Human Design

Hexagram 54


Hexagram 54: converting the maiden; R Wilhelm 54: the marrying maiden; Hua-Ching Ni 54: marriage; HDS Gate 54: gate of ambition, the marrying maiden; S. Reifler 54: the marrying maiden; J Blofeld 54: the marriageable maiden; S Karcher 54: marrying the maiden; GeneKey 54: the serpent path

Moon Blog 53.1 Accumulation

It’s been a while since I last wrote a MoonBlog, as I was busy with leaving FaceBook but also with setting up a Human Design Forum. I was so busy and even absorbed with it, everything else was on hold for a while, and now I over exhausted myself 🙂


So the self made up deadline of starting testing the Forum Software at the Rave New Year will probably not be made. This basically is an announcement of postponement. And this is a relief for me, as I took too much workload on, and on my own mostly. The mind joyfully occupied with this giant jigsaw puzzle, and with all the knowledge and experience having an idea of what to look for in setting it all up, working on 3 intersecting levels at once; the subscribers side, the moderators/administrators side and the technical software side. And even now, lots of stuff runs through my mind to talk about, but not a lot comes out, it is all still percolating inside me, developing, processing, running its own course, at its own pace. And it will happen as it happens, and not before. But I was forcing it a bit.

With my capacity to focus and really dive into something, swimming around in it and completely losing myself, my identified self. It is time to slow down, and give both my mind and my body a few more breaks. So eager to fill the perceived and confirmed need. After all these years in all these different forums and newsgroups seeing what can be changed and how, and then wanting to implement it overnight, pfff. So yes, there is going to be a subscribers only Human Design Forum, but it might take several weeks or even a few more months before it will open. Aaaah what a relief to say it and to let it go 🙂
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The Many Faces of Fear


“No human being is free from fears. Fear is a part of our human process. To understand fear through Human Design, to understand the gates of fear in your chart will give you incredible insight into your life. It will give you a deep relief that there is nothing wrong with you. Fear is to be recognized and understood.

By entering into things correctly through living out the strategy of your type, fears can cease to be something that are perceived as problematic or debilitating. They can then be seen for what they are, mechanics of the human way and a by product of awareness and its potentials.”- Ra Uru Hu

Hexagram 38


Hexagram 38: polarising; R Wilhelm 38: opposition; Hua-Ching Ni 38: opposition, disharmony; HDS Gate 38: gate of the fighter, opposition; S Rifler 38: neutrality; J Blofeld 38: the estranged, opposites; S Karcher 38: diverging/the shadow lands; GeneKey 38: the warrior of the light

Hexagram 58


Hexagram 58: open; R Wilhelm 58: the joyous; Hua-Ching Ni 58: joyousness; HDS Gate 58: gate of aliveness, the joyous; S Rifler 58: pleasure; J Blofeld 58: joy; S Karcher 58: open/expression; GeneKey 58: from stress to bliss

Invision Power Board 2: A User Guide


This book is your guide to configuring, managing and maintaining a copy of Invision Power Board 2 on your own website to power an online discussion forum. Written for people who want to get their forums up and running as quickly as possible, this book will show you to execute the full power of Invision Power Board. If you are either already running a community forum based on Invision Power Board, or are planning on establishing one, then this is the book for you. This book will guide you through installing, configuring, managing and maintaining an Invision Power Board discussion forum on your own website. The book begins with the initial installation and configuration of IPB on your system. You will then go on a tour of IPB and its features, for both users and administrators. This will grow your understanding and familiarise you with the power and possibilities of IPB. IPB’s Administration Control Panel is where you can control every aspect of your board. From users, forums and word filters to skins, templates and maintenance, everything can be done through the web-based control panel. The book devotes significant sections to covering these, getting you up to speed on the options available to you, and offering advice to help you make the right choices with your board administration. To make your forums stand out from the rest, we cover skins and templates to take your first steps in customising your forum.

By (author) David Mytton
Publisher: Packt Publishing Limited
Format: Paperback|192 pages
Dimensions: 156mmx234mmx10mm|278g
Publication date: 30 June 2005
Publication City/Country: Birmingham
ISBN 10: 1904811388
ISBN 13: 9781904811381
Illustrations note: black & white illustrations

Design Humain: Approche et Bases (French Edition)

Manuel Introductif au Design Humain (French Edition) - Kindle edition by Fabrice Mars. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @

Manuel Introductif au Design Humain (French Edition) – Kindle edition by Fabrice Mars

Vous vous demander ce qu’est le Design Humain (Human Design) et comment l’aborder? Ce livre est fait pour vous. Vous y trouverez les bases pratiques de ce savoir pour vous aider Ă  l’aborder de façon simple. Ce livre couvre les diffĂ©rents types Ă©nergĂ©tiques et leurs stratĂ©gies, les autoritĂ©s intĂ©rieures ainsi que les profils. Sans ĂŞtre un ouvrage exhaustif, ce livre apporte des Ă©lĂ©ments simples et basiques pour commencer Ă  regarder le Design Humain de plus près.

Voici donc un manuel qui se focalise sur les bases élémentaires du Human Design. Souhaitez-vous en savoir un peu plus sur votre propre unicité, sur ce qui vous rend véritablement unique? En avez-vous assez de la pression du mental au quotidien, de toutes ses décisions à prendre et qui rend la vie parfois bien compliquée?

Le savoir du Human Design est incroyablement vaste et pourtant ce sont ses bases qui font la diffĂ©rence au quotidien, pas besoin de tout connaĂ®tre, bien au contraire. Comprenez votre stratĂ©gie et votre autoritĂ© intĂ©rieure et vous aurez enfin les clefs de votre propre expĂ©rience, ayez conscience de votre profil et vous serez enfin Ă  l’aise avec votre propre costume dans la vie.

Tous ces Ă©lĂ©ments sont abordĂ©s dans ce livre qui constitue une excellente porte d’entrĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer votre conscience au travers de cet incroyable outil qu’est le Design Humain. L’auteur de ce livre est analyste professionnel diplĂ´mĂ© et enseigne ce savoir tout en s’efforçant de retranscrire avec fidĂ©litĂ© la frĂ©quence originelle de la transmission afin de la rendre accessible Ă  un plus grand nombre.

Hexagram 10


Hexagram 10: treading; R Wilhelm 10: treading (conduct); Hua-Ching Ni 10: conduct; HDS Gate 10: gate of the behaviour of the self, treading; S. Reifler 10: treading; J Blofeld 10: treading, conduct; S Karcher 10: treading, mating with the tiger; GeneKey 10: being at ease

Transformation 2015 Bringing Your Variables to Life

Leela & Dharman Herbert-Swann talk about their year-long program, The Transformation Course. Each of us has our own unique path to awakening as our true self. Utilizing the four variables, the process becomes one of aligning each individual to their correct and unique frequency. Interested? For the details visit

MoonBlog 18.6 Buddhahood

We will never be completely free from the not-self, or from the mind that is trying to run our life, the mind that wants to know things.

But we can become watchers of the mind and our not-self behaving as if they run the life, which can take a bit of time.

We can learn to trust that there is another Authority at play, which is far less loud than that mind, but has far better ‘answers’.

And all we really have to do, is to allow that Inner Authority to speak up, and have it’s ‘voice’ heard and then, once we hear it, to follow through on what it says, and let go of any kind of control we think we have, and say yes to this, and no to that. Without any mental consideration: no morals, no social pressure. Pure and simple mechanics at play.

The awareness to watch is one thing, the mind immediately judging everything we see is quite another: this is good, this is bad, I do this wrong, s/he does that wrong, if only I did this, if only blablabla

Society is a construct, to homogenize, without intent, but a free person is a scary person. Even to ourselves 🙂 So we make up rules what behavior is correct and then we force these made up rules onto others, without even for one single second, wondering if they are correct, for myself, let alone someone else. We make stuff up to cover up our fears.

Not an joyful subject to contemplate and discuss 🙂 But here we are, to slowly, slowly, learn to let go of our minds ideals and distorted views, and experiment with the application of this Strategy of ours. While clearly looking at -all- our Centers conditioning, whether they are Open or Defined. Some say only the Open Centers get Conditioned, but as a Reflector I see many Defined Centers not operating at capacity either, as they are somewhat mangled, and limited, hidden. All this yummy power and agility, hidden and sometimes wilting away.

And not forgetting to play, to play hard even, to let it all go, and get horribly drunk, or love, and fight, to dance blisters on our feet, meditate in silence or in giggles, ride a motorbike real fast and get a ticket, to color and play, this life, with this life, in this life. To enjoy ourselves and buy something silly, or give someone a good prank , a scare, a tease…
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Hexagram 11


Hexagram 11: pervading; R Wilhelm 11: peace; Hua-Ching Ni 11: peace, harmony, good opportunity; HDS Gate 11: gate of ideas, peace; S. Reifler 11: peace; J Blofeld 11: peace; S Karcher 11: pervading, great rituals; GeneKey 11: the light of eden

Reflector Lunar Cycle as a Strategy

The Lunar Cycle for Reflectors is 2 separate things:

A. the Lunar Cycle processing in terms of Strategy.
B. the Lunar Cycle in terms of observing how you sample life (differently).

A. is super easy to explain since the Reflector Strategy is to wait a month, a moon, a Lunar Cycle, ~27.5 days, and here is how you do that:

1. when a proposition, a nudge, a question, an initiation comes your way: mark the position of the Moon, which Gate and Line it is in, right there and then.

You can see the actual position of the Moon in the free version of Jovian Archive MMI software by making a ‘Just Now Chart’ or ‘Rave Chart’, or see their online Just_Now page. You can also check out MyBodygraph (which now also has this awesome Transit Tool) or the HumanDesignApp.

2. From then on: maybe you speak with others about it, maybe blog, journal, lecture. Maybe you won’t do any of that. The process has simply started, and that’s it.

The only ‘trick’ is, to –allow yourself- to wait, a month, as you sample life and process this issue (consciously or not) as the Moon passes through all 64 Gates, before making the decision.

3. after one Lunar Cycle, when the Moon is again in the same Gate and Line you were prodded at a month before, did the issue stick around; then deal with it.

Check-in with yourself what your perceived experience about it is. How does your body feel about it, do you notice you already engaged with it perhaps? And if the issue or proposition did not stick around and dissolved on its own; no need to deal with anything, it simply passed (on).

Remember, we -all- have an Inner Authority, but for Reflectors it is a process based Inner Authority

The Maia Mechanics Imaging software allows for creating ‘Transit Watch Chart sequences’ or view the ‘Rave Ephemeris Browser’ in the Professional Edition, a handy tool to have is an Ephemeris which you can order at New SunWare or Zen Human Design. And this wonderful version is available too: Pro-liner HD also in German


B. the Lunar Cycle in terms of observing how you sample life (differently) is a complete course all on its own and a life long process, but pointers are given here: Lunar Cycle & other Transits.

Hexagram 26


Hexagram 26: great accumulating; R Wilhelm 26: great taming; Hua-Ching Ni 26: great amassment; HDS Gate 26: gate of the egoist, taming power of the great; S. Reifler 26: major restraint; J Blofeld 26: the great nourisher; S Karcher 26: great accumulates, gathering the spirit; GeneKey 26: sacred tricksters

MoonBlog 52.5 Explanation

Reflectors sometime get a bad rap for being unreliable, because there are times, when you work or study or even live together with a Reflector that they get up and leave, or even vanish all together. This gets interpreted as being ungrateful, and untrustworthy, when in fact, understanding how finely tuned and sensitive the Reflector is, you get to see, it is no longer correct for that one Reflector , to continue. And in online communities, feeling free to disconnect from any conversation, or group, and person if and when correct for the Reflector, and even block someone if they really feel the need to distance themselves from certain kinds of energy & interactions, without ever explaining themselves.

And most of it happens unconsciously for the Reflector, they themselves can be unaware of the so called reason, the trigger for them to get up and go, and leave you be, and do whatever you do. But do not misinterpret this for being wavery, and loose canons, and become angry with all that you ‘invested’ in one of them, as u hailed one in to be an active support for your project or endeavor. Remember it also being your project, and not theirs, so as long as it is correct for this, or that Reflector they will stay, but when it does not anymore, sooner or later, they will go.

There is nothing wrong with you, or your project per se, the interpretation all too quickly goes to self-doubt too, because if there is no fault or blame with the Reflector, there has to be something or someone else to blame. But no, just check in with yourself, with your very own correctness, through your own Strategy & Authority whether to proceed or not. No blame, no resentment, no fault, it is not personal, remember it being mechanical. And maybe attract another Reflector to exchange with, something we are not used to do, to continue if and when correct with an-other unique individual Reflector all over, as we fall into resentment and guilt tripping and other mind-fucks, for them not being how we made them up to be.

And they, might have actually sensed you being a resentful person, not the best environment for any open G. The beauty of hindsight teaching us how correct the connection really was. We are still so new at this living our design, at entering any form of interconnection, be it a relationship or a partnership, a project or some other form. To enter in correctly and also, to exit correctly. It takes time and practice, allowing ourselves and the other to make some really interesting, silly or even weird mistakes, as we are all still absolute beginners at this.

And some times, the Reflector comes back, comes to check out the environment again, to sample and nibble to see if things are different now, or not.

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Hexagram 5


Hexagram 5: attending; R Wilhelm 5: waiting; Hua-Ching Ni 5: waiting, stagnation, hesitation; HDS Gate 5: fixed rhythms, waiting; S Rifler 5: waiting; J Blofeld 5: calculated inaction; S Karcher 5: attending, service at the sacrifice; GeneKey 5: the ending of time

Hexagram 9


Hexagram 9: small accumulating; R Wilhelm 9: small taming; Hua-Ching Ni 9: small accumulation; HDS Gate 9: gate of focus, the taming power of the small; S Rifler 9: minor restraint; J Blofeld 9: the lesser nourisher; S Karcher 9: small accumulates, gathering the ghosts; GeneKey 9: the power of the infinitesimal

The Genetic Hierarchy

“The Human Design System shows how the four types actually make up a structured ‘genetic hierarchy’, which highlights the way different human beings are designed to interact with each other. In this hierarchy, we are all interdependent, just like the cells that make up our bodies. Below is a symbolic matrix of the way in which the four types interlock with each other. The two energy types, manifestors and generators form the creative foundation, with projectors at the top of the hierarchy being the natural guides, although they are also dependent on the two energy types below. In the centre are the reflectors. These people are designed to be the hub of their communities, playing a vital role in bringing a sense of justice and balance to the hierarchy as a whole.” -Richard Rudd, Opening Doors with Gene Keys


The curious ‘rules’ of serendipity

Beginning Without Intent


The human experiential way, as it has been known from the beginning of the Cross of Planning era going back to 1615, is a process that is slowly coming to an end. The seven-centered way of life that we are all used to and which is the basis of the homogenized world is dissolving, and the nine-centered being is starting to emerge. In this show, Ra explains that in the beginning there was no intent, and there were no rules. We are now leaving behind the world of winners and losers, and ego driven strategies. The new way, the way of uniqueness and differentiation, begins with you. If you wish to challenge what you think uniqueness really is, and discover how to be alive at a very deep level beyond the homogenization, this lecture is for you.

Hexagram 34


Hexagram 34: great invigorating; R Wilhelm 34: great power; Hua-Ching Ni 34: great strength; HDS Gate 34: the gate of power, the power of the great; S Reifler 34: great strength; J Blofeld 34: the power of the great; S Karcher 34: great invigorating strength; GeneKey 34: the beauty of the beast

MoonBlog 32.2 restraint

To live our design, is to live in a continuous state of surprise of what is correct for us, of what turns out to be correct for us. It will surprise us, because our mind has no concept of understanding how it operates, and it does not need to have this concept either. It is a functioning, a processing, it simply operates. Living our Design means to go out into the world, without attachment to anything other than the revelation, the consequence, the surprise of our Inner Authority. Of what shows up and how.

Not living our Design means to attach to real or imagined concepts, as a safety net or rope to guide us along something we find deeply frightful. But unfortunately, the concepts are not helping, they are just a construct, they are not real, not in terms of supporting us in any way. Not in the long run, and not nearly by far as true as the result of applying our Strategy, it can’t be.
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Earliest-born people to be photographed


The earliest-born person to be photographed was probably John Adams, who was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, on 22 January 1745, the son of Captain Thomas Adams and Lydia Chadwick. A shoemaker, he died on 26 February 1849, in Harford, Pennsylvania, aged 104, having made himself a new pair of shoes in his final year. A photographic copy of a daguerreotype (the whereabouts of the original being unknown) is in the possession of the Susquehanna County Historical Society. This image is from Taylor (2013).


a popular contender at present appears to be Hannah Stilley Gorby (born about 1746, died 1840–1850). The original daguerreotype has been missing for some years, but this copy was printed in Alva Gorby’s 1936 book The Gorby Family, History and Genealogy. NB most public member trees on Ancestry give her year of death as 1840, which would mean the individual in the photograph is almost certainly not Hannah Stilley Gorby. Alva Gorby’s book merely says it is “not known” where she died or was buried; although the portrait is indeed reproduced, it is not referred to in the text as a daguerreotype (though it certainly looks photographic).
If it wasn’t Hannah Stilley Gorby, the earliest-born photographed woman so far located is Elizabeth Cutler (23 December 1753 – May 1849), of Holliston, Massachusetts, of whom a daguerreotype in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society is reproduced in Taylor.

The Pie Chart Illustration


“Now, think about something. Think about what we are, you and me, and all the things that we know, all the places that we know, all the creatures, everything that you can imagine. Think about all the mountains, all the seas, and then begin to think about all the moons and the planets and the stars and the galaxies and the super galaxies and the super clusters and on and on and on. Think about it. You think it fills up everything. You think it’s vast and huge. 4.6%: it’s 4.6% of the totality. It’s nothing.”-Ra Uru Hu, The Human Design System – A Complete Guide

Hexagram 14


Hexagram 14: great possessing; R Wilhelm 14: great possession; Hua-Ching Ni 14: great provider, great harvest; HDS Gate 14: the gate of power skills, possession in great measure; S Reifler 14: wealth; J Blofeld 14: great possessions; S Karcher 14: great being, great possesions; GeneKey 14: radiating prosperity

MoonBlog 7.6 The administrator

in Human Design (and on FaceBook), the question comes up about discipline, and also what that means for Reflector, what does that look like, Dharmen talks shortly about discipline in his (free) preview here: Rave New Year Forecast 2014. Besides what the word ‘means’ [In its natural sense, discipline is systematic instruction intended to train a person, sometimes literally called a disciple, in a craft, trade or other activity, or to follow a particular code of conduct or “order”, source: Wikipedia]

And for me, with a 3 parts left variable, active brain, strategic mind and focused view, it means a great amount of effort, but in such small quantities and in such a continuous stream, that then becomes almost effortless doing. I compare it to either getting addicted to any drug, or kicking that same kind of addiction. Lots and lots (and then some more) of little amounts of a substance, or an act.

While also keeping that bit of tension on it, nearly always, never letting go of what you do and perhaps why, but without it being a mental concern (it is not after all) it is something your inner spirit craves for, or seeks to stop being with.

As Jed McKenna says: “I can’t not do this. Wouldn’t recommend it though.”
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The Differentiation Lectures


Lecture 1: Nine-Centered Awakening
A New Being and a New Way of Life
Human Design reveals more than any other malaise that humanity suffers from clinging to an evolutionary past. Emerging in 1781, the nine-centered being is revolutionarily different from its predecessor. Ra provides a profound insight into the true nature and mechanics of our kind and the transformation possible through Human Design. This is a transcript of the first in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on May 4, 2008.
Lecture 2: The Four Transformations
A Guide to Achieving Difference
This is a transcript of the second in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on June 14, 2008 on the stages of Differentiation.
Lecture 3: The Not-Self
What Stands between You and Transformation
This is a transcript of the third in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on July 26, 2008.

MoonBlog 62.2

One of the things that came up in the year long Transformations set of courses about the 4 Variables and Digestion, Environment, Perspective and Motivation, is of-course some of our habits. And one being sleep, or waking habits. When to go to sleep, how long, or late, to stay awake.

And it is easy to say, that this is our conditioning, ours, of how we live to work from 9 to 5, how our days are scheduled along those hours to make room for when to eat breakfast and when to eat lunch, dinner, when to watch tv, and go to bed again, how long to sleep, and so on.

Everything neatly fixed within certain time frames, every single day, and make a fuss when things are not happening along those lines, those times.

But what is so interesting in my exploration of my own observations, is that we like to call it, our conditioning. As if some outside force is to blame, it makes it easy to use this language, so we can identify an outside source for our behaviour, or for our perceptions of other peoples behaviour.
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Hexagram 43


Hexagram 43: parting; R Wilhelm 43: breakthrough; Hua-Ching Ni 43: resolution; HDS Gate 43: the gate of insight, breakthrough; S Reifler 43: breakthrough; J Blofeld 43: resolution; S Karcher 43: deciding and parting; GeneKey 43: breakthrough