Formats Quote

There is hardly anything in the world…

…that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man’s lawful prey.

It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that’s all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. – John Ruskin (1819 – 1900), writer and social philosopher

The study – like all research – includes some caveats and limitations

Women tend to be more attracted to men who view females as pure and nurturing but also weak and needing extra care – an attitude that has been named benevolent sexism. That’s the conclusion of a new study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

“We became interested in this topic, because we realized a paradox in the literature on benevolent sexism,” explained study author Pelin Gul of Iowa State University.

“Previous studies have found that men’s benevolent sexism has many detrimental consequences on women (such as undermining their competence, restricting their freedom, confining them to the kitchen), yet research had also shown that women prefer benevolent sexist men and even find these men more attractive than non-benevolent sexist men.”

“We realised that theoretical perspectives on mate preferences, especially parental investment theory, could solve this puzzle,” Gul said. “It could be that women’s attraction to benevolent sexist men is because they perceive these men as willing to invest, which could even outweigh the downsides of benevolent sexism. This explanation was entirely absent in the literature, and so that is what we wanted to add to this literature.”

Across five studies, with 782 female participants, the researchers found that women perceived a male romantic partner who held benevolent sexist attitudes as more willing to protect, provide, and commit for them, which in turn made him more attractive. Feminist women were as likely as non-feminist women to prefer benevolent sexist men over more egalitarian men.

In the study, benevolent sexist men were described as believing that women should be cherished and protected by men, and should be helped before men in emergency situations. They were also described as giving their coat to a woman in the cold and opening doors for her.

Non-benevolent sexist men, on the other hand, were described as holding more egalitarian views. They didn’t beleive that a woman should be set on pedestal by her man, nor did they offer women coats or hold open doors.
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Based on the “Generator Transcript”

“Surrender: Your Mind Must Be An Ally
It’s very important to understand something as a Generator: Generators were given this gift of surrendering. Let me explain to you how surrender works for a Generator. A Generator comes to Human Design and they’re told that they make decisions in response. So they begin this process of making decisions in response, and they begin this process by doing the mental work first.

If you do not seduce your mind as a Generator, you will never have a real opportunity to be yourself. Your mind must become your ally. The way in which you make your mind an ally is that when you begin your Generator process, you begin by a “Question and Response Episode.”

The Mind Will Fight Your Surrender
See, Generators are here to know themselves. You’re here to know yourself so you above everybody else is here to know the power of your Not-Self because it’s your greatest enemy! In recognizing the power of that Not-Self you cannot expect your mind – who does not work for you – to work for you!

You cannot expect that you’re going to be able to teach your mind, to be able to compensate for your Not-Self.

Your Mind Is Not on Your Side
It all comes back to your own process. It comes back to you remembering every moment of every day that your mind is not on your side. It’s going to tell you whatever it tells you. It has to learn. You have to teach it. You have to fool it. You have to get it to a point that it surrenders to you being your own Authority, claiming what’s rightfully yours.

Your Sacral Center is here to claim what’s rightfully yours – your Authority. I wait for awake 59s to change the way in which we bond, so that we can bond with clarity, so that we can bond with those that are correct for us to bond with.” – Ra Uru Hu

Another view (282)

Een draadje over een tendens in activistische en politiek actieve kringen die me zorgen baart.


1/ Activisme heeft mijns inziens als doel de wereld inclusiever te maken, gelijke kansen creëren voor iedereen. Je kunt dat op vele verschillende manieren proberen te bereiken, vanuit verschillende achtergronden. Je kunt discussiëren over strategieën.

2/ Als activist ga je verbindingen aan om dingen te bereiken. Je zoekt mensen met overlappende doelstellingen. Je neemt deel aan de politiek om doelen te bereiken, en probeert politiek te ontregelen waar nodig om de politiek zelf aan de kaak te stellen.

3/ Activisme is daarmee a dirty job. Het gaat met vallen en opstaan. Niemand is heilig. Mensen maken soms verkeerde keuzes en inschattingen. Het is net het echte leven.

4/ Steeds vaker zie ik dat het aangaan van allianties onmogelijk wordt gemaakt omdat groepjes activisten hun identiteit en morele gelijk als in beton gegoten beschouwen, en alleen nog uit zijn op het “ontmaskeren” van tegenstanders die zich vermommen als medestanders.

5/ Elkaar scherp houden is ontzettend belangrijk, maar dat is iets anders dan isolement opzoeken in een groep die als enige gemene deler een vijandbeeld heeft dat groeit als een olievlek.

6/ Daarbij is de groep zelf ook niet veilig: er heerst een voortdurende dreiging “ontmaskerd” te worden als wolf in schaapskleren.

7/ “Leden” worden zo gedwongen connecties met mensen buiten de eigen bubbel te verbreken en kritiek binnen de eigen bubbel weg te slikken. Dat is gevaarlijke groepsdruk en vergroot polarisatie.

8/ Deze groepjes proberen te verhullen dat activisme uiteindelijk in wezen een eenzame bezigheid is. Ja: activisme biedt verbindingen die herkenning, steun en slagkracht bieden, maar geen enkele alliantie is heilig. Elke groep is een menselijk construct, en daarmee feilbaar.

9/ Je dient als individu te blijven nadenken. Wat wil JIJ bereiken? Hoe wil je dat doen? Hoe sta je tegenover anderen? Wat wil je wel of niet uitdragen? Welke rol wil je activisme geven in je dagelijks bestaan?

10/ Welke podia benut je wel en niet? Die vragen staan soms haaks op de groepsvorming die veilig lijkt.

11/ Zelf vind ik de volgende dingen belangrijk. 1. Ogen op de bal houden (en die ligt in de buitenwereld), 2. Mensen, verzoeken, incidenten en acties steeds van geval tot geval bekijken en beoordelen.

12/ Mensen zijn flexibel. Als ik zou geloven dat mensen óf trash zijn óf deugen, dan zou mijn activisme geen zin hebben.

13/ Het doet me daarom zeer wanneer activisme zich verliest in dogmatisme en blind vijandschap. Ik weet dat het van alle tijden en plaatsen is, maar het doet toch zeer. Daar ging dit draadje over. Nu weer verder met het stichten van een inclusieve communistische bio-heilstaat.

14/ Laatste toevoeging: dit draadje gaat over activisme in het algemeen, ik zie deze tendens in alle hoeken en gaten, op twitter en daarbuiten. Het is van alle tijden ook, maar daarmee niet minder pijnlijk, in mijn ogen.”

Source: Aafke Romeijn en GeenStijl

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — Return to Love by Marianne Williamson


Subject: Ticket#612537648: 14/07/2018 01:56:47 Read before your buddies will see the other side of you

“Hope you do not mind my english sentence structure, considering that i\’m from Denmark. I infected your machine with a virus and now have your private files out of your operating-system.

It was mounted on an adult web page after which you\’ve selected the video and it, my software instantly got into your system.

Then, your camera started to record you soloing, besides i caught a footage that you\’ve viewed.

Soon after some time it also picked up every one of your social contact info. In case you need me to clear off your everything i have got – give me 680 euros in btc it is a crypto-currency. It is my btc account address – [weirdo’s bitcoin address]

At this point you will have 28 hr s. to make up your mind Immediately after i will receive the transfer i am going to get rid of this footage and every little thing completely. In any other case, please remember that your video would be submitted to all of your contacts.” – Upchurch Hamby

How do we know that any one way is better than any other way?

“That’s a good question. The postmodern answer was, ‘we can’t.’ That’s not a good answer, because you drown in chaos under those circumstances. You can’t make sense of anything, and that’s not good, because it’s not neutral to not make sense of things. It’s very anxiety-provoking and depressing. If things are so chaotic that you can’t get a handle on them, your body defaults into emergency preparation mode. Your heart rate goes up, and your immune system stops working. You burn yourself out; you age rapidly because you’re surrounded by nothing you can control. That’s an existential crisis. It’s anxiety-provoking and depressing—very hard on people. Even more than that, it turns out that the way we’re constructed neurophysiologically is that we don’t experience any positive emotion unless we have an aim and we can see ourselves progressing towards that aim.

It isn’t precisely attaining the aim that makes us happy—as you all know if you’ve ever attained anything. As soon as you attain it, the whole little game ends, and you have to come up with another game. So it’s Sisyphus, and that’s ok. But it does show that the attainment can’t be the thing that drives you, because it collapses the game. That’s what happens when you graduate from university. It’s like, you’re king of the mountain for one day, then you’re like serf at Starbucks for the next five years.

Human beings are weird creatures: we’re much more activated by having an aim and moving towards it than we are by attaining it. What that means is that you have to have an aim, and that means you have to have an interpretation. It also means that the nobler the aim, the better your life. That’s a really interesting thing to know, because you’ve heard, ever since you were tiny, that you should act like a good person—you shouldn’t lie, for example. You might think, ‘well, why should I act like a good person? Why not lie?’ Even a three-year-old can ask that question—because smart kids learn to lie earlier, by the way—and they think, ‘why not twist the fabric of reality, so that it serves my specific, short-term needs?’ That’s a great question. Why not do that? Why act morally if you can get away with something, and it brings you closer to something you want? Well, why not do it? These are good questions. It’s not self-evident.

It seems, to me, tied into what I just mentioned. You destabilize yourself and things become chaotic, and that’s not good. If you do not have a noble aim, you have nothing but shallow trivial pleasures, and they don’t sustain you. That’s not good, because life is difficult. There’s so much suffering and complexity. It ends, everyone dies, and it’s painful. Without a noble aim, how can you withstand any of that? You can’t; you become desperate. Things go from bad to worse very rapidly, when you become desperate. And so there’s the idea of the noble aim, and it’s something that’s necessary. It’s the bread that people cannot live without. It’s not mystical bread: it’s the noble aim. And what is that? It was encapsulated, in part, in the story of Marduk: it’s to pay attention, speak properly, confront chaos, and to make a better world. It’s something like that. That’s enough of a noble aim so that you can stand up without cringing at the very thought of your own existence—so that you can do something that’s worthwhile, to justify your wretched position on the planet.” – Jordan B Peterson – Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God

Source: VideoTranscript

There is always this joke

slide by Francis Bliven for Rave Cartography ©2010

of people looking for their soul mate and it‟s really inside. It‟s this relationship between the Personality and the Design. It‟s the relationship between Personality consciousness and the vehicle.”

“One of my standing jokes is that if you‟re looking for your mystical partner, your soul mate, well, you‟re looking for your Design.”

“One of our illusions is that we can have the “soul mate” relationship. Well, I prefer that you see that as a relationship between your personality crystal your design crystal. You‟re more likely to find your soul mate inside than you’re ever going to find it outside.”

“The real soul mates are Design and Personality, after all.” – Ra Uru Hu
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Parent or Friend

“The neglect and mistreatment that is part and parcel of poorly structured or even entirely absent disciplinary approaches can be deliberate—motivated by explicit, conscious (if misguided) parental motives. But more often than not, modern parents are simply paralyzed by the fear that they will no longer be liked or even loved by their children if they chastise them for any reason. They want their children’s friendship above all, and are willing to sacrifice respect to get it. This is not good. A child will have many friends, but only two parents—if that—and parents are more, not less, than friends. Friends have very limited authority to correct. Every parent therefore needs to learn to tolerate the momentary anger or even hatred directed towards them by their children, after necessary corrective action has been taken, as the capacity of children to perceive or care about long-term consequences is very limited. Parents are the arbiters of society. They teach children how to behave so that other people will be able to interact meaningfully and productively with them.

It is an act of responsibility to discipline a child. It is not anger at misbehavior. It is not revenge for a misdeed. It is instead a careful combination of mercy and long-term judgment. Proper discipline requires effort—indeed, is virtually synonymous with effort. It is difficult to pay careful attention to children. It is difficult to figure out what is wrong and what is right and why. It is difficult to formulate just and compassionate strategies of discipline, and to negotiate their application with others deeply involved in a child’s care. Because of this combination of responsibility and difficulty, any suggestion that all constraints placed on children are damaging can be perversely welcome. Such a notion, once accepted, allows adults who should know better to abandon their duty to serve as agents of enculturation and pretend that doing so is good for children. It’s a deep and pernicious act of self-deception. It’s lazy, cruel and inexcusable. And our proclivity to rationalize does not end there.

We assume that rules will irremediably inhibit what would otherwise be the boundless and intrinsic creativity of our children, even though the scientific literature clearly indicates, first, that creativity beyond the trivial is shockingly rare96 and, second, that strict limitations facilitate rather than inhibit creative achievement. Belief in the purely destructive element of rules and structure is frequently conjoined with the idea that children will make good choices about when to sleep and what to eat, if their perfect natures are merely allowed to manifest themselves. These are equally ungrounded assumptions. Children are perfectly capable of attempting to subsist on hot dogs, chicken fingers and Froot Loops if doing so will attract attention, provide power, or shield them from trying anything new. Instead of going to bed wisely and peacefully, children will fight night-time unconsciousness until they are staggered by fatigue. They are also perfectly willing to provoke adults, while exploring the complex contours of the social environment, just like juvenile chimps harassing the adults in their troupes. Observing the consequences of teasing and taunting enables chimp and child alike to discover the limits of what might otherwise be a too-unstructured and terrifying freedom. Such limits, when discovered, provide security, even if their detection causes momentary disappointment or frustration.
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The Cult of Human Design

How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?

You: Are we….?

Me: Yes we are.

You: Sorry not buying that nonsense. Life is what you make of it. It is a do it yourself job. Felt misarable a long time waiting for invitations until I felt live is my party. I can do whatever I want. This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life. Can’t be good. Human design is inspirational not a bible.

Me: Yes but who is not buying it (but an argumentative mind)?
Are you experimenting with Strategy & Authority? Do you understand how that works? Would you like to?
We are not here to wait for invitations, we are here however -to be initiated-. But also, if you do anything for yourself, you don’t need to be initiated either. When someone else is involved, then we do.
Then we take a month, a Lunar Cycle to see if it (what we were initiated about) is for us.
Maybe time to read a good book about it like: Your Own Authority – A Beginners Guide to Human Design (eBook)
And/or book a Foundation Reading with a certified Analyst?
Human Design is a tool that you can apply, use, to find out your Inner Authority, so you can make your decisions correctly. About how your bio-mechanical machine operates.
Inspiration is only for the mind, where you can take the things your mind likes, adheres to or agrees with. Human Design teaches us that there is no choice. The experiment show that.
It is not about happy, it is about the duality of life, yin and yang, good and bad, and make your decisions regardless of those out circumstances. Not (even) because of them.

Me: “This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life.” a good point
Because Human Design shows you, you don’t need any external empowerment, you are already whole and empowered from within. If anything external can take yours away, wonder if you had any to begin with.
And also, as an inquiry: who (or what) seeks empowerment, needs it, yearns for it, but our (ego)mind?
It’s a journey alright.

Me: I’ve heard/read people state that same type can approach same type, so projectors can approach other projectors without invitation and so on. Never experimented with it to see if it’s true.
For me it is not even the perception of initiation but, again, if my body moves somewhere. If it shows up at someones door.
So the question is not how, to me (because how is always mind, always trying to strategize, and manipulate, to change that which is or is not), but to notice when you do, when you are.
When it is without any form or kind of a mental agenda.
When I can perceive it is correct, noticing to be in the flow and not pushing the river. Basically when I notice that I have no choice.
Otherwise, you simply don’t (initiate), because who is wanting to do so anyways (but mind)?

You: Not true it is not always mind….you can follow gut feeling or hart. Very clear to feel the difference.
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The three levels of self-awareness

or: “it’s turtles all the way down

23 minute read by Mark Manson

Self-awareness is like great sex: everyone thinks they have a ton of it, but in reality no one knows what the fuck they’re doing.

The fact is that the majority of our thoughts and actions are on autopilot. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. Our habits, routines, impulses, and reactions carry us through our lives so we don’t have to stop and think about it every time we wipe our ass or start a car.

The problem is when we’re on autopilot for so long that we forget we’re on autopilot. Because when we’re not even aware of our own habits, routines, impulses, and reactions, then we no longer control them; they control us. Whereas a person with self-awareness is able to exercise a little meta-cognition and say, “Hmm… every time my sister calls me and asks for money, I end up drinking a lot of vodka. That might not be a coincidence,” a person without self-awareness just hits the bottle and doesn’t look back.

Below are three levels of self-awareness along with a caveat. Why three levels? Who the fuck knows? Just go with it.


There’s a lot of pain and suckage in life. Over the last 30 days, how many times have you:
– Struggled with a relationship with someone close to you?
– Felt lonely, isolated or unheard?
– Felt unproductive or lost on what you should do?
– Been underslept, under-fed, low energy, or unhealthy?
– Stressed about work or finances?
– Uncertain about your future?
– Been physically hurt, ill, or debilitated?

Chances are if you add all of those up, you’re going to be pretty close to 30 out of the last 30 days. That’s a lot of suckage!

We avoid pain through distraction. We transport our minds to some other time or place or world, where it can be safe and insulated from the pain of day-to-day life. We stare at our phones, we obsess about the past or our potential futures, make plans we’ll never keep, or simply try to forget. We eat, drink, and fuck ourselves into numbness to dull the reality of our problems. We use books, movies, games, and music to carry us to another world where no pain exists, and everything always feels easy and good and right.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with distraction. We all need some sort of diversion to keep us sane and happy.

The key is that we need to be aware of our distractions.

Put another way, we need to make sure that we’re choosing our distractions and our distractions aren’t choosing us. We’re the ones opting into the distraction, rather than simply being unable to opt out of distraction. We need to know when we’re checking out. Our distraction needs to be planned and moderated in bite-sized chunks. We can’t binge on distraction.

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The Planets

The Planets – Ra Uru Hu – Introduction

The planets play a key role in the design of who we are. In fact, everything is based on the movements and impact of the planetary spheres.

The key to understanding the impact of something as distant as a planet on our lives is a tiny, subatomic particle known as the neutrino. Neutrinos are extremely fine matter produced by the nuclear reactions within stars. All the stars, including our own Sun, are producing neutrinos all the time. The stars out in space are constantly beaming these neutrinos at us, and being made of such fine substance, the neutrinos can pass through our bodies, as well as the body of the Earth. Imagine then, how the movements of the planets around our Sun refract the neutrino information as it passes into us.

Planets vary greatly in density and makeup. Some consist of solid rock, whilst others consist purely of layers of gases. Every planet also has its own mythology as perceived by man. Our mythologies are, and always have been, our method of attuning to our greater body.

The planets are our local programming agents. This is why we have always seen them as the gods in our mythologies down the ages. Every planet lends its flavor to our nature.

Sun – Our Light – Yang

Here on Earth, scientists have estimated that 70% of the neutrinos that pass through the Earth come from our Sun. The remainder comes from either Jupiter or the stars in deep space. Thus, 70% of all the neutrino information that we receive is seen in the position of our Sun and Earth. The Sun represents the primary yang force of our nature. It is the archetype of the Father, just as the Earth is the Mother. The Sun and Earth are the prime yin/yang within us all. The Sun creates the electromagnetic field of the solar cell in which we live. The design Sun represents the bio-genetic themes inherited from our father. If you look at your own design Sun, you will see the theme that you have inherited from your father. The personality Sun is the window through which the very light of who we are shines out on the world.
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Increase Your Self Awareness

“How to See Yourself Clearly: Skip the Introspection Mode

Too much self examination can kill you

“A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel.” ― John Ruskin

Late one night a blind old man was about to go home after visiting a friend. “Please,” he said to his friend, “may I take your lantern with me?”
“Why carry a lantern?” — asked his friend. “You won’t see any better with it.”
“No, perhaps not.” — said the blind one. “But others will see me better, and not bump into me.”
So his friend gave the blind man a bamboo lantern — it had a big candle inside. Off went the blind man and, before he had gone too far, a traveler bumped into him.
The blind man was furious. “Why don’t you look out?” — he stormed. “Haven’t you seen the lantern?”
“Lantern? Well, the candle is OUT!”— replied the traveler.
Introspection is like a lantern — it might provide light, but it doesn’t guarantee seeing.
The blind man didn’t need any light. However, once he depended on it, he became careless and stopped being aware. The old man literally bumped into a stranger.

Being obsessed with self-improvement can have the same effect. The introspection mode — continually examining your thoughts and feelings — can get you stuck. Rather than becoming more self-aware, you lose touch with yourself (and others).
You might be thinking: “Gustavo, you always write about the importance of self-awareness. I don’t get it.” That’s precisely the point of this post, introspection is something different — rehashing thoughts doesn’t generate insights.
To see your true-self clearly you don’t need light, but to increase self-awareness. That’s the path for personal growth.
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Mesa Boogie Express 5:50 Plus Amp Head

Since the rebirth of its predecessor, the Mesa Boogie Express, the Express Plus has acted as a diamond in the rough. I shouldn’t say it was love at first sight, given the front panel’s 15 knobs, 5-band EQ, and a host of intimidating switches, but nonetheless, I knew the Plus was an immense wiring improvement on the former clean channel and had a series effects loop which were my two greatest concerns.

Headroom was the name of the game as I was searching to find the right amp. The 5:50 Plus did more than just provide headroom, the clean voicing on channel one was glassy and pristine coupled by richness and depth. The Dyna-Watt patent opens up the clean’s potential by accessing 5,25, or 50 watt power. When the gain and master volume is cranked at 5w, a sparkly breakup occurs. Conversely, at 50w, breaking up is about as taboo as a long term relationship. The crunch voicing on channel one allows for great mid-gain edgy sounds comparable to a Wampler Triple-Wreck.

The blues voicing on channel two is a warmer version of clean voicing and has an increased amount of breakup at higher gain. The burn voicing can compete against any of the classic gain monsters on the Mesa line and beyond. This is especially true when cutting the mids on the 5-band EQ.

This amplifier had me at the clean channel. Everything else was just icing on the cake (and there’s a lot of icing). At 38lbs (5:25 at 27lbs), the 5:50 head is incredibly strong and durable. The all-tube spring reverb and equalization are individually programmed for each channel. The 5-band EQ can be modified and programmed through use of sliders or a preset rotary dial that provides a traditional Mesa V-shaped mid cut. It is important to note that the 5:50 model uses 6l6s while the 5:25 model uses EL84s for those with specific preferences. To top it all off, channel switching, EQ, reverb, and solo boost can be wired to a loop controller for enhanced programming during live sessions. In my opinion, the Express Plus was a worthwhile investment for how much it provides.

  • Pros
    Exceptional tone for musicians on a budget
    Outstanding versatility and features
    Strong build and quality materials

  • Cons
    Weight may be an issue. Try the 5:25
    Looks will cost you. An upgrade in colored grills and tolex will boost the Benjamins.

Should You Buy One?
I believe this amp surpasses the expectations that many guitarist are seeking after and it’s a step down in cost from many of the popular boutiques on stages today. Go for it.

– By Gary Schmidt – Mesa Boogie Express 5:50 Plus Amp Review
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Outer authority is what we share

“…what we communicate to each other in order to bond to each other. Defined or undefined ajna and head, whether to the throat or not can never be an inner authority. It can only have outer authority and be of value to the other. We all live on the mental plane. This is where we have our home in this stage of our evolution. Even though we can talk about the splenic system, none of you knows how the lymphatic system works. None of you can possibly understand how it operates. None of us have any connection to the neural system that runs our emotional system, which is so complex that even the scientists are deeply baffled by all of that. Where we live is – we live on the mental plane.

Long before we had the capacity to articulate in the earliest stages of our development as a species, we lived only from the splenic plane. Like our dogs and cats, we were just vibrating in the Now. Today we live in our evolution at this mental level. Please recognize something, we are in the last 300 or 400 years of mental development; it is practically finished now. The mind can only be at peace when it recognizes its nature and it sees over and over again the truth of that recognition confirmed for it. That is why Human Design is mental, not spiritual or therapeutic – Human Design is a mental system so we can finish our mental business, so we can get to the spirit. We can’t get to the spirit until we finish this mind trip. As long as we are trying to give inner authority to our mind, we can never get to the spirit. So we have to finish our mental business. That means that we have to come to understand our nature and then to experiment in our lives to recognize its inherent truth.

This is not about taking something in mentally and that’s it – like you read a good book or you read some philosopher or teacher or whatever the case may be. This is practical application, practical knowledge, something that you use. This is practical and the moment that you grasp the essence of your design and you start your process of living that out, by the time you’ve confirmed it for yourself, by the time you’ve gone through that seven-year process, you will leave the mind behind. It won’t matter anymore.

My mind does not matter to me anymore. It is just this busy thing up here doing its thing, giving out its outer authority. But it has no place in my life anymore; it has no power over me anymore, none whatsoever. It is just a nice thing, it is just a lovely tool, and its nothing more. Because in the nature of who I am, I’ve reconfirmed that over and over and over and over again. This is what our process is. Only when we get to this point that we satisfy our minds, only then will we be free of them; we must satisfy them.

Think about your spiritual experiences, your esoteric experiences. It is great to sit around and hug the light, but you know, what does it mean? Until you come to a point where you can let go of this mind trying to figure out what’s important for you, only then does the light matter anyway. There is no light as long as you are running around trying to find inner authority in your mind. It just doesn’t work. But you must recognize that the mind itself is a holy thing and it is an incredibly powerful thing. It must be satisfied, or it will never let go of you, never. It will torture you until you die, because that is what the mind can do. That is what it does to us – it tortures us till death, “Could I, should I, might I, would I, why not, how come.” On and on and on and on.

Until you get to that point that you can release your mind from that, you still have to deal with suffering in this life. The moment that your mind is satisfied, the moment that your mind is just a little corporal working in the office doing research, everything is great. The maya machine is only there to add up all the numbers and know what the formula is. Once you know the formula, you’re liberated and then you can deal with the spirit.” – Ra Uru Hu

De EU-Commissaris

De man achter ’t katheder past maar nét
als hij zijn slokje neemt, een stilte inlast
en dan ’t publiek niet schokt en niet verrast
en onderwijl wat loenst naar het buffet.

Hij heeft het mooie praatje aangekleed
met woorden over dialoog, connectie.
Zo staat hij met een stiekeme erectie
en weet de dingen die alleen híj weet.

En het publiek, in pak en strop gestoken,
ze stoten elkaar stil, wat honend aan:
Kijk naar dat varken! Zie de stumperd staan!

Maar als het speech-einde is aangebroken
blijkt op ’t toneel het machtige van de paus
die zich zó laaft aan daverend warm applaus.” – El Roberto

De zittende politicus

“Hij heeft nog nooit gedanst. Hij kent zijn doel.
Nog nooit is op zijn vale klerkensmoel
Zomaar een lach verschenen, maar die nacht,
Nadat de gek de nar had omgebracht,
Kroop hij zijn bed uit, glimmend van de pret,
En maakte hij onbespied een pirouette.
Dank, dank, riep hij, het monster is geveld.
Hij oefende het woord ‘geschokt’ voor morgen
En sliep als twintig ossen kunnen slapen.
Straks is hij, voor de camera, vol zorgen.
Natuurlijk is hij zwaar tegen geweld.
Daar klinkt verdomd weer zijn belegen lied.
Hij loopt op straat, ondragelijk rechtschapen,
En ziet nog steeds het echte monster niet.” – Gerrit Komrij. 10 mei 2002 (na de moord op Pim Fortuyn)

The Mind is Stupid

“I was always the smartest person I knew and my mind is so stupid. I lived the not-self a long time, like all of you. Wow, dumb, unbelievable. It isn’t about smartness or intelligence; it isn’t about any of those things. It‘s not about that you don’t trust your mind because your mind isn’t smart enough. Mine is pretty smart. Mine is quite a thing. You don’t trust it because it‘s none of its business. This has been the great distortion. And the easiest way to stay homogenized is just to listen to your mind and follow its instructions. This is homogenization.

I know how difficult the journey is. You enter into this process, you begin to align your vehicle to what is correct, you begin to eliminate the resistance, and you begin to see differently, seeing how things work. But it’s quite a thing to get to that place where you let go of the mind as the one thing you trust in that moment of crisis where you‘re rattling around in your mind to find an answer. That’s when you know you‘re really, really not ready yet, because for the vehicle there is no such thing as a crisis. There is just movement; nothing else. It’s the mind that is all messed up. It’s the mind that tends to become, well, sort of loud and screechy, desperate, and frightened.

No choice, helplessness, and surrender are all basic, basic, basic themes in this knowledge, and they‘re all related to the same thing. It’s all about the mind, because this is where the great challenge is. And the program knows that. I don‘t mean to suggest that it is an intelligence, in that sense. It is simply built in this way. It is through the mind that we are the most deeply, deeply, deeply homogenized, at least in terms of the Personality construct.

It’s only when you get to that point where you understand that it is something to watch, not something to act on. Allow the acting to take place. Don’t ever determine the acting. It is true with every waking moment, the recognition that what is going to be correct for you is going to be there, period. You don’t have to concern yourself with it.

When you give your life over to your vehicle, truly, you really stop worrying. There is no point. It‘s sort of psychological sado-masochism, beating yourself up over what might be, could be, should be, can‘t be, whatever the case may be. In fact, the mind has nothing to do with any of that or how it’s all going to turn out. It isn’t in charge of the life. Everywhere you look in this knowledge you see the deep, deep, deep limitation of the Personality.” – Ra Uru Hu – A Digital Book for DreamRave Students

We take ourselves so seriously, human beings.

“The not-self is a very serious creature, it really is. Everything upsets it. Everything is important. Everything is “this and that.” It doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s not what we’re here for. It’s not what the nine-centered being is all about. It really isn’t. The nine-centered being is here for consciousness. We’re not here for the survival game. We’re not here for the fear game. We’re not here for all of that. We’re not here to organize ourselves. We’re not here to dominate the planet.

Each and every one of us is here for the possibility of us, nothing else. The serendipity of your existence is the treasure. They come and they go. It’s all about what you do while you’re here. In this incarnation, in this life, the only measurement is awareness. There is no other measurement. There isn’t. It’s not about what you have or where you go, it’s about awareness. It’s only in awareness that you get to see what this is for, how beautiful it is. How amazing. And all of that is rooted in you.

And it doesn’t matter what our costumes are, our crosses are, or our designs. We each have a unique grounding in this world. And we each have a gift. It is our uniqueness, and the expression out of that uniqueness. This is what the promise is, a more interesting world, deeper and deeper and deeper communion. It’s what’s possible.” – Ra Uru Hu

De Babyboomer

“Er woont een kerel mét zo’n pijp daar aan de Leidsekade
Kijk dáar stapt hij naar buiten en hij ziet de wereld aan
Hij kijkt eens rond, een blik, een knik, hij slaat het leven gade
Mijn oordeel blijkt weer kloppend denkt van zichzelf voldaan

Hij contempleert de column die hij later zal gaan schrijven
Snuif eens hoe mooi ons landje is, geen vuiltje aan de lucht
Geen jobstijding, geen donderstorm, en zo zal het beklijven
De wervelende hedendaagse waanzin draagt geen vrucht

Hij denkt aan hoe hij vroeger voor zijn idealen vocht,
Treedt weer in ’t pand dat hij voor tachtigduizend gulden kocht
Toen de economie een tijdje hevig was ontwricht

Verdiepingen met boeken stoffig en vol met cultuur
Dit is de plek voor iemand van zijn status en postuur
Dus trekt hij welgemoed de deur weer fijn achter zich dicht” – El Roberto

Lone Wolf Medicine

“Solitude and meditation is the lifeblood of the lone wolf. He (or she) can be found out on the fringes of society, mostly unseen until needed. They bask in otherworldliness. For them, the wild is both a dangerous bastion and a painful sanctuary that ruthlessly instills in them the difference between healthy and unhealthy, life and entropy, impermanence and permanence.

The lone wolf is busy connecting the finite with the infinite, dancing between worlds and bridging gaps with mystic recalibrations and relearned myth. That’s why they always find their way back to the pack (tribe). To teach and rejoin the people with the world. To rewire unhealthy and outdated cultural programming. To reconnect mortality with infinity.

The only thing they love more than this pack is the freedom to leave it. They must leave it, almost as much as they must return to it. There are borderlands to maintain, after all. There are crossroads to manage. There is a periphery to preserve. There is a horizon to upkeep so that the tribe can have something to grow and evolve into in a progressive and healthy way.

Behold, the lone wolf, living dangerously on the outskirts of the tribe. Stretching comfortable boundaries into vulnerable horizons. The lone wolf is a periphery keeper tasked with maintaining the delicate infrastructure that makes up the bridges between worlds. They are a magnetic beacon, vibrating at the crossroads, attracting new knowledge just as resolutely as they give it away. They go into the wilderness with courage and then reenters civilization with medicine in tow. They are a jostling juxtaposition that topples overreaching security with forthright freedom. The only things they fear are cages and domestication.”- Unknown

PTL 1 – Semester 1

The Human Design System is the absolute of the Mechanics of the Maya. Human Design is mechanical knowledge. Everything in Human Design is mechanical and entirely dualistic. How many times have you heard this kind of sentence since you have been introduced to it? It sounds good, doesn’t it?

And yet, by the time you have completed the ‘General Training’ (Rave ABC and Rave Cartography) the mind tends to be very busy trying to remember the different parts and views into which you have learnesd to deconstruct any Rave body Graph that is laid out in front of you.

The difficulty lies in putting all the pieces back together until they form a holistic mechanical unity in movement, or, what is the same, a human being experiencing the full spectrum of diversity in life. A human being, however, that is seen from a completely demystified black and white (red) perspective, in which the homogenized personality is always being faced with helplessness and incompetence as a bottom line existential dilemma. “We are objects moving in space”, Ra Uru Hu would say.

As a matter of fact, more than a human being, what we see in the surface of the Rave Body Graph is the homogenized drama of a human personality struggling with its own form, given the Not-Self conditionings that it is operating under without any real choice. It is only once the basic mechanical laws that rule over a singular chart are clearly understood, that choices do not carry any real meaning or value in what they can contribute to the development of the unique awareness.

In any graphical representation of logic –like in any other map you can find– everything is and has to be always based on hierarchies. Logis is the way of life. Feeling is the human way. Life is always basing everything on hierarchies that are logically structured, and to us humans this seems to be the quintessential denial of justice. because it seems to close the door to the possibility that we can ever truly feel like we are all equals. It is a cruel irony that the Not-Self is always only ‘one step away’ from awakening and liberation. But, ah, what a step this is!

Because this is not a step that you can make on the outside by changing any ‘this’ for ‘that’, but it rather represents an inner leap in awareness, a mutation that transforms everything on the inside while on the outside everything remains as it has always been. This is the power that an individual reading can have, of properly delivered.

The task is to develop the skills to clearly distinguish the inconsistency of the distorted qualities that feed and shape the mental body – where the Not-Self has constructed its fortress – from the organic and reliable truths that emerge when the inner authority of the body is in charge of conducting the life through correct decision making.

It has always been said that, as a visual science, Human Design Analysis is 50% technique and 50% art and creative self-expression. Since the artistic and creative part cannot be taught – it can only be demonstrated – it is essential that the technical part is properly grounded, and the assimilation of the different formulas and their applications is complete.

For this purpose I have developed a working schedule that resumes my over 24 years of professional dedication at the time of teaching this program, both in my personal practise as an analyst as much as in the training of new professionals.


Jim Carrey explains

“As an actor you play characters, and then, if you go deep enough into those characters you realize that your own character is pretty thin to begin with.

And then you suddenly have this separation and go: “Well who is Jim Carrey?”

“Oh he doesn’t exist actually.”

There’s just a relative manifestation of consciousness “appearing” and then someone gave him a bunch of ideas. They gave him a name, a religion, and a nationality.

And he clustered those together into something that is supposed to be a personality.” – Jim Carrey

From what I have observed…

“…the Personality is not the same thing as the passenger. The Personality is who I think I am, filtered through the mind (Ra’s definition).

We have a binary consciousness; there is the potential to observe both the design consciousness frequency of the form, and the personality consciousness frequency of the mind. We are held together in the illusion of our separateness…That which observes the body/mind vehicle is the passenger, the eternal Personality Crystal.

As long as I am identified – ‘me’ as the Personality, or ‘me’ as the vehicle, or the idea of ‘me’ as the passenger – I am missing half of the movie. Learning to observe, to be the witness to what life brings is a moment by moment experiment in being aware.”- Leela Swann-Herbert

Ra’s Words of Wisdom – The Reflector

“When it comes to Reflectors, they’re something quite different after all. They really are. Not just that they are a large minority, but they are different with a very different cycle, a lunar cycle. But the most important thing for a Reflector is to understand its relationship to the program. And you can see thematically in non-energy Types that living their Design actually means studying in many ways, being educated in their Design. Whereas living the Design for the energy Types is something that is there to be leapt into instantaneously and immediately, because it’s possible.

There is a different way in which the process works. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare, because it’s one of those cute stories. You have what appears to be the energy Types racing ahead, racing into living out their Design. But in fact, we’re all on a seven-year cycle. And though it looks like the energy Types race ahead in the end everybody gets there at the same time, it’s a seven-year cycle.

The entering in for the Projector is a different process, that’s all, or for the Reflector, a different process, a different way in which they need to enter into living their Design, which means not so much living their Design, but being focused on understanding, knowing, making sense of Design in others. And for the Reflector, to understand the deep impact of the program, of the planets, specially of the moon, of the way in which they are conditioned by the general programming field and how they have a special gift of connecting to it and to be able to see their life lived in the harmony of their relationship to the turning of the wheel.

But everything having to do with the legitimacy of involvement in this knowledge is just simply living it. And whether that means the active principle that is there in the energy Type, or the passive principle that is there in the non-energy Types, it is the same thing. It is about the commitment to the process. This is what brings transformation and it brings something much more important. That is, I have a number of goals as a teacher. One of them is to take the burden off of the shoulders of those beings who meet this knowledge because I think at the very simplest level, at the very rudimentary level of understanding your Design, it already helps you release yourself from so many burdens you have carried. And it’s a great service that it does.
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What Does Human Design Do for You?

“I’m often asked a lot of questions, obviously, about Human Design. And I think one of the most basic questions anyone asks is, what does it really do for you?

It’s often very difficult for somebody who knows Human Design to really explain what it’s all about. They end up getting stuck in trying to explain its relationship through genetics, or trying to explain Centers and Channels and Gates and complex birth data calculations, and all kinds of things. And they have a great deal of difficulty getting it across.

And yet, it’s so simple. It really is. Everything about what it is to be in the maya, everything about life on this plane, the sum total of a life is made up by its decisions. It’s just about decisions. If you look at your life you’ll see very clearly that it’s basically decisions all along the road, wherever you turn.

And yet, given the nature of being, given the fact that human beings are much more open than they are fixed, given that we are designed to interact with the conditioning field around us, and to be conditioned by those around us in order to be attracted to them, that it’s exceedingly difficult for us to even imagine what it’s like to make decisions as ourselves.
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SunBlog 31.2

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Hi Sjef, I am a PLL DLR. Is there any way to learn more about it that doesn\’t cost money?
I just saw. My birth data is [Month/Day/Year + Time]
I actually remember vividly that I came up at a projector, now a generator. I thought about it and looked into my gateways and saw that my original fixed patterns when avenues to revolutionise my results and then I remember subconsciously making a firm decision to become a generator. At the time I didn\’t know the theory well at all or that I was a multidimensional traveller. But now it makes sense

Me: Hi, thank you for contacting me.
Ehrm…. Would you not rather investigate why you have a problem with something costing money instead?
Or why/how I could answer this question in the first place? Or would want to…
Born where? Which City/Country (timezone)? But ok let’s assume [place/country]
It is not uncommon that some websites use American notation for time and date and others use ‘regular’ or someone does not say where they were born and thus such different results can happen. making your Variable PLL-DLR indeed
To me it does not (make sense to me), sounds like a whole lot of unnecessary identifications to me. And, none of my business…

Weirdo: I have your perspective too. I don’t choose it. I am well aware of my soul’s lesson with money, poverty consciousness is a blessing in disguise and a work in progress. To answer, yes I have explored that. You didn’t answer though. Are there any resources?

Me: “Helpless and incompetent”? (Ra quote)
I actually did (answer you): “Or why/how I could answer this question in the first place? Or would want to…”
But why would I even investigate that for you? Are you paying me to work for you, so I can find out?

Weirdo: I don’t work with people like you. Never mind

Me: Nr 5 seems to fit perfect for you

But I guess nrs 1, 2 and 6 also apply. Thanks for the entertainment
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De lakmoesproef

“De lakmoesproef voor een goed functionerende multicultuur is de geloofsvrijheid. Multiculturalisme veronderstelt multireligiositeit, waarbij de vrijheid van religie automatisch en onvermijdelijk ook de vrijheid van geloofsafval impliceert. Geen waarlijke vrijheid van religie zonder de vrijheid níét te geloven.

PvdA’er hoogleraar Jos de Beus sprak over dit aspect van geloofsvrijheid essentiële woorden: ‘Ik wil één simpel punt maken: iedereen in Nederland moet kunnen geloven wat hij wil, en iedereen die wil stoppen moet dat vrij en veilig kunnen doen. Ik vind dat geen speeltje in handen van neoconservatieven.’ Bij deze basale observatie beginnen in dit land spijtig genoeg de problemen. Lang niet iedereen van islamitische achtergrond kan ‘vrij en veilig’ in het openbaar afstand nemen van zijn geloof.

Dit verhaal gaat niet over de achtergronden en motieven van de tirannieke bedreigers van afvallige moslims; het gaat over de opmerkelijke alliantie tussen deze bedreigers en een voorhoede van autochtone lelieblanke opiniemakers en publicisten. Het is verbazingwekkend, maar die alliantie bestaat. Zeg in dit land iets over de ‘ongelofelijke wreedheid’ van het Opperwezen genaamd de God van het Oude Testament en je oogst bij deze elite bewondering en lof. Noem in dit land Mohammed naar hedendaagse westerse maatstaven ‘een perverse man’, en een deel van diezelfde elite zegt dat je ‘doodeng’ bent en dat je het aan jezelf hebt te danken dat je de rest van je leven de strengst denkbare persoonsbeveiliging moet accepteren.

Nederlanders met een moslimachtergrond die, gesteld dat zij hun afvalligheid publiek maken, hopen op morele steun van de Nederlandse culturele elite, maken hardhandig kennis met de dubbele standaard die deze elite toepast op critici van christendom en critici van de islam. Een aanzienlijk deel van deze elite ziet voor de afvallige moslim het liefst een soort status aparte, waar minder vrijheden gelden dan voor degenen die van christen in atheïst zijn veranderd. De atheïst die de spot drijft met vermeende onzinnigheden in de Bijbel draagt bij aan onze zo gekoesterde pluriformiteit. De ex-moslim die de spot drijft met vermeende onzinnigheden in de Koran gooit een lont in een kruitvat. Vanuit die zienswijze worden er officieus maar dwingend aparte gedragsregels voor de ex-moslim opgesteld. Die apartheid is onder ons.” Joost Zwagerman – Hitler in de polder & Vrij van God

In reality, there’s only one thing going on.

“There’s only one game being played in life, and these people have arrayed their mental and emotional forces expertly so as to convince themselves that they’re on the field in the thick of it while actually standing in line at the snackbar. The American dream of freedom and abundance is just a child’s rendering of true freedom and abundance, and serves only to convince people who haven’t gone anywhere that they’ve already arrived.” -Jed McKenna, Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment

The Process of Deconditioning

“Even worse than misleading others is misleading yourself. You have learned a lot of very interesting information, but it is all useless if you don’t live your design. Live your design. Live your design. It can’t be said enough.

So here it is another way: When you begin this process there is a danger that you may work in the knowledge and not in yourself. Remember that you really have to work on yourself and your own process. Not “work on yourself” like you are something to be improved, but like you are somebody to be discovered: somebody perfect just the way you are. The work is in getting out of your own way. So don’t forget how important it is to live the experiment of being you through your strategy and authority. Otherwise none of what you learned in this course is important because it simply becomes window dressing for a mannequin. Use yourself as the example of how this all works. That is when it comes alive.

Understanding mechanics is not the same as being awake. It is the difference between an armchair revolutionary and a true revolutionary. Take this information into your own body just as much as you share it with others. Otherwise people will see that you don’t embody what you teach and they will not only ignore you but they will also think the knowledge is false.

It is so easy to see in Human Design how life is a duality. You have inside yourself the best of your design and the worst. The best is actually the same as the worst since there is no morality here. The only difference is whether you are enjoying the ride. And the only way to enjoy the ride is to live your design and honor you authority. If you don’t do that then you will be the same person, but you won’t like yourself at all.

So as you explore the charts of your friends and family be sure to explore your own process just as much. Watch yourself over the next three and a half years and see how the knowledge of this course changes you. See how it deepens you own self awareness, and see how the deeper it becomes you the better you are at sharing it.” – Kip Winsett, Rave ABC,

Morele blunder

“Niet degenen die het het meest verdienden werd asielstatus verleend, dat wil zeggen; straatarme vluchtelingen in kampen in de Congo, maar degenen die smokkelaars duizenden euro’s konden betalen voor een boottocht richting Griekenland. Waarna de reizigers, vooral mannen dus, door Nederlandse acteurs en andere idioten op Lesbos werden overladen met gratis bananen en tampons, en tranen met tuiten. En die tranen vloeiden niet omdat de hulpverleners de mensensmokkel stimuleerden en met de dag meer verdrinkingsdoden op hun geweten kregen, en zichzelf uit schuldgevoel de tranen in het gezicht sloegen, maar omdat ze dachten barmhartig te zijn, en hun menslievendheid zo’n overweldigende indruk maakte, op henzelf wel te verstaan.” – Jaap Plaisier


There are no shortcuts.

“Hoe jezelf immuun te maken voor een totalitaire mindset

Er zijn wereldwijd niet veel mensen, misschien een paar historici, psychologen en andere wetenschappers, die begrijpen en willen toegeven dat elk mens, waaronder zijzelf, een bewaker in een vernietigingskamp kan worden. Dit is een heel ongezellig begin van een column (dat al begon met de titel), maar dan is die zin maar uit de weg, als een schelle schoolbel op de vroege morgen.

Precies tot die conclusie kwam men in de afgelopen eeuw, soms pas na vijftien jaar lang non-stop nadenken en lezen (Solzhenitsyn, Dostojewski, Arendt, Huxley, Orwell): hoe was het mogelijk dat mensen elkaar -op zulke schaal- konden uitroeien en er zelfs van konden genieten?! Want normale mensen waren het, die bijvoorbeeld gevangenen met zware zakken vol zout heen en weer over het terrein van Auschwitz lieten lopen, nadat ze al uitgedroogd, oververhit en geestelijk kapot de treinen uit waren gekomen. Die aanblik was blijkbaar nog niet genoeg voor ze, de vernedering moest er nog overheen, net zo lang tot er geen waardigheid of sprankje hoop meer over was. Resentment of being, is de benaming hiervoor.

In het gezicht stompen
Nu iedereen in Amerika 1984 van George Orwell aan het herlezen is, is de totalitaire mindset (zoals die tot wasdom kwam onder Stalin, Hitler, Mao) weer terug van weggeweest, als ‘optie’. Veel mensen vragen zich af waar we op afkoersen, misschien wel dáárop, en dat is begrijpelijk. Anderen verdiepen zich minder en weten het zeker: Trump en de nazi’s die hem steunen verdienen het ‘in hun gezicht gestompt te worden’, zoals David Harbour, een Hollywoodacteur, onder luid applaus – in het bijzijn van kinderen- vanaf een podium scandeerde. “Yeeeeah!”, riep de zaal. Paul Verhoeven zei het ook bij DWDD: ‘Trump is Hitler’.

In de twee weken vanaf de inauguratie van de Amerikaanse president werden er op twitter 12.000 oproepen gedaan om hem te vermoorden. Een Iers tijdschrift, Village, had op de voorpagina het beeld van een schietschijf op het hoofd van Trump, met daaronder ‘Why Not’. Ook Duitse krant Die Zeit stelde een moord in het Witte Huis voor. Er worden inmiddels willekeurig mensen in elkaar geslagen, rechts-conservatieve denkers en artiesten worden geweerd uit universiteiten en andere publieke ruimtes, en op internet is met veel mankracht een hetze gaande tegen hate speech, rechtse hate speech wel te verstaan.

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“If you have a Reflector Life Chart, you are one of the most receptive people alive. Through your receptivity you have the potential to be the wisest of the wise, experiencing your life as a reflection of your environment and those around you. You are just like a mirror, reflecting other people’s characteristics back to them, giving them a perfectly clear viewing of themselves, often it might seem for the first time. Being so open, receptive, and available also brings with it an enormous vulnerability, especially if you have been told to behave like everyone around you. Reflectors make up less than 1 percent of the world’s population, so let’s be clear that you have committed to living a very different life.

You often sense things in your environment that others miss. You may even absorb other people’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, wants, manifestations, and other things, and you can easily become overwhelmed by the internal sensations of others, which become your own if you are not careful. Finding time to be alone on a daily basis will help you to remain clear and uninfluenced by other people, and taking time to actively release anyone or anything that appears overwhelming is essential.

As one of the most sensitive people on the planet, you have probably been misunderstood all your life as you naturally go about reflecting the world back to itself. Much as everyone would like to have your wise input on their lives, it is important that you set boundaries. These boundaries will certainly involve your living situation, and most probably any work environment, too. Where possible, you need to have your own room, preferably your own area of a house, and not live in an apartment complex or in close range of other people’s energetic influences.

When you give yourself time every day to reflect on your experiences, you will find your day is filled with gems of meaning and truth. These gems become a storehouse of wisdom that can be passed into the world and the lives of anyone who asks. This is a lifetime to appreciate great patience and to realize. that you have an inner agreement with life to trust whatever is offered. This is not to say that you are powerless, but to acknowledge the vulnerability of a rose flower, which is easily crushed if it is not guarded, but when cherished, nurtured, and protected holds within its nature an indescribable beauty.” -Chetan Parkyn & Carola Eastwood, the Book of Destinies

Rave New Year Forecast 2017: The Program, a Practical Tool for Awareness

The Program is a practical tool in your awareness development process for this lifetime. How can you understand what it is, how to use it, and how to learn from it? The Rave New Year Forecast can provide you with the specifics of this year’s lesson plan for you and for the world around you, for your ongoing process of increasing awareness.

What is The Program?
The Program provides a continuous cyclical conditioning influence upon humanity, and it can manipulate the mind through openness in our design, reinforcing the mind’s use as the decision-making authority. The Program is created by the daily movement of the planets in their orbits around the solar system. According to the Human Design System, the cyclical orbiting trajectories of the planets influence the data-stream that permeates all of existence. This data-stream is the very intelligence of the universe, and is filtered and transmitted through each planet. Each planet has its own cycle around the wheel, commonly called a transit of a particular gate. For example, the Moon moves through each of the 64 gates in approximately 28 ½ days and the Sun and Earth cycle through each of the 64 gates in one year. Some of the inner planets such as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter take weeks or even months to transit a gate, while the outer planets, Neptune and Pluto, can take years to transit a gate.

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