
MoonBlog 23.3 Individuality

On the purity of Human Design or mixing it with other frameworks/modalities:

It has nothing to do with following one persons words (Ra Uru Hu) by the letter, or even the Human Design framework ‘to a fault’.

It is about seeing that “all knowledge burns down in the face of Strategy & Authority” and having seen that, experienced it.

By tinkering with it, to add or subtract, we’re tinkering with knowledge alone.

For instance I’ve been in several GeneKeys DeepDives, was live in London with Richard and others just before the book got out, did GK Host and Guide training, was asked to become a GK Guide, and had a great time exploring my emotional world through it. It was incredibly valuable to me and everyone else I know or came in contact with.

But as I also deepened my experience with HD I came to see, that not HD, not Ra, not GK, not any of it, not PHS, not this economic framework or that political philosophy, not Advaita Vedanta was key, but S&A was, my S&A for me, by me.

It truly holds everything, to make those decisions by yourself, which is often times not even decision -making- but realization of what is correct. The dawning awareness of that reality.

And that there is nothing wrong with someone telling me this.

The funny thing is, people claim and clamor that they are free to mix it (which they are), how open and progressive that is, but as soon as someone is telling them (why) not to mix it, all the openness and progressiveness is out the window and they become fundamentalist mixers all of a sudden, just like what they accuse others of doing ! 🙂

While more and more HD people shake their heads and become more and more silent in FB HD groups because of the enormous influx of people indeed wanting to mix, or as they fear the no choice dilemma, to at least have the option as they then cling to it and defend it ferociously, but not creating their own mix groups, but instead just take over the conversations, loud, arrogant, obnoxious, as they promote their mix, and then another mix, and yet another other with another mix.

Mixing it, is not experimenting with it. Hiding behind others and become false group thugs is not you living it.

Writing their own books, giving more, giving less, changing this, changing that, while standing on the basics of HD, while trampling it all the same. Ignoring the pearls from within it as changing one word or syllable has more importance, than -living- it or learning to, as their ego’s are boasted by the people that buy stuff from them, thinking both parties are on the right track, of manipulating life, of creating shortcuts to salvation and the end of their suffering.

That is not duality at all, “ignoring the yin (dark), only seeking yang (light), living only half of a dualistic life, for moral superiority”

I’ve had access to tons and tons and tons of HD and mixed or altered information, and to see, not just for me, but for so many others too, that even pure HD info is not the key, the information is just a drug (gateway drug?) is just for the mind to think it can outsmart life, pretend to change the mind with more/better information. And Ra was the pusher of it, by popular demand.

And then mind make all these and those connections, and thus indeed combine structures, insights, frameworks.

Until *plop* hey, wait a minute, more info is not supporting actually, it is aggravating, it is steering me in an ever more mental direction of thinking to know, to -understand- but it is a lie.

I don’t need more -information- to make my decisions, I need to find out what my decision -IS-, first, without my powerful mind, and listen to that body consciousness, and follow its directions.

I don’t need to know what Color 3 -means-, I need to -live- it.
To apply it, use it, and see how it responds, reacts, struggles, and observe that, notice it behaving. I don’t need to know what Gate the Moon is in right now to live it. Yes it is awesome to understand what energies are present right now, how I sample life differently, right now. But -knowing- what Gate it is in, does not change how I -experience- life, right now.
-edit- it actually does change the experience, but not for good, cause it steers the focus, it limits the openness of observation, because of pre-conceiving the experience, of setting the mind up for how the experience should/might/could look like in the first place.

And yes information of the framework of the how and why or when is interesting, but by just living it, it really does not matter if Reflectors are called Observers or Evaluators, and anyone (!) -selling- you that it does matter, has an agenda not to free you as a passenger, but is a prisoner of their own opinions on things, and help you become one too. And as we find our mental equals, we can salute each other and tap each other on the back for how fucking smart we are for knowing better than silly old Ra, but never outsmarting our own damn minds…

“Look at me, I’m pointing at the moon”, they say, look I changed HD and mixed it with this and that, want to hear my recipe, my version of how my mind made it -seem- better, so you can seem to feel better about it too. In your head?

No matter if you are called Richard Rudd, Karen Curry/Parker, Steve Rhodes or Juliane Hahn.
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It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Marshall JVMC212 Extension Cabinet

The ultimate portable JVM extension cabinet, previously known as the TSLC212, the JVMC212 150w cabinet will give you more creative control over the appearance of your rig. It maintains that classic Marshall tone with one G12 Heritage and one G12 Vintage Celestion speaker. Where the Heritage offers a punchy, brighter sound, the Vintage has a more rounded midrange. Wherever you go – this cabinet is powerful but lightweight with full-size carry handles for easy transport, making it a great investment if you play at a variety of venues.

The JVMC212 cab is constructed from the finest Baltic birch plywood in the Marshall UK factory and hand covered in traditional and hard wearing elephant grained vinyl covering. This is a 2×12″ extension cabinet that feels larger than life in the way only Marshall knows how to do. The Marshall JVMC212 speaker cabinet is suitable for most amp heads.

Tonal excellence – the two different speakers, heritage and vintage, give a deep tone to your sound as well as delivering that unparalleled Marshall volume. Speakers aren’t just there to move air, they’re an integral part of an amplifier’s tonal voice. After exhaustive testing of every speaker available, all agreed that the pairing of a Marshall/Celestion ‘Heritage’ with a Marshall/Celestion ‘Vintage’ was the only way to go as the combination produces a fantastic depth and breadth of sound while maintaining a tight, musical response and a solid low-end thump.

Speaker configuration 2×12″. Power handling 150w.
Speaker model 1 x Celestion Heritage G12H (8Ω, 80w) , 1 x Celestion Vintage 30 (8Ω, 70w)
Unit impedance 16Ω Mono. Weight 24 kg / 53 lbs.
Width 690 mm / 27.2″. Height 490 mm / 19.3″. Depth 265 mm / 10.4″.

Electro-Voice TL806

The Electro-Voice TL806 low frequency loudspeaker system is a vented-box (bass-reflex) design with gross internal volume of 1.3 cu. ft. (36.8119005696 Liters) The system has been designed for use with the Electro-Voice EVM12L 12 inch loudspeaker. The usable frequency range of the TL806 is roughly 60 to 1600 Hz. The efficiency of the TL806 is 6% (half-space load, 100 to 800 Hz, 8 ohm nominal impedance) and as a result will generate outputs of 6 acoustic watts at the rated input of 100 watts.

The design provides a selection of two different low frequency response curves by the optional use of a removable port cover. In the normal configuration (port cover off) the response is flat down to the lowest possible frequency. In the step-down configuration (port cover on) the response exhibits a sloping gradual low frequency rolloff but with about a one-half octave extension of low end response. The step down mode of operation is intended to be used with simple before-the-power-amp equalization to flatten the response (only 6 dB maximum boost required, equalizer details available on request).

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Subject: Ticket#612537648: 14/07/2018 01:56:47 Read before your buddies will see the other side of you

“Hope you do not mind my english sentence structure, considering that i\’m from Denmark. I infected your machine with a virus and now have your private files out of your operating-system.

It was mounted on an adult web page after which you\’ve selected the video and it, my software instantly got into your system.

Then, your camera started to record you soloing, besides i caught a footage that you\’ve viewed.

Soon after some time it also picked up every one of your social contact info. In case you need me to clear off your everything i have got – give me 680 euros in btc it is a crypto-currency. It is my btc account address – [weirdo’s bitcoin address]

At this point you will have 28 hr s. to make up your mind Immediately after i will receive the transfer i am going to get rid of this footage and every little thing completely. In any other case, please remember that your video would be submitted to all of your contacts.” – Upchurch Hamby

MoonBlog 39.4 Temperance

The last part on the Reflector is nonsensical homogenization, and fantasy wishful thinking writing based on a theoretic understanding of Reflectors.

“Having clear boundaries and conscious awareness of what’s really going on during the game will help him not be overwhelmed by others or feel disappointed in the way the game is going but rather feel a sense of surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all.”

Those pre-requisites of ‘having clear boundaries and conscious awareness’ are unattainable for any/all Reflectors and can not be used as a tool to counter such influences, this is just pretending to have any such control over the influence of the experience, first, and for all Reflectors, second. 7 centered Make-ability syndrome all over again.

Also as if being overwhelmed is something to avoid, first, and or bad, second, but most of all as if one actually can avoid any of the experience in such a way. But then also, as if ‘feeling a sense of’ [anything] is the goal! And then particularly or specifically “surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all” as if Reflectors are toddlers or something, what the actual…?

Reflectors/Evaluators (still waiting for any proof that Ra himself ever called Reflectors Evaluators) do sample, do experience, but this way of writings suggests one only is one if one feels this sense of surprise and even wonder, first, but for the flow of it all? There is no room for things not flowing (say an accident happens with a player breaking a leg infield and needs medical attention, or a fight among players from opposing teams, or opposing fans), no room for unexcitement, which happens much MUCH more often than not and is just as valid an experience, especially when IT IS the actual experience of this, or that Reflector.

But also, as if 3 Reflectors, or 300 would experience all the same in the same situation, first, and only if they have clear boundaries and conscious awareness (can we measure this, is that in kilograms, or other units?) second.

Ah man… this is truly fantasy blabla-land.

Edit/add-on: it seems in BG5 there is no deconditioning and therefor something external must bring forth the peace, satisfaction, success and surprise (and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all), when living your design it is not brought (in/out?) by external factors, it is a result of you Living Your Design.

I can understand if one teaches things in certain ways, this is the conclusion people arrive at. And therefor surprise and awe/wonder happens because of this (positive thing only), or because of that (any other positive outer circumstance) because the teaching itself omits how it does work, so it does not sound too googoogaga, when in fact that is the -only- realm it does functions in: dark matter and dark energy.

And therefor has become yet another way of misrepresenting Reflectors and what they are and how they do work/function, when HD is probably the only tool available to explain Reflectors well, they seem to fucking miss the mark on each occasion.
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MoonBlog 12.3 Confession

Question: “How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?”
One answer: “Where do such distortions come from? What does it mean to be initiated?”

Why call it a distortion when you’re not sure yet what it is?
Doubt versus inquiry.

Anyways. This is a nice example of being initiated but needing to process, and I wrote about it 6 years ago here:

But I’ll add: to me, it is the perception of kick-starting my processing. Just like both your question/answer has. I felt, perceived, noticed I was initiated to answer this one, so I started processing it to answer, and in the mean time saw this question a few times during, but still nothing came to me to answer, while still perceiving, noticing to be initiated by it.

So someone comes along and does something, it could be towards you (a hug, a shout, a question, a smile) and you notice a shift by it, through it. It could also be a TV-ad, a picture you see online.

Nothing magical, nothing really special or something, just this perception, that yes, this is for me -to process- to maybe/perhaps engage with. When or how, is something else, but to notice this, first, is important. To perceive to be, initiated. No distortion here.

And sometimes, someone comes, asks, tells, does whatever, and I clearly notice -not- to be initiated. That it is not for me to process, which is a lot of the time. Much more than when I actually am (or perceive to be) initiated. No distortion here either.

So also, it is clear it is not the other persons doing, that they purposefully initiate me, with their agenda. Sure they could, and many do. But it is about me feeling that this, yes, has initiated me to process.

And then I do.

And then I wait, until the processing has finished and I know, yes, or no. Now I can do this, or interact with this someone on their question/journey, whatever it was they asked of me. Or no, I can not.

So when something is for me and me alone, no one else needs to initiate me. Like eating, or playing guitar.

When someone else is involved I need to be initiated, going out to dinner, or play in a band. This could be done by another person, but not necessarily. You can find out for yourself how it works for yourself, each Reflector for themselves.

There is talk that between people of the same Type, there is no Strategy; so Manifestors don’t need to inform each others, Generators not wait to respond, but I’m not sure if that is true. And I have seen examples of this not always working, so…

To answer the initial question: “How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?” is, you experiment. Try it out by initiating yourself. Or, notice if you are already initiated by something to contact this Reflector. And if you notice, no, this feels off, I do not perceive to be initiated, even though my mind keeps annoying me with the subject, then see that, notice that, and move on. Sometimes we already are long time initiated and processing/operating accordingly without us being consciously aware, and sometimes we are not initiated but our minds heckle and harass us about it as if we should be.

What I learned through my journey in Human Design, is that before HD I thought life was really rough, and tough, and clear and black and white, that the way people interacted was always clear-cut and ‘manifested’ (for lack of a better word). This is this, and that is that. And I came to find it is incredibly subtle really, and nuanced, very delicate at times. And I was completely blind and unaware that these fine and even minute principles did run me, triggered me, initiated me already, loooong before I or my mind noticed any of it. HD helped me see these finer details of when, why and how I am triggered by external things, that kick-start my processing.

And that having this incredibly rough perception made me incredibly blind. To me being me, myself.
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How do we know that any one way is better than any other way?

“That’s a good question. The postmodern answer was, ‘we can’t.’ That’s not a good answer, because you drown in chaos under those circumstances. You can’t make sense of anything, and that’s not good, because it’s not neutral to not make sense of things. It’s very anxiety-provoking and depressing. If things are so chaotic that you can’t get a handle on them, your body defaults into emergency preparation mode. Your heart rate goes up, and your immune system stops working. You burn yourself out; you age rapidly because you’re surrounded by nothing you can control. That’s an existential crisis. It’s anxiety-provoking and depressing—very hard on people. Even more than that, it turns out that the way we’re constructed neurophysiologically is that we don’t experience any positive emotion unless we have an aim and we can see ourselves progressing towards that aim.

It isn’t precisely attaining the aim that makes us happy—as you all know if you’ve ever attained anything. As soon as you attain it, the whole little game ends, and you have to come up with another game. So it’s Sisyphus, and that’s ok. But it does show that the attainment can’t be the thing that drives you, because it collapses the game. That’s what happens when you graduate from university. It’s like, you’re king of the mountain for one day, then you’re like serf at Starbucks for the next five years.

Human beings are weird creatures: we’re much more activated by having an aim and moving towards it than we are by attaining it. What that means is that you have to have an aim, and that means you have to have an interpretation. It also means that the nobler the aim, the better your life. That’s a really interesting thing to know, because you’ve heard, ever since you were tiny, that you should act like a good person—you shouldn’t lie, for example. You might think, ‘well, why should I act like a good person? Why not lie?’ Even a three-year-old can ask that question—because smart kids learn to lie earlier, by the way—and they think, ‘why not twist the fabric of reality, so that it serves my specific, short-term needs?’ That’s a great question. Why not do that? Why act morally if you can get away with something, and it brings you closer to something you want? Well, why not do it? These are good questions. It’s not self-evident.

It seems, to me, tied into what I just mentioned. You destabilize yourself and things become chaotic, and that’s not good. If you do not have a noble aim, you have nothing but shallow trivial pleasures, and they don’t sustain you. That’s not good, because life is difficult. There’s so much suffering and complexity. It ends, everyone dies, and it’s painful. Without a noble aim, how can you withstand any of that? You can’t; you become desperate. Things go from bad to worse very rapidly, when you become desperate. And so there’s the idea of the noble aim, and it’s something that’s necessary. It’s the bread that people cannot live without. It’s not mystical bread: it’s the noble aim. And what is that? It was encapsulated, in part, in the story of Marduk: it’s to pay attention, speak properly, confront chaos, and to make a better world. It’s something like that. That’s enough of a noble aim so that you can stand up without cringing at the very thought of your own existence—so that you can do something that’s worthwhile, to justify your wretched position on the planet.” – Jordan B Peterson – Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God

Source: Video & Transcript

Bestron AFT760w

De Bestron AFT760 is een plaatsbesparende torenventilator met een hoogte van ca. 75cm die u mooi kunt plaatsen met de antislipvoet op de vloer. Met een zwenkfunctie van 75° wordt de luchtstroom door de kamer verspreid. Het toestel is uitgerust met een kopergewikkelde motor waardoor hij robuust en stabiel is. Verder heeft u de keuze uit 3 snelheidsstanden. Deze kunt u instellen op het paneel bovenop de toren. Hier vindt u ook de draaiknop voor de 120-minuten timer. Bovendien heeft de Bestron AFT760 een geruisarme werking.
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The East 96th Street Moon

Image Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda

 A very full Moon rose over Manhattan’s Upper Eastside on June 28, known to some as the Strawberry Moon. Near the horizon, the warm yellow lunar disk was a bit ruffled and dimmed by a long sight-line through dense, hazy atmosphere. Still it fit well with traffic and lights along East 96th street in this urban astroimage. The telephoto shot was (safely) taken from elevated ground looking east-southeast from Central Park, planet Earth. Of course, the East 96th street moon was the closest Full Moon to this year’s northern summer solstice.

Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day & Stan Honda

MoonBlog 10.4 The opportunist

Weirdos in the mail:

and this took 20 minutes…

Weirdo: how would you describe gate 26?

Me: describing I wouldn’t so much,a s know it, what it is capable of
but yeah BIG EGO is one

Weirdo: whhy is it called egoist
what are people projecting on me if i have 26.5

Me: you do have it !

Weirdo: hahaha

Me: which is all they see

Weirdo: what do you mean?

Me: you think only about your Personality traits, while everyone only sees your Design traits
lots of mindy questions there bud

Weirdo: yeah why not mindy questions?
its interestimg

Me: book a session?

Weirdo: nah ?
but people do see you personality and design right

Me: then my big ego says: bye 🙂
only you see P
only they see D

Weirdo: oh ok
but even my 22.2 conciouss sideshould be projected on , are you sure what you are talking about ?

Me: dude, go fuck yourself
are you drunk?

Weirdo: well whats your problem ? im just asking ? haha, im curious
not my fault if you have a bad day

Me: no you’re questioning me, while asking me, while not paying me, wasting my time
ah good, yeah all my fault
the end, you’re behaving like an asshole
(nice example of 26 response for you) *unfriend+block messaging*
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Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box

The ultimate tone from your tube amp – anywhere, at any volume
Premium analog reactive load box – 5 finely-tuned guitar amp attenuation levels – Rig control for instant album-quality mic and speaker cabinet emulations – UA Dynamic Speaker Modeling with speaker breakup and cone cry – Selectable 4, 8 and 16-Ohm operation – Front-panel headphone out – Balanced TRS line outs – Wi-Fi control from mobile devices – S/PDIF digital output – Rated for amps up to 150 W (200 W peak) – Built for years of home and studio use that includes 17 speaker cabinets, eight close mics and six room mics, as well as studio-grade compression, delay, EQ, and plate reverb. And at least one easter-egg (looper via foot-switch).

“OX is pre-approved by the Landlord Associations of the Americas, EU and Japan.
And all of your neighbors.
Especially that lady in 2B.”

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Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box Demo

app info starting at 6minutes in

OX is a premium reactive load box and guitar recording system, giving you perfectly studio-miked amp sounds from your favorite tube amp. OX lets you play and record your amp in its sweet spots — from huge clean tones and edge-of-breakup to fully cranked — at any volume level, and with mic, room, and speaker cabinet emulations at the turn of a knob. Featuring Universal Audio’s breakthrough Dynamic Speaker Modeling, OX is the first system to accurately emulate speaker drive, breakup, and cone cry — making it the world’s finest speaker attenuator and guitar amp recording solution.

There is always this joke

slide by Francis Bliven for Rave Cartography ©2010

of people looking for their soul mate and it‟s really inside. It‟s this relationship between the Personality and the Design. It‟s the relationship between Personality consciousness and the vehicle.”

“One of my standing jokes is that if you‟re looking for your mystical partner, your soul mate, well, you‟re looking for your Design.”

“One of our illusions is that we can have the “soul mate” relationship. Well, I prefer that you see that as a relationship between your personality crystal your design crystal. You‟re more likely to find your soul mate inside than you’re ever going to find it outside.”

“The real soul mates are Design and Personality, after all.” – Ra Uru Hu
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on Deja Vu phenomenon

Sayuri La Pydos 10 June at 12:13:
One specific topic that i haven’t found much material on is the insight from the experiment / living the design on Deja Vu phenomenon, which quite a strong phenomenon.
At first glance it looks like it’s either the same information that we recieved once before, either we proccess the information we recieve exactly as we did once before? And if yes what for?
***investigator at work***
Any insights&thoughts are welcome?

Sjef Romijn: The question is a setup. HD does not tell why I have caries, what my political views are, or if it will rain on Sunday.

HD helps us to be crystal clear on -what- the experience is. Not on why the experience happens, per se. It’s like asking, can HD tell me why I hate my neighbor? Why I think sexy thoughts about an other neighbor?

Deja Vu is an experience, of your perception. Ok great. Does there need to be a why, a meaning and purpose attached to it? No.

The mind demands that there is, but yeah, and open head ask questions that do not matter, asking what for is an open ego/heart question (prove it to me). Running around in asking questions but never finding answers, because … it’s a setup…

And it is not related to ‘Living Your Design’ either, it’s not a prerequisite to (LYD when you) have deja vu’s or to find out why they exist, except be a witness of them, to them, maybe/perhaps.

That’s not an investigation at work, that is just your mind playing with you. Making you chase after the rainbow, a dog biting in the waterjet of the hose as you water the plants, making you bet your mortgage in the casino and when you lose it goes: so, what’s next?
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