht, waardoor de winkansen kleiner waren dan de consument dacht.
De misleiding was in 2015 al door de hoogste rechter in ons land vastgesteld, maar tot een goede regeling om de zaak af te wikkelen was het nooit gekomen. Volgens directievoorzitter Niels Onkenhout van de Staatsloterij past ,,naast de al eerder gemaakte excuses, nu ook een concreet gebaar”.
Tot vier gratis loten
Iedereen kan zich aanmelden en krijgt 1 á 2 gratis loten voor de bijzondere trekking. Daarbij zal in totaal netto 13,5 miljoen euro aan prijzen worden weggegeven, waaronder vijf keer 1 miljoen euro. Wie mee wil doen, moet wel afzien van eventuele gerechtelijke stappen. Details over de extra trekking hier:
27 mei 2017 is de Bijzondere Trekking
De Bijzondere Trekking heeft een totale prijzenpot van €13,5 miljoen, belastingvrij! Met 5 hoofdprijzen van €1.000.000, 15 x €250.000, 125 x €10.000, 1.000 x €1.000 en 10.000 prijzen van €250 is uw kans op zo’n mooie prijs extra groot! Alle prijzen vallen gegarandeerd!
“Het zijn de buitenbeentjes, die het leven, de kunst, de journalistiek en de literatuur van kleur en reuring voorzien. Zoals Özkan Akyol, Midas Dekkers, Arthur van Amerongen, A.H.J. Dautzenberg, wijlen Theo van Gogh en Boudewijn Büch. Die laatste – Boud voor intimi – strikte ik in de jaren tachtig als medewerker voor het boekenprogramma van de VPRO-radio, wat tot afkeuring leidde bij de culturele elite en veel zich achter een superioriteitscomplex verschuilende collega’s. Want dat geldt voor vrijwel alle dwarsliggers met excentrieke kantjes, ze trekken in het land waar egalitarisme en platvloersheid de volksaard kenmerken (wie verbeeld je je wel dat je bent ?), al snel controverse en afgunst aan.
De vraag ‘wie verbeeld je je wel dat je bent ?’ is in het bijzonder van toepassing op schrijver, TV-presentator, poëet en fenomeen Boudewijn Büch omdat hij als geen ander van zijn leven fictie maakte. De verbeelding won het in zijn geval ruimschoots van de feiten, want die waren te banaal om als bouwstenen te dienen voor de kathedraal opgebouwd uit verzinsels, uitvergrote ervaringen, leugens en bedrog waarmee hij iedereen – geliefden, vrienden, collega’s en het grote publiek – grandioos in de maling nam.” – Paul Aalbers
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The true story of when the Boston Globe’s tenacious “Spotlight” team of reporters delves into allegations of abuse in the Catholic Church, their year-long investigation uncovers a decades-long cover-up of the massive scandal of child molestation at the highest levels of Boston’s religious, legal, and government establishment, touching off a wave of revelations around the world.
Rave Cosmology – Final Certification Course with Darshana Mathews begins January 11th. For more information please click here:
Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of Human Design.
**To download the Rave Cosmology Certification Program Brochure please Click Here**
**To listen to an audio preview of Lynda Bunnell talking about this course please Click Here**
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.”
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Oppressed by her family setting, dead-end school prospects and the boys law in the neighborhood, Marieme starts a new life after meeting a group of 3 free-spirited girls, reinventing herself and gaining a sense of self confidence in the process. She changes her name, her dress code, and quits school to be accepted in the gang, hoping that this will be a way to freedom. However…
With unprecedented access, CARTEL LAND is a riveting, on-the-ground look at the journeys of two modern-day vigilante groups and their shared enemy – the murderous Mexican drug cartels. In the Mexican state of Michoacán, Dr. Jose Mireles, a small-town physician known as “El Doctor,” leads the Autodefensas, a citizen uprising against the violent Knights Templar drug cartel that has wreaked havoc on the region for years. Meanwhile, in Arizona’s Altar Valley – a narrow, 52-mile-long desert corridor known as Cocaine Alley – Tim “Nailer” Foley, an American veteran, heads a small paramilitary group called Arizona Border Recon, whose goal is to stop Mexico’s drug wars from seeping across our border. Filmmaker Matthew Heineman embeds himself in the heart of darkness as Nailer, El Doctor, and the cartel each vie to bring their own brand of justice to a society where institutions have failed. CARTEL LAND is a chilling, visceral meditation on the breakdown of order and the blurry line between good and evil.
Nine-year-old Rob Cole felt the life force slipping from his mother’s hand he could not foresee that this terrifying awareness of impending death was a gift that would lead him from the familiar life of 11th-century London to small villages throughout England and finally to the medical school at Ispahan. Though apprenticed to an itinerant barber surgeon, it is the dazzling surgery of a Jewish physician trained by the legendary Persian physician Avicenna that inspires him to accept his gift and to commit his life to healing by studying at Avicenna’s school. Despite the ban on Christian students, Rob goes there, disguising himself as a Jew to gain admission. Gordon has written an adventurous and inspiring tale of a quest for medical knowledge pursued in a violent world full of superstition and prejudice.
With :Tom Payne, Stellan Skarsgård, Olivier Martinez, Emma Rigby, Ben Kingsley
Did you know that I share my birthday with about 251,519 people around the world (about 700 in the Netherlands alone) and that approximately 10,479 people were born in the same hour?
That is a lot of Reflectors! 🙂
(A 32hours and 46 minute window of No Definition, everyone born between September 11 1969 at 20:46 UTC en September 13th 1969 at 05:32 UTC is a Reflector)
GeenPeil-referendum gaat over onze verhouding tot Vladimir Poetin. De ongemakkelijke geschiedenis van het associatieverdrag met Oekraïne, door Wierd Duk
Wie had gehoopt dat er een levendig, politiek inhoudelijk debat zou ontstaan rond GeenPeil, het initiatief van het Burgercomité EU, het weblog Geen Stijl en het Forum voor Democratie om een raadgevend referendum van de grond te krijgen over een associatieverdrag tussen de Europese Unie en Oekraïne, is bedrogen uitgekomen.
Niet alleen duurde het opmerkelijk lang voordat #geenpeil – de noemer waaronder het initiatief werd gelanceerd – door opiniemakers en de mainstream media werd opgemerkt, toen het er eenmaal op ging lijken dat de benodigde 300.000 handtekeningen inderdaad zouden worden gehaald, werd door tegenstanders vooral grof geschut ingezet. ‘Onzin-referendum’, was nog de minst zure poging tot diskwalificatie. De merkwaardigste bezwaren waren die waarin de initiatiefnemers voor ‘fascisten en nazi’s’ worden uitgemaakt. Burgers die gebruik maken van een democratisch recht zijn ‘fascisten’? Soms is het wel heel moeilijk om je in de denkwereld van anderen in te leven.
Lees verder op:
Diabetes. Prostate cancer. Alcoholism. Parkinson’s diseases. Just a handful of many common illnesses that Western medicine has been inadequate in curing or treating. Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru’s indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines. In their most desperate hour, these patients are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process. Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won’t come back at all.
A mysterious black-clad gunfighter wanders a mystical Western landscape encountering multiple bizarre characters as he confronts warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey. El Topo (the mole) claims to be God, riding a horse through a spiritual landscape strewn with ancient Eastern religious symbols. El Topo’s surreal way is bloody, sexual and self-reflective, musing of his own demons, as he tries to vanquish those he encounters.
Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky)
Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky (as Alexandro Jodorowsky)
Stars: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Brontis Jodorowsky, José Legarreta
“Ze blijkt borstkanker te hebben en daar schaamt ze zich vreselijk voor. Verjaardagen vermijdt ze omdat ze de goedbedoelde maar zinloze adviezen niet meer verdraagt als mensen eenmaal weten dat ze ziek is. “Als je positief denkt, dan wordt die tumor vast kleiner”, “Zou je niet wat meer gaan bewegen” “Misschien moet je gewoon op vakantie. Wist je trouwens dat quinoa en avocado’s ook helpen tegen kanker?” enzovoort. Ze geeft aan dat ze er eigenlijk met niemand meer over durft te praten. Ook vraagt ze zich wanhopig af of het geen karakterzwakte is dat ze nu kanker heeft en of ze het niet aan zichzelf te danken heeft ‘omdat ze gewoon een moeilijk mens is’. Patiënten met kanker hoeven tegenwoordig gelukkig niet meer zo bang te zijn dat ze op deze manier worden behandeld door hun omgeving, tenzij je in een hele primitieve of spirituele community bent beland.” – Esther van Fenema
Lees verder: ThePostOnline
After The Absolute
The Inner Teachings of Richard Rose
David Gold
Bart Marshall
Forward by
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Notice: This book is gladly provided free as a service to sincere seekers.
If you find it of value, please thank the author by purchasing a copy
for your library and to pass on to friends. Thank you.
Buy from
An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and almost everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There’s Max, a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. And Furiosa, a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland.
Director: George Miller
Writers: George Miller, Brendan McCarthy, Nick Lathouris
Stars: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Josh Helman, Nathan Jones, Zoë Kravitz, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Riley Keough, Abbey Lee, Courtney Eaton
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted.
“The Edge is where you find out who you really are…”
The near future: in a city trying to forget its past, the old marks of civil violence and strife are now covered over or memorialized. Crime is nearly gone. Surveillance is pervasive. Most people are content, ignorant, and docile. Few even remember the “bad” old days anymore. But Faith does. She grew up watching the city change. Her family even joined the campaign to stop it until, one by one, they all gave up or gave in. That’s when Faith started running. Four years later, she’s found a kind of freedom as a Runner, a special breed of courier navigating the fringes of society to transport packages, data, whatever. Things the city’s masters would instantly smother if they went through normal channels. Running on the mirror’s edge, always one step away from death, is the one thing that makes Faith feel truly alive … and beyond the reach of the city’s stifling authority. Until now.
In Mirror’s Edge you play Faith, a Runner who uses speed and agility to traverse a dangerous world. Read your surroundings, reach your destination alive, keep moving. Timing and skill make the difference between success and failure. There is no HUD while playing in Story mode. All information is provided visually from Faith’s point of view.
A soldier assigned to Guantanamo Bay befriends a man who has been imprisoned there.
Director: Peter Sattler
Writer: Peter Sattler
Stars: Kristen Stewart, Peyman Moaadi
For the last 40 years, the photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the continents, in the footsteps of an ever-changing humanity. He has witnessed some of the major events of our recent history; international conflicts, starvation and exodus. He is now embarking on the discovery of pristine territories, of wild fauna and flora, and of grandiose landscapes as part of a huge photographic project which is a tribute to the planet’s beauty.
Directed by Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, Wim Wenders
Writing Credits: Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, David Rosier
Cast: Sebastião Salgado, Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, Hugo Barbier, Jacques Barthélémy, Lélia Wanick Salgado
You are being watched. It has become common knowledge that private and state sponsored organizations are spying on you. Get knowledge and tools to protect yourself from global mass surveillance. Or not… 😉
A website dedicated to reviews of books on the Yijing or I Ching, the ancient Chinese oracle known as the Book of Changes, but also containing a complete ‘Introduction to Yijing’ for beginners, an accurate transcription of the 1935 Harvard-Yenching Zhouyi, animations of hexagram sequences, articles, and scans of Chinese diagrams.
The other week he watched 70 hours of TED talks; short, 18-minute talks given by inspirational leaders in the fields of Technology,Entertainment, and Design (TED). He watched 296 talks in total, and he recently went through the list of what he watched, weeded out the crappy and boring talks, and created a list of the 100 best things he learned !
This article isn’t entirely about productivity, but he guarantees you’ll learn a thing or two. Here are 100 incredible things he learned watching 70 hours of TED talks last week!
1. Studies have shown that what motivates a person the most (in non-factory-type work) is how much autonomy, mastery, and purpose they have, not how much money they make.
2. Playing video games can actually make you more productive because video games give you more physical, mental, emotional, and social resilience.
3. A lot of people aspire to be productive so they can become happier, but happiness has been shown to lead to productivity, not the other way around.
4. You don’t have as much attention to give to the world around you as you think. You can’t recall memories while processing new data, you can only process so much information at once, and your attention is easily manipulated (like by magicians).
5. Innovative thinking is often a slow and gradual process, not a moment of instant, lightbulb-like inspiration.
6. If you want people to remember you, sweat the small stuff. Most companies (and people) do the big stuff right, so sweating the small stuff (like getting the user interfaces on your products right) can really set you apart.
7. You have three brain systems for love: lust, romantic love, and attachment. To develop more intimate relationships with your significant other, it’s important to invest in all three.
3 very interesting links and viewpoints:
It really seems the Tutoro is the way to go. As it gives off about a drop a minute when you ride, and only when you ride. Full stop in traffic-jams during rush hour or in front of traffic lights it does not give off any oil (or perhaps 1 drop). The Scottoiler connected to the engines vacuum would give off oil whenever the engine runs.
With Cobrra, Osco and Loobman, once the plunger is pressed or pulled or swiveled a quarter turn, oil will come, and relatively a lot of oil all at once, so you need to be driving at a given speed for it to work properly. If you need to stop shortly after activation, oil will run off the sprocket/chain onto either the ground or your tire.
Also the timing of a certain amount of oil every once in a while is better than using spray bottles, but dosage is more accurately administered with the Tutoro, 1 drop a minute, only when you drive. And in heavy rains one can adjust say 1/4 or 1/2 turn more oil/drips per minute.
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700 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices | Open Culture.
Download 700 free eBooks to your Kindle, iPad/iPhone, computer, smart phone or ereader. Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by Asimov, Jane Austen, Philip K. Dick, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Neil Gaiman, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf & James Joyce.
“The purpose of Human Design is to show our uniqueness. Your Human Design BodyGraph reveals your Definition (who you are) and your Openness (who you think you are and the source of your conditioning).
The first step in being yourself is to rely on your definition and experiment with your Strategy and Authority. The next step in Human Design is to see what is open in you and recognize where you have been conditioned.
The reward that comes from recognizing our own nature is worth the effort. Knowing and understanding our Design protects us from being a victim of our conditioning. To be ourselves is fundamentally to be healthy.
To be what we are not—to live the conditioning—leads to disease as we continually confront ourselves with energies we are not genetically equipped to handle. Human Design is a tool that can help us understand how our body is designed and how it is meant to run properly.”
September 12, 1969. The Secret Language Name for this date, and for those born during it, is…
King Willy looking at things
Sjef Romijn
Born: September 12th, 1969 @ 20:37 in The Hague, Netherlands as a 4/6 Reflector on the Right Angle Cross of Rulership (47/22 | 45/26)
The First interactive Human Design BodyGraph interpretation service. It’s the step-by-step user manual for your life. Sign up and start learning about yourself, the first step is free. (click the picture)
What is the Talking BodyGraph?
The Talking BodyGraph is the first interactive Human Design BodyGraph interpretation service. It provides a step-by-step analysis of a BodyGraph, with instant access to audio and text material. All audio material is voiced by Ra Uru Hu, the founder and first teacher of the Human Design System.
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person |
“You’re going to hate hearing this. My only defense is that this is what I wish somebody had said to me around 1995 or so.” -David Wong
My Amazon Wish List:
“seventh hand is awesome, the cheaper the better” ! 🙂
and if you filter by ‘purchased and unpurchased’ books,
perhaps you get some inspiration