Human Design

MoonBlog 6.1 retreat

Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.

Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.

In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.

The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook

And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:

Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):

Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision

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Hexagram 59


Hexagram 59: dispersing; R Wilhelm 59: dispersion; Hua-Ching Ni 59: dispersion; HDS Gate 59: gate of sexuality, dispersion; S Rifler 59: dispersion; J Blofeld 59: scattering, disintegration, dispersal; S Karcher 59: dispersing/gushing; GeneKey 59: the dragon in your genome

Strategy and Authority

is the basis of Design. But it’s not like there’s something else beyond that, the next step. No, everything is here. Truly everything, and that’s the point. It’s the whole thing to grasp. And it takes time. Oh, adults are deeply, deeply, deeply conditioned, living in a deeply, deeply, deeply conditioned world where everybody uses their mind all the time to make decisions. “What do you think? What are you going to do?”
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Human Design Unleashed – The Choice

The term “no choice” often gets thrown around in Human Design. But “No Choice” can only accurately be described from the Witness or Passenger perspective, a state that few humans possess. In this inaugural rant John Martin challenges the day-to-day use of “No Choice,” and suggests that there is one…Its Not What You THINK

The Choice or No Choice.
You know, like so many other things in Human Design there’s terms that get thrown around that are very very dangerous.
You know, when somebody states ‘No Choice’ as a Passenger, as a witness, as a differentiated frequency of their Form Consciousness, then the statement ‘No Choice’ can be incredibly true and I would have to concede the point ultimately yes there is no choice. You are sailing, sailing through your life from birth to death. You’ve been given a Trajectory, you are going there.

But like so many other things in Human Design where the information, the incredible Zen knowing that comes from that statement ‘No Choice’ simply empowers your mind like so many other pieces of Human Design that simply just is one more little bit of candy to keep you nicely comfortable asleep.

So I will challenge ‘No Choice’. I say there is a choice. The choice is to either let your mind run your life or to differentiate into a Form Conscious being. Now look, those two choices, very different. One will give you pain, the other will give you suffering.

To become a differentiated Form Consciousness, to put down the little teddy bears of your mind and wake up as yourself is not an easy task. It will be painful. All of your Open Centers, the addictions you’ve been feeding since birth are going to rebel. Your mind is going to rebel. It’s going to do everything it can to hold you hostage. To your own mind. To your own conditioning. To break free of those addictions, the addictions to those Open Centers and everything that you’ve been feeding that pain body, all of this time, is going to hurt.
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Hexagram 29


Hexagram 29: gorge; R Wilhelm 29: the abysmal water; Hua-Ching Ni 29: the abyss; HDS Gate 29: gate of saying yes, the abysmal; S Rifler 29: the deep; J Blofeld 29: the abyss; S Karcher 29: repeating pit/ghost river; GeneKey 29: leaping into the void

Ra’s Words of Wisdom – The Reflector

I don’t want to leave out Reflectors. I always give them short shrift, this 1% of humanity. But then again, 1% of humanity is really 70 million people. It’s a lot; there are a lot of them in the world. They are so different that it’s almost the “Reflector Design System‟, instead of the Human Design because they are so different. We tend to look, that is, those of us that have any kind of Definition, we tend to look at all that openness and say, “Oh, my,” because our openness brings that to us. Yet, it only brings that to us because it is a counterpoint to our Definition. Openness is not a counterpoint to anything, in that sense, for the Reflector. They are open. They are quintessentially open.

And there is some nice irony in that. That is, while they are totally open in the way in which their body graph operates, that their aura itself, this is the Teflon. This is the aura where you just touch the surface. This is a sampling aura. As a matter of fact, Reflectors are designed specifically to be impacted by the program, much more than the impact that comes from the aura of other human beings.

Again, like the Manifestor, Manifestor and Reflectors auras will keep people away unless they insist. It’s just something to understand about them. It’s not like you can’t get in there and influence them in terms of aura-to-aura contact—the typical partnership chart—it’s not like they’re blocking that off. You can get in if you get past their protection system.

And when you’re dealing with a Reflector, the Reflector would rather be in the wind of the program that moves its Reflector sail in its life than to be caught up in what happens to them when they have to deal with the other. And in many ways, because of the mystical importance of Reflectors, is that Reflectors are here to take in the program and measure it against the sample of humans that they meet.
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Bringing Your Variables to Life


For years people talked to me (actually starting on the very first introduction) about all the different elements of my Variables, my Digestion, my Environment, my Perspective and my Motivation, but talking never made the sense I have now, all I got was -their- Perspective on what it should, might, could, bla and more bla.

Through going through these courses with Dharmen and Leela and not only understanding the whole concept, but seeing it as I live my life, combined with the experiments that are offered in class to engage with, now I see. Slowly.

And it took me 5 years into Living my Design to even be interested in exploring it.

Other sources touching upon the same subject:
-The Differentiation Lectures (Lecture 2: The Four Transformations)
-The Meaning of Variable – an Introduction
-Variables (eBook)
-Radical Transformations (eBook included) (Audio)
-The Left & Right Package


Hexagram 4


Hexagram 4: enveloping; R Wilhelm 4: youthful folly; Hua-Ching Ni 4: the undeveloped one; HDS Gate 4: gate of formulization, youthful folly; S Rifler 4: youthful ignorance; J Blofeld 4: immaturity, uncultivated growth; S Karcher 4: enveloping/royal maiden; GeneKey 4: a universal panacea

Moon Blog 55.1

For me, depression happens in my mind, and there alone, and however not wanting to resolve the experience with tricks and schemes to convince my mind that there are solutions to that same mind that is worried, I do enjoy distracting my distracted mind.

At the surface I read a book, usually only a chapter, or if it has very long elaborate chapters, I read a few pages, and let my mind wonder and ponder in the distraction of what I have just fed it.

While my subconscious can continue to process the processing that is going on; the trigger for the thoughts that results in the experience of depression. Letting it all in and happen, letting it all run their course, while on the surface I’m staring outside in reflections of what I just read, or wrote.

And then there are actions to distract that surface level awareness of my worried mind, like baking a cake, riding my bike, doing laundry, consciously, slowly and pensive. Because any form of depression has it’s place, and trying to avoid or solve will not work. Stick with the feeling of the feeling, the experience of this now, and let it all run it’s course.

Even when you have no truth in your now, you can still observe it and be the wittness of that now that is no truth. This is where the depth of your being is explored, including the not so funny.
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The God of Wisdom, Writing and Time

Yin-Yang-Yin-Yin Gates: 7-Role of the Self in Interaction, 4-Formulization, 29-Perseverance, 59-Sexuality
Wisdom, Writing, Time, Science and Magic.
In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is Messenger of the sun god Ra and husband of Ma’at. He brings answers to life’s questions; his answers are Find a Role (7), understand the pattern (4), make a commitment (29) and make more (59). Thoth’s way establishes a life of duality, focused on relationships that serve the genetic imperative to reproduce, ensuring the continuity of our specie.
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Hexagram 7


Hexagram 7: leading; R Wilhelm 7: the army; Hua-Ching Ni 7: military leadership; HDS Gate 7: gate of the role of the self, the army; S. Reifler 7: soldiers; J Blofeld 7: the army; S Karcher 7: legions/leader; GeneKey 7: virtue is its own reward


A.H. Almaas
Jed McKenna
Ra Uru Hu
Richard Rudd
Wayne Liqourman
Sitara Mittag
Jordan B. Peterson

Lunar Cycle Calculations

If you’ve reached this page and still don’t get what the fuzz is about: – It takes the Moon ~27.5 days to go through all 64 Gates in the BodyGraph or Rave Mandala (Tropical month)

The Lunar Cycle lasts roughly, on average (!) 27.3 days, more easily referred to as 27.5 days, many Reflectors say 28.5 days, even if it is observed as short as 26.6 days as you can see on this page.

Never 29.5 days, since that is the Cycle of the Lunar Phases which is the observation from Earth of reflected Sunlight on the surface of the Moon (ie synodic month), which has no direct relation to the Moon’s actual position relative to the Earth and through the Rave Mandala.

See also:
See more on the Lunar Cycle & Transits

MoonCycle Length 2012
MoonCycle Length 2012 in CEST

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Hexagram 33


Hexagram 33: retiring; R Wilhelm 33: retreat; Hua-Ching Ni 33: retreat; HDS Gate 33: gate of privacy, retreat; S Rifler 33: retreat; J Blofeld 33: yielding, withdrawal; S Karcher 33: retiring/young pig; GeneKey 33: the final revelation

MoonBlog 59.2

A pattern emerged, a recognition of me doing was spotted. As I’m in the 4 Transformation courses we get to experiment and investigate some of our behavior and mental processes, and stuff comes up.

And one of the realizations is that those patterns have been there all along, bubbling, like lava on top, bubble, bubble, a never ending cascade of fresh lava, of new bubbles, a chemical processing of stuff. *blip, blop, bubble*

And one of the bubbles is this recurring perception of utter deep and overwhelming suffocating boredom, as a pattern. So deeply and utterly bored with elements of this life, with things that happen, especially those that do happen. And recognizing now, it is a pattern, it happened many, many times before, and the results are nearly identical. This sense of suffocation and loathing and their subsequent action(s)

This particular pattern emerges as a noticing of more and more resistance to ‘do’ the weekly experiment suggestions of a course. This is a pattern that I recognize throughout my life but starting as early as about 13 years old and then particularly in school and classes, which for one major part has gotten me in so much trouble with schools and teachers and their authority.
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Moon Blog 39.6

Locked in the illusion of getting there, getting anywhere. To attain, to conquer, a goal, a vision, a dream, a whisper. To believe some thing, some doing, will make me anything, like vulnerable, or stronger, being able to learn to go beyond my own borders, as a trick or a trade, something to learn, to acquire, through exercise, and the exercise is called experimenting.
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Hexagram 31


Hexagram 31: conjoining; R Wilhelm 31: influence; Hua-Ching Ni 31: mutual attraction; HDS Gate 31: gate of leading, influence; S Rifler 31: tension; J Blofeld 31: attraction, sensation; S Karcher 31: conjoining/uniting in spirit; GeneKey 31: sounding your truth

Moon Blog 3.5

As long as we wish, we’re in the mind, making decisions from the mind, which is not what -you- are about. While as we speak about it mean to say something different but use these words for it, language can be like that, as that too is a part of our conditioning, where we think to say and mean one thing, but actually say something else.
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Hexagram 56


Hexagram 56: sojourning; R Wilhelm 56: the wanderer; Hua-Ching Ni 56: traveling; Human Design gate 56: gate of stimulation, the wanderer; S Reifler 56: the stranger; J Blofeld 56: the traveller; S Karcher 56: sojourning at the borders/quest; GeneKey 56: divine indulgence

Karma, or not

“In this century we have confused a lot of this terminology: karma, destiny, fate, all of this language that has been popularized. But in Human Design these geometries are very specific.

If you have a right angle cross – which tends to be the majority in society – you have what is called “personal destiny“ and you’re not carrying any karma.

Now, if somebody comes and says to you: “You’re gonna pay for this!“ you can tell them, “No, I am not carrying any karma, thank you very much!” – because it’s true!

The right angle cross is self-involved. They have their own geometry and it isn’t people around them who alter that movement in their life. They have their personal destiny and they are going to get to their personal destiny regardless of who is around them.

The 4/6 is one of the most unusual profiles. It is the only profile that is purely transpersonal – both the 4th and 6th lines are in the upper trigram – so it gives you the illusion that this is a deeply transpersonal cross: it is not!

They are in their personal destiny. They are the great voyeurs because they are there in the environment but they are actually keeping to their own process.

The 4/1s are the only people that have fixed fate. When the 4/1 drives into a tree, you know it’s fixed fate because that’s their way and nothing gets in the way of these beings.

The left angle are purely transpersonal. The 5th and 6th lines are the most transpersonal in quality. They are always getting ready both to go out into the world and to observe the world as a whole. They are the ones that carry karma. And the only way to unload this stuff is to meet the old forces that they got the karma from in the first place. It’s only through the transpersonal that we can universalize and connect with the other.”

Moon Blog 25.4

in my dream, I was connecting with someone I have known for a few years. Well not known, but know of, a friend of a former friend. Seen sometimes at my former friends place, and connected with on FaceTube. A stunner, a looker, and a gentle person, sweet and caring. The sudden renewed or intensified connection happened through social media, but also voice/telephone, somehow, the dream was unclear about that.
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Moon Blog 55.5

How easy are we distracted, getting our brain veiled all over again, by cosmic fairy-tales?

However interesting it is to have a glimpse of what the future may bring, that future is not ours, yet. And might even never ever be. While we sing and dance in the presumption of knowing of this bright future, we hug and presume to love, because of this growing awareness, on the fairy-tale distractions.
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The Goddess of Truth, Justice and Cosmic Harmony

Yin-Yin-Yang-Yang Gates: 62, 56, 31, 33
Truth, Justice and Cosmic Harmony.
Ma’at brings the expression of society’s unquestionable ideals and how to fit in. These four Throat center gates are all about expression of form—labeling it, telling stories about it, leading it and remembering it. When distorted this becomes intense homogenization leading to bitterly living out the ideals of the past rather than your own authentic, individual and differentiated successful Truth.
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MoonBlog 46.3 Projection

Writing about Human Design is not as easy as it may seem. Besides it being an art, it is not easy to write in such a way, that what is said is actually true. And particularly mechanically correct, because this is about the description of mechanical functioning. And most people botch it up, they turn phrases around as if that is possible, as if the reverse is also true, or confuse functioning with meaning. But most of all, one tends to write about what they believe to be true with no real way of knowing or being able to verify. But it does sound nice for the story loving mind, so people continue, and if ‘everyone’ else gives them praise for it, then why should your one negatively perceived comment have any value? As you might see, the psychology to explain away with more mind and reasoning runs deep, very deep.

Another pitfall is that if it makes sense to the mind, it is therefor true. And if we then repeat it often enough and have a persuasive way of speaking, or writing, then everyone else also believes it to be true, as we continue to communicate on the mental level, alone. And several things I’m about to say will make no sense to some, but I’ll try and give an example first:

Strawberries are red. Strawberries are sweet when ripe. Strawberries are beautiful.

Most of us will agree with the 3 statements. But the last statement is a judgment. It is personal and subjective. It is not true for everyone. True perhaps for most people, maybe even 95% of the population on Earth. But it is not (therefor) a truth. And it is also not a truthful conclusion, however logical it may sound to our minds, it is not a given sequence that always works. Someone might have an allergy, or gets shivers just from looking at them, or as they touch the outside of them. As it freaks them out, deep in and from their core being, perhaps when they taste or smell them. Truthfully.

The same is true with Human Design descriptions. Some are true, some are simply false. But many people relatively easy go along with what is said, and the writer also believes what came up from their sometimes powerful minds, and run with it. While the reader tries to apply what is said. because what is said sounds true, it sounds like a general truth. And therefor I must …
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MoonBlog 7.2

The emotionally overwhelmed mind is unaware of any consequences, being caught up in only now, in this single moment of the wave there is no perception beyond this now. This can start to really fuck things up when speaking or acting before the clarity has actually arrived.

Following up on the wild interpretation of the intensity and ravishing all within reach for that singular phased truth, now. To only learn about the mis-take later, and to further the depth of drama may even beg for forgiveness, by that time it is either not applicable or can be too late.

It is the mind that regrets what the mind has done, in response to that momentary perception of this particular now, of this singular phase of the wave. If and when there is no truth in the now, who is speaking anyway and what is the content?
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MoonBlog 6.1

I don’t have a smart center, I don’t have an I know what I need to know center. I have centers for wisdom, yes, but none of my centers give me any indication of what I need to do in my life. None of them respond with any authority of what is and what is not correct for me, or whom.

My Inner Authority is a process, and it is through this processing that I can become aware of it. Latent, dormant, or quite new. What is what and what is me in or with that, and how. Is it this? Is it that? I do not yet know. I do not.
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MoonBlog 63.2

The notion, as sometimes told/taught in Human Design, that your Gates on the Personality side are something you/your mind can identify with, and the description of the Design side Gates are something your family easier identify you with, is something else than presuming there are Types in either separated sides of our Human Design Bodygraph, and I am amused how this information can be shared here without any comment on it. But then it also took a Lunar Cycle to get back into this group.

Only in the quantum of the whole Design which includes both Personality and Design calculations do we arrive at Type, and it is only through this combination that the Aura has a specific functioning. Aura functioning…

And this Aura functioning is detectable. If you are lets say a Generator, I can detect you Sacral buzz. If you would be mistaken for a Projector in both Design and Personality individually but combined are a Generator, it is not true that you yourself will only detect you being a Projector and I will also detect you (only) as a Projector. That is using the information described above in our minds and running with it and making stuff up to seek meaning and purpose when there is none.
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MoonBlog 32.1

The Human Design System Testimonials

Jovian Archive is working on a new and exciting project for newcomers and long-time professionals alike, one that provides a service to all students of Human Design.

The collective has a tendency to resist the type of knowledge that Human Design represents; amid public skepticism, people are often unwilling to give such methods a chance. This is where you can help us.

Testimonials are key to highlighting the value of the Human Design System to newcomers across the globe.
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Baffo is

Baffo is here

Baffo is an artist, Baffo is a jester, Baffo is a boy, Baffo is a man, Baffo is kind, Baffo is aloof/off the roof, Baffo has tendencies to autism, Baffo rides a motorscooter, Baffo is a prince, Baffo is a hard-ass, Baffo has soft-spots, Baffo surprises, Baffo does not care when you do, Baffo cares deeply when you don’t, Baffo likes adventures, Baffo likes a good story, Baffo can tell a few too, Baffo Rules, Baffo is furry, Baffo is a tattoo, Baffo is Baffo

The Human Design System

is not for the average seeker, although many seekers do come in contact with it. It is not for those that seek enlightenment, but it is for those that are ready to wake up. HD is not a journey of discovery of new things that you need to learn or acquire, it is however about uncovering that which is a dormant potential within you, some of which you or those you love have suspected all along. Living Your Design is not for people that seek only happiness, fluffy bunnies and positivity in life, but it is for those that can embrace a radical new way of inter-communication, where their inner truth and being correct for themselves is the basis for living life. HD is also not a belief system, but you will realize many of your beliefs will have to go and dissolve, to be able to live correctly as yourself.

The Human Design System is not for everyone, many people make up numerous reasons to find fault with it, or even seek to change it; only one person in six hundred and twenty five people that ever meet Human Design will continue to live by following up on their inner authority. Many more people only talk about it in the assumption and illusion that talking is all it takes, to live your life correctly, boasting about the traits they read or heard about on this or that type without ever applying the vast knowledge of Human Design in their lives, while arguing about what they think it is, or should be, as their minds try to grab and hold onto different opinions and dogmas to continue to control life. HD is about applying, about living according to the mechanics of what it is to be you, it is where it all starts. Without doing so, Human Design has not one single benefit for you.

Human Design is not what you think it is, nor what you decide to make of it, it is not your interpretation, neither your perception or your judgment. it is not about controlling your life in any way. It is however the best thing since sliced bread and silly putty *<|:o)

If you are keen to tread honestly and with humor, to look at life and yourself, if you are ready to jump in the deep end, then find those that can assist in that uncovering of what it is to be you, and how you function correctly.

But, stay vigilant, there are many people unqualified or untrained allowing you to distract yourself from living correctly, as they offer their services in the illusion of having any clue, knowledge nor experience of what it entails to live the life that is correct. And not every certified Professional is for you either, some will speak to your inner self, appeal to you, and some you might not be able to hear or comprehend. Take your time to discover those people that are correct for you, since the Human Design System is certainly not a quick fix, to run hurriedly through the motions, books, sessions and courses, but a way of living your life, correctly.

Moon Blog 39.6

So for a while now, I’ve been investigating knife-sharpening systems, methods, tools, sets, accessories and so on. The more I read, and saw on utube, there was this conclusion growing of which tools to get and how to use them.

And all this without ever touching a single one, but, with the help of my trusted spreadsheet program, to make elaborate overviews of sets and parts, how to combine for the lowest price including or excluding shipping, money conversions, customs and on and on. To buy at a retailer or ebay, amazon, or the shop next door.

Of course I had my share of wet-stones in the past, but realizing now, I never learned how to properly use them, not even for the occasions I did use them, and had neglected them, mis-used and mistreated the knives I used on them.
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MoonBlog 3.5

Human Design is a tool, a practical tool, it is something that we use, that we apply. It is not a philosophy, it is a tool to experiment with, and see, witness how we actually operate. It is also an individual tool, it is something we need to apply in our own personal life, on our own, for it to work. It is not a group effort, there is no safety in numbers, we and we alone need to do the work. Yes, by all means, sharing our process, sharing about our experimentation with others, be it with one other or a thousand, but no one can help us with it, except we ourselves as we go deeper into the uncovering of how we function, how the mechanics of our Design operates.

Human Design is not an opinion, let alone a shared opinion. Even among the same Type, or with the same Centers Defined and/or Undefined, the same Variable, PHS, or Defined Channels, no one is the same, each and everyone is completely unique, and as soon as we try to adhere to any group, or group effort, at least one of us is using their mind as a decision maker, and not their inner authority. And the experiment slows down or even grinds to a halt, discussing opinions and what are perceived as feelings in an effort to find a common ground. A ground that will never be found, and thus the people forever lost in the discussion about it. Imposing mental considerations to which there is no solution, no escape, no right nor wrong, but just another run around while seemingly experience a sense of purpose and righteousness.
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Moon Blog 57.1

it is interesting to reflect back on pre Human Design, and since.

Before, my mind would want to try to understand something, and only if it did understand, it would try out something. If my mind was unconvinced, nothing would happen with any information or knowledge.

Now this has been a great protection also, because there is so much nonsense flying around in the world, and all sorts of people telling all sorts of things, and some quite pushy, which sometimes confused me even more. So I either went on wrong paths (copious amounts of LSD for instance was one of my more active choices to investigate) or closed myself off from people or things

I also realize now, that if I did understand something, I would try it out, but only once, or maybe twice. And fail. And fail over and over and over again, because I would only try it out, once, or maybe twice. As a baby learning to ride a bicycle, or cooking dinner.
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MoonBlog 39.5

Weirdos in the mail

In a FB topic I wrote:

“A hanging Gate is a Gate colored in your Chart in an Undefined Center, a Dormant Potential is a Gate colored in your Chart in a Defined Center. Both types of Gates could be on the other side of your Split that Bridges it. The Not-Self not lives or manifests itself in the Openness of ones Chart only, but it is the mind, using your Openness to make decisions that are not correct for you.”

To which this message comes:

Weirdo: “So Sjef, what was you positive contribution to the poor girl whose fucking head you left spinning? Dude you tend to use your gifts on the shadow side.”

Me: *yawn*

Weirdo: “it is that mean, immature, competitive spirit that makes it so difficult to live here. i know you will not get it… however i needed to say it.”

Me: “I was replying to the other person who just blurted out nonsense, I rather have someones head spin then lied to. The rest is really your own black way of thinking bad things about others and really not my issue love, cheers”

After some contemplation I wrote this also:

Me: “So besides seeing people either as victims or as perpetraders, why are you harassing me with something that is your internal issue? Why do you not go inside yourself and find out why you have an issue with someome correcting basic Human Design knowledge? From which authority do you even dare to come and tell someone else what to do, and impose your morals on, in a private message no less? Next time I will report you. If you have a comment on mine, do it publicly. If you have an issue with someome or something, please resolve the issue yourself where it belongs and not pressure someone else to do it for you. This was free lesson, feel free to book an appointment for another session at my regular fee.”

Weirdo: “Maybe it is time to be mature young friend, and see if you can see beyond yourself, and your need to be seen. One must know their audience, to go to lines and channels before someone has had a foundational reading is pure arrogance and truly thoughtless. Also to speak to your elder in such fashion is pure ignorance.”

Weirdo: “BTW nothing to do with morals, just requesting you to not badger people with all your impressive HD knowledge, it tends to push them away.”

Weirdo: “And I do not have these conversations with you publicly, because I know that you do not set out to hurt, embarrass, try to make people feel less than, or make their heads spin. It is just this way you have of being seen, and I will not fuel that.”


Just in case some people wonder why I block certain people 😈 😎
(and yes, I mixed up the hanging gate & dormant potential there)
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Moon Blog 55.6

Life (the Maia), according to Human Design, is about Duality.
When do we accept and embrace the darkness, for real? Not just play with it, at parties or in conversations, but embody the yin and yang fully, in us, in others, in life.

Hidden or more openly, many people only conceive the lighter/brighter side of life, completely ignoring their other half. While wondering what they need to do differently cause life is still not working for them…

And what would our darker side of life actually look like, that has been hidden for so long?

Is it time for a Human Design Yin Group?

Moon Blog 28.2


Last Wednesday I gave an Introduction to Human Design for a small group of people, and yesterday I assisted an Analist at a ‘mindstyle’ magazine Festival with about 20 mini/intro-readings each.

And each time in the beginning of me speaking, there is a tension, a nervousness and even plain fear/scare and within the first 2 minutes I stumble, on my words, or even blank out. So different to work with a group then just one person. I notice I want to connect and interact with the other, and I go deep to experience the other, so I can relate, so I can reflect them, so I use their behavior/experience to interact with. Which is impossible in a group it seems, for me.

So then I shield-up, or bubble-up and while still being able to see them, and interact with them, I don’t need the other anymore to do that, I stop feeling into them as a basis for my own behavior, I stop identifying myself with the experience I have of them, and I restart, I start to talk again, and all of a sudden it just flows from me. I found it really helps to voice that I am nervous with them, for them, that I need a moment to find my bearing. And once I do find it, in detachment, then my communicative abilities come out, and I can see them from my bubble and play with that, interact, make a joke or a comment about what I see/perceive, ask a question, but only after I have disconnected my experience from theirs.
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Moon Blog 18.4

It’s interesting to see and notice how many people ask question based on their own assumption, and therefor trick themselves in not finding the answer. One of the more seen and used trick is the mentioning of needing this or that, or claiming to have needed this or that comment, or person, or action.

But where is that need situated, where is that need felt, but perhaps more importantly, what triggers this experience of a need in the first place? What, triggers, it? Is it not the mind to begin with? Is it not our mental insecurity to experience a need for this or that?

When I/me/we say: I needed that cup of tea, or I needed this/that/other, are we not seeking something outside of ourselves to escape the experience we’re in, the one we feel insecure about? I need that motorbike ride to feel better, but why are you not feeling good in the first place, where does that ill-felt experience come from?
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Moon Blog 41.4

hmm, seeing, insight. Unsure how to describe. There was a situation, which turned out quite heated from both sides, but were both rescued from doing what was said. In the aftermath people commented on how (again both) kept wallowing in it, kept talking about it the present tense, as if it was something really important. And people should take sides and everything. What great injustices were being done and so on, and on, and on, and on. On automatic pilot, running through it over and over and over again. It gave life meaning, and purpose, identity, righteousness, to boldly go where no man, yadda yadda yadda. The commenting of the people in the aftermath, to on the one hand yes, it did happen, but, no, to myself make such a big deal out of it and get over myself. To grow a pair and just ff-ing drop it, because there was no such importance to it, unless one wants to be a drama-queen. Unless one likes playing the most Oscar winning attempt of being a grandiose victim of all the injustice that life can ever throw at someone. ‘The Prima Donna Originale Deluxe Special Edition’
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MoonBlog 5.2

we can talk about which oven I use, you use, Harry uses, we can talk about this recipe or that one, but in the end it all comes down to making the cookies, and tasting them, digesting them, and even after, the whole cycle of cookies and you.

One day u will commit to your cookies, or not, and find out how u experience them, so u can share about the experience and not about your wavering anymore, not about your trying, or half-assed attempts. Not about this made up reason or that one.

You take the plunge and try it out, for yourself, and no one else, and observe what happens, as you go along. (on applying Strategy&Authority)

Moon Blog 59.5

Rarely do we seek the real breakthrough out of our misery, our sufferings and hurts. Rarely do we seek the Guide that can help to actually find the door through. And come up with all kinds of excuses like: this Guide is too brutal, too honest, too direct, too expensive, it’s a man, it’s a woman, all kinds of excuses we come up with to not go there, to not find the actual solution.

As we want to find solace, we seek comfort, and understanding -in- our drama, not end the drama all together, that would be too scary. Too real. We want people to listen to our story and nod in understanding, while saying ‘there, there now’.
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