
MoonBlog 6.1 retreat

Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.

Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.

In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.

The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook

And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:

Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):

Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision

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Ra’s Words of Wisdom – The Reflector

I don’t want to leave out Reflectors. I always give them short shrift, this 1% of humanity. But then again, 1% of humanity is really 70 million people. It’s a lot; there are a lot of them in the world. They are so different that it’s almost the “Reflector Design System‟, instead of the Human Design because they are so different. We tend to look, that is, those of us that have any kind of Definition, we tend to look at all that openness and say, “Oh, my,” because our openness brings that to us. Yet, it only brings that to us because it is a counterpoint to our Definition. Openness is not a counterpoint to anything, in that sense, for the Reflector. They are open. They are quintessentially open.

And there is some nice irony in that. That is, while they are totally open in the way in which their body graph operates, that their aura itself, this is the Teflon. This is the aura where you just touch the surface. This is a sampling aura. As a matter of fact, Reflectors are designed specifically to be impacted by the program, much more than the impact that comes from the aura of other human beings.

Again, like the Manifestor, Manifestor and Reflectors auras will keep people away unless they insist. It’s just something to understand about them. It’s not like you can’t get in there and influence them in terms of aura-to-aura contact—the typical partnership chart—it’s not like they’re blocking that off. You can get in if you get past their protection system.

And when you’re dealing with a Reflector, the Reflector would rather be in the wind of the program that moves its Reflector sail in its life than to be caught up in what happens to them when they have to deal with the other. And in many ways, because of the mystical importance of Reflectors, is that Reflectors are here to take in the program and measure it against the sample of humans that they meet.
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Lunar Cycle Calculations

If you’ve reached this page and still don’t get what the fuzz is about: – It takes the Moon ~27.5 days to go through all 64 Gates in the BodyGraph or Rave Mandala (Tropical month)

The Lunar Cycle lasts roughly, on average (!) 27.3 days, more easily referred to as 27.5 days, many Reflectors say 28.5 days, even if it is observed as short as 26.6 days as you can see on this page.

Never 29.5 days, since that is the Cycle of the Lunar Phases which is the observation from Earth of reflected Sunlight on the surface of the Moon (ie synodic month), which has no direct relation to the Moon’s actual position relative to the Earth and through the Rave Mandala.

See also:
See more on the Lunar Cycle & Transits

MoonCycle Length 2012
MoonCycle Length 2012 in CEST

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MoonBlog 59.2

A pattern emerged, a recognition of me doing was spotted. As I’m in the 4 Transformation courses we get to experiment and investigate some of our behavior and mental processes, and stuff comes up.

And one of the realizations is that those patterns have been there all along, bubbling, like lava on top, bubble, bubble, a never ending cascade of fresh lava, of new bubbles, a chemical processing of stuff. *blip, blop, bubble*

And one of the bubbles is this recurring perception of utter deep and overwhelming suffocating boredom, as a pattern. So deeply and utterly bored with elements of this life, with things that happen, especially those that do happen. And recognizing now, it is a pattern, it happened many, many times before, and the results are nearly identical. This sense of suffocation and loathing and their subsequent action(s)

This particular pattern emerges as a noticing of more and more resistance to ‘do’ the weekly experiment suggestions of a course. This is a pattern that I recognize throughout my life but starting as early as about 13 years old and then particularly in school and classes, which for one major part has gotten me in so much trouble with schools and teachers and their authority.
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Moon Blog 39.6

Locked in the illusion of getting there, getting anywhere. To attain, to conquer, a goal, a vision, a dream, a whisper. To believe some thing, some doing, will make me anything, like vulnerable, or stronger, being able to learn to go beyond my own borders, as a trick or a trade, something to learn, to acquire, through exercise, and the exercise is called experimenting.
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Moon Blog 3.5

As long as we wish, we’re in the mind, making decisions from the mind, which is not what -you- are about. While as we speak about it mean to say something different but use these words for it, language can be like that, as that too is a part of our conditioning, where we think to say and mean one thing, but actually say something else.
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Moon Blog 25.4

in my dream, I was connecting with someone I have known for a few years. Well not known, but know of, a friend of a former friend. Seen sometimes at my former friends place, and connected with on FaceTube. A stunner, a looker, and a gentle person, sweet and caring. The sudden renewed or intensified connection happened through social media, but also voice/telephone, somehow, the dream was unclear about that.
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Moon Blog 55.5

How easy are we distracted, getting our brain veiled all over again, by cosmic fairy-tales?

However interesting it is to have a glimpse of what the future may bring, that future is not ours, yet. And might even never ever be. While we sing and dance in the presumption of knowing of this bright future, we hug and presume to love, because of this growing awareness, on the fairy-tale distractions.
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We finish our movie it’s not very good.

“We have a big premiere my parents come my brother comes Leonard comes there’s a big crowd. At the after party people shake my hand pat me on the back give me their business cards tell me the movie was amazing, incredible, great. I smile say thank you but I know it wasn’t very good. It hurts me to admit it, and it hurts me to accept it, my movie wasn’t very good.
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MoonBlog 6.1

I don’t have a smart center, I don’t have an I know what I need to know center. I have centers for wisdom, yes, but none of my centers give me any indication of what I need to do in my life. None of them respond with any authority of what is and what is not correct for me, or whom.

My Inner Authority is a process, and it is through this processing that I can become aware of it. Latent, dormant, or quite new. What is what and what is me in or with that, and how. Is it this? Is it that? I do not yet know. I do not.
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Moon Blog 47.6

something is dawning on me, like an insight and perhaps preliminary conclusion (and perhaps complete and utter nonsense), which is; whatever the Reflector encounters, they -have- to filter it, and not even that, the filtering, the sampling has already started. There is no not filtering of someone, or something when it has reached the vicinity of a Reflector. And even going beyond the breathing in of life through the Digestion as in PHS where one can stop their sampling, their breathing in of this or that, as another sense has picked up on something or someone too.

And when filtering happens, conclusions happens, discernments happen.
I believe (.) that this is part why, we need to be so careful who we are with, what they say, what tv we watch, and what information we allow in our Facebook newsfeed.

Because we can not not filter that which comes in our lives, filtering started the moment one of our senses picked up on it. So filtering who you filter is in order. Here on Facebook this might mean to unfriend someone, or even block them, but unfollowing is also an option, while remaining FB friends. To stop all notifications from certain groups, or even leave certain groups, if and when you notice you are stuck filtering what is going on there.

And this also includes filtering messages about horrible things in the world, be it mistreated pets, or dolphins, tv-shows, movies, the news… as we can have (I say, but debatable) this mechanical functioning in processing about things that might not be for us.
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MoonBlog 49.2

For years I have struggled with the notion, that Reflectors need or must have one or more confidants, sounding-boards, trusted allies to work through their Lunar Processing. This notion that the Reflector must share their issue with one or even several people over the course of a Lunar Cycle to hear their own processing and resolution as they share. Different with the neighbour, different 3 days later with a sibling, again different sharing on the same subject with your partner 10 days later, and so on.

It sounded then and still does like a fixed processing thing and I felt imprisoned by this need or must, to have to seek outsiders for my own processing. Whether that is due to not trusting so many people (ie a more psychological reason than mechanical) or because I simply wish (hehe I and wish, let’s call it my mind ok?) to be able to do stuff on my own, and find my own inner truth inside myself by myself (manifestor wannabee?)

But also, because for many, many years I was able so very often to find my own inner truth inside myself. And yes sometimes also through sharing it with others, both the issue as the process, but not always or all the time, actually, far less of the time then how this notion occurred to me.

Yesterday I was stunned to observe myself having this drive to talk to my then-girlfriend about something that I needed to make a decision on. I told her as well, that I just needed to share this information and process with her, and… listen to myself, while still being interested in her experience and observations as well, but mainly to share it, with her, with my confidant, my trusted ally, my beloved sounding board. And I was in the need for that, it felt like an important part of the processing to take place.

And I shared my topic, she shared her perspective. She let me ramble a bit and explain how I saw & experienced it so far, I asked her for her sense and opinion as I became more and more clear on what my answer is, as I gradually fell into the acceptance of what was correct, for me.
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MoonBlog 32.1

The Human Design System Testimonials

Jovian Archive is working on a new and exciting project for newcomers and long-time professionals alike, one that provides a service to all students of Human Design.

The collective has a tendency to resist the type of knowledge that Human Design represents; amid public skepticism, people are often unwilling to give such methods a chance. This is where you can help us.

Testimonials are key to highlighting the value of the Human Design System to newcomers across the globe.
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Moon Blog 39.6

So for a while now, I’ve been investigating knife-sharpening systems, methods, tools, sets, accessories and so on. The more I read, and saw on utube, there was this conclusion growing of which tools to get and how to use them.

And all this without ever touching a single one, but, with the help of my trusted spreadsheet program, to make elaborate overviews of sets and parts, how to combine for the lowest price including or excluding shipping, money conversions, customs and on and on. To buy at a retailer or ebay, amazon, or the shop next door.

Of course I had my share of wet-stones in the past, but realizing now, I never learned how to properly use them, not even for the occasions I did use them, and had neglected them, mis-used and mistreated the knives I used on them.
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Moon Blog 59.5

Rarely do we seek the real breakthrough out of our misery, our sufferings and hurts. Rarely do we seek the Guide that can help to actually find the door through. And come up with all kinds of excuses like: this Guide is too brutal, too honest, too direct, too expensive, it’s a man, it’s a woman, all kinds of excuses we come up with to not go there, to not find the actual solution.

As we want to find solace, we seek comfort, and understanding -in- our drama, not end the drama all together, that would be too scary. Too real. We want people to listen to our story and nod in understanding, while saying ‘there, there now’.
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Reflectors with their sampling aura

“can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits.

Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…

No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves –

all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…
from outside of their aura –

Reflectors/initiated…” Leela Swann-Herbert

Initiate me

What does it mean to initiate a Reflector?
(not complete, and only about me)

I can tell you that it does not mean to ask a question, wait for a moon/month and expect a result at the other end. Besides seeming like asking an Emotionally Open Sacral being but just waiting longer for the reply.

It also does not mean to daily or every gate change of the Moon bombard the Reflector with your presence or conversation about the subject either, because then it would become conditioning. And you do not want the Reflector to feel conditioned or pressured by your question for an answer, cause that kind of no that you would instigate is one that would crumble houses, and you might lose the Reflectors interest forever.

It is however somehow a mix-match of several things. To indeed ask, and also to inform about the question or the situation, also to check in with the Reflector, to see if more info is needed, or just some sharing about the process, about the question. Without seeking the end result or goal then and there.

Can the Reflector find out if it is comfortable to do this you ask? Is it correct for them to do this thing? Please remember, you asked, so most likely the Reflector has no interest at all in that which you ask. At least this is my experience of most questions I get. They are your questions and usualy about you, not mine, or not about me. So if you seek any response, even a negative one, you better come up with something yummy for me to want to answer in the first place. Stimulate me, massage me. Not my body, my mind (!)

But be carefull not to condition me into answering, keep me interested in your quest, but not so that it feels in any way overwhelming or a nuissance. Don’t push or pull. Find the balance, the finer thread of my sometimes delicate being.



In my case, an important thing I ask myself on autimatic pilot is: “is it safe?” Is it safe for me to involve myself with your quest(ion) or with the outcome of that question. It might be just a question about the design of your kitchen, or to go with you on a mountain hicking trip. But usually I have so little information or insight to discern this, that the answer will be an immediate ‘no’.

And sometimes the person asking does not trigger me to dive into the question itself at all even, so then I would say ‘no, don’t ask’

And sometimes I realize that the question is not mine to answer at all, but theirs. Which could trigger some grumpyness on my side, or some compassion for their question and situation.

Another thing I ask myself as I ponder your question is: ‘why would I want to do that?’ Now when you ask a question to me, for me, and maybe/perhaps about me, then I seem eager to answer at the flick of a switch. Or when the situation requiers, I indeed note the moons position in the Rave Mandala wheel, and note the next time it will be in that spot again in about 27.5 days, and go into the process of finding out what my true honest answer really is. And occasionaly or regularly during this Lunar month, I come back to the question before me, and review my stance on it there and then, and if or what might have changed since and why. And I might even feel where the process is taking me, to already see the thread of contemplations before me as they work their magic through me. Sometimes I even feel like sitting inside in the energy of that quest(ion) and feeling the flow of where it might all lead to, and if this triggers an inner smile and sense of warmth and comfort, you can bet the answer will become positive sooner or later, and you will see me fal into acceptance of the quest that lay before me a moon ago.

And sometimes, I fall into acceptance of not feeling any urge to do this or that, which can be just as joyous as the yes. To be able to walk away, relieved.

Don’t just ask me, or invite me, or inform me, but initiate me, make an effort to open up the journey for me or with me, and try to realise that none of it is mine.

Addendum: You know that thing you asked me/we talked about 2-3 years ago? I can feel me being in acceptance of being able to do that, now.


One Lunar Cycle

Make your own (right mouse click: save link as):

MoonBlog 26.2

A while ago, Nisarg mentioned I could have a look in Pune for doing Work as Meditation, as we spoke on and off about my life and work/money, but having been negative to anything guru or religion, it took me a while to even get used to the idea, but having read their website, they did seem to know what they were doing. So I became curious to this new way of looking at work which they claim/advertise

I knew no-one at the resort and application/reservation went all through email, which as it turned out, were other WAM people, new or old-timers, and having never been to India either, was quite the experience.

And I hated India, the stench, the pollution, the differences in wealth living side by side, death and misery next to luxurious mansions. Hate it !
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MoonBlog 59.5

On Reflector Group Moderation

It is remarkable to on the one hand say you do not like to be told when doing something wrong, and at the same time kick those same people as being control freaks, and then also justify yourself by telling how little it actually is… Seriously dude…

2 reflectors walk into a French Restaurant, and -demand- ‘French’ fries with a Big Mac…

It is not that we -have- to post daily, all or each single one of us. It is not that we have to entertain or be entertained, like planet Generator is already doing 24/7 in this neon lit global village. There is nothing wrong with no postings for 3 months, like it happens in the Reflector email list.

Unless we do indeed want to gobble up shallow bits and sound bytes, and through it an feel comfortable in our feeling alienated.
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What is a reflector?

What is the difference between this reflector and that reflector?

How do we support a reflector, is there such a thing as ‘a reflector’ support, as in singular way of supporting all reflectors?

How do we know? Have we studied, contemplated, meditated, talked about what it is to be a reflector, or do we follow that what we -believe- a reflector to be?

And I don’t mean to have done these or that courses, no, how hard and long have you, yourself, gone into what it means to be who you are?

Do we follow what our minds tell us it should be, just like our minds told us Human Design was spiritual.

Is that even true?

Can we discern how different this reflector might operate, engage, speak, listen, wobble, walk, than this one?

Do we allow for uniqueness?

What is the level of awareness and engagement amongst ourselves?

When we talk gates and lines, what do we tell, a repetition from half a page or a book we once read? Or our true inner experience, or our wittnessing of another.

Would you like to play a game of not-self centered behaviour?
Like confrontation and truth, questioning everything, answering everything, attracting attention, undirectional love, ego crowing, substance abuse, unstoppable workload, unobtainable deadlines.

Would you like to engage in your Human Design?

I heard Genoa say the other day: “The mind is gonna love human design until it becomes something real. And then it’s gonna find every excuse to split town as fast as it can and it wants to take you with it.”

So, am I being over-serious? Yes I am, ofcourse I am, and you can tell me that. Also I’m a joker, of sorts, but you gotta wanna see that, or else you will see me as another nasty archetype, with whatever you think of that.

Oh and if you don’t like what I say, you can either say that, or just ignore me. it is all optional.
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MoonBlog 4.3

I have found, after 3 years living my design on a daily basis, and following strategy and authority and looking at my lunar cycle, that these readings are not too expensive.

Considering the life changing effect they have, I would actually call them cheap (!).

There is a whole lot of free stuff out there, but to me indeed until you also have studied some things, had a proper reading with explanation of your very own lunar cycle, done a living your design workshop, (which are all very interesting experiences I would not have missed for the world), all this free stuff seem not enough, or seem like some kind of hidden language/messages. But they aren’t.

There will come a point it all starts to make sense, because it -is- it’s own language, just like French, English, or German is. One day you’ll start to talk it like you were born with it, and see. See beyond the mind and knowledge itself, and into your own self. And start recognizing all these new-age or ancient texts, about answers lying within, not out there, or in others. All inside ourselves, even if we learn it through looking at and engaging with others, but inside is such a wealth of sheer knowing.

Getting a reading, learning about your lunar cycle, and strategy and authority, and a lot of patience, forgiveness, loving yourself and a whole bunch of humor, has gotten me past most of my worries of old. Now I still have some, or new ones but they are different, and are much more ego based. I really start to grasp who I really am, and what I am here for, I can almost taste it.

And then another day, it all seems to have eluded me, a cosmic joke. Know there is also a reflector mailinglist and online virtual cafe, for reflectors to meet and share, besides the Reflector FaceBook Group and other pages.

And however alone a reflectors path may look like sometimes, we are constantly interconnected with each other, it feels like, to me and others.
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MoonBlog 38.6 Misunderstanding


So, final blog about Ibiza 2009 for now

I’m a little early on-site, so I want to get something to eat, and end up in a noisy beach bar eating something like a triple sandwich and drinking a Fanta thinking about how good or bad this would be for my PHS (‘taste’ is all I know for now) I definitely do not like the noise coming from the speakers, even besides the music genre, so head back over to the event quickly.
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MoonBlog 25.6 Ignorance

Entering the cave

– Ibiza 2009, Thursday 9, almost out of here but still have 2 events coming up.

First one, my signpost session with Dharmen. I looked at some of the transits before making the appointment, and at this session the moon is in gate 57, opposing my gate 20 and so ‘penetrating awareness’ which I thought was rather sneaky of me, even though I do not feel all those transits, or am aware of them. Just something to play with, in the mind.
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MoonBlog 12.5 The pragmatist

Batteries not included

– So another day in paradise Ibiza 2009, no lectures for me on Tuesday, and found out some projectors took -all- lectures, which amazes me.

I know projectors get a discount because they ‘should’ know it all (what about reflectors then…?), and have more difficulty knowing it all (especially if they’re not interested :), but -all- 4 lectures per day for 9 days straight? How can you ever start to grasp that then…?
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MoonBlog 21.5 Objectivity

On the roof

-So here we all are, Ibiza 2009

Yesterday I also went up the hill to this nice church, but guess what, on a Sunday, they have services in this catholic country, so it was pretty crowed up there. It was a nice walk for this waking mental body, up the stairs on one side and down the other. What a nice view up there, and nice and warm without shade, a great time for some reflection.
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MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity

Career reflector, or a reflectors’ career?

– So here I am (hmm favorite intro line?), in Ibiza for the 2009 event.

It’s Sunday the 5th, I’m a little early to meet up with different people inside and outside of the Hotel and at 5PM I go to the BG5 lecture. Since I’m not only interested in what makes people tick, but also in the relations between people in different circumstances (work, love, etc), I did not want to miss this one.
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MoonBlog 32.4 Right is might

How was your variable today?

-So here I am, 3 days early before the 2009 Ibiza event (flight was much cheaper), raining outside, in an apartment with 26 Spanish TV channels, no internet, and forgotten how to speak the language (mainly because my French improved so much since I was last in Spain, ehrm 17 years ago?), alone/lonely, damn… w t f did I do… Well since I’m here better make the best of it, so dragged myself outside for groceries, site seeing, internet cafe, etcetera
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MoonBlog 46.2 The prima donna

Stupid body …

-So, here I am, after days of browsing, looking/listening, finally registered (red: on the humandesignglobal ning forum) and found many more people here than anticipated. So now even more access to all these peoples journeys, very good. Great initiative and very wanted/needed (oeps there goes my transference), tnx to Eden and I believe Alissa.
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MoonBlog 28.4 Holding on


(published nowhere but here)

-Well here is something to reflect on:

There is no us (or them), there is no tribal feeling, there is no welcoming you to Ibiza (very very very few exceptions) they’re mostly egotistical, ego central fuck heads, (and some mind-fuckers to boot) but it’s not their fault, it is in the teaching, be yourself, be this be that as long as it is yourself, live your type and strategy, if that is a giant douche bag fuck-up well, live it ! Enjoy your movie !

There is hardly any help for a newbie, everybody is in/on his/her own power trip, encouraged !
Yes there are genuine friendly people, yes nobody has to help another or not that very instant. But it seems the help/service that is offered is only to accommodate more revenue, only material gadgetry so more people can join in to listen to the same story over and over again.

Sitting there, watching, observing, sensing, all I could think of was, this ‘group’ needs a beach party, a social gathering, something to take their mind (!) of from themselves that navel staring inner voyage, and some of them definitely need to get laid…. Don’t change one vision/conditioning for only one other, don’t live out a self fulfilling prophecy

Yes there is great truth in your body, yes it has been neglected, you should look at it and listen to it, but don’t let it take over your life, you do have control, you don’t -have- to become (just/only) an asshole since that too is just a tiny part of you, as all of these gates, channels, centers, etc are (only) facets of your crystal(s) which has so many faces it is incomprehensible. And even those are not locked, and always and forever valid, you do have a choice not to be an egotistical moron.

And you’re a gullible stupid bunch too (but hey I don’t blame you if you can’t/may not use your mind for inner authority) too pay someone to tell you over and over again to live your strategy and authority, whatever the subject is (!). And yes there is a lot of truth in that (as far as this newbie can tell), but how many times do you have someone have to tell you that? And for how much money again, and again, and again?

How many do actually love themselves, even if they are not whole/complete, this or that, not finished on your journey (you never will be, hopefully), have not followed this course or that lecture. How many do love their shortcomings, their pitfalls, their stupidities, and the fact that you are in fact only human…and maybe are not all that capable to live this strategy and authority of yours, let alone be an analyst…
So how many can greet the other with open arms/mind, with-out an agenda (your agenda).

So is my rambling on about being nice? No, but you -can- be, you don’t have to -not be- nice. It’s just stupid.
And don’t forget to stop and -think- every now and then.

I block you very much…

The issue of reflectors and the four paths to enlightenment

“Since time immemorial, man has hankered after a state of transcendence from the form in which he finds himself locked. This state has been called so many different names – nirvana, moksha, brahman, satori, enlightenment, awakening…

This issue of enlightenment is deeply ingrained within the Human Design Revelation. The actual terminology is important here since Design notes a difference between enlightenment and awakening. Awakening is referred to as being in absolute alignment with our original nature. It is as simple as being oneself. Enlightenment is a rather more slanted terminology, since its etymology hints towards the word ‘light’. In other words, enlightenment, as a word, can be deeply divisive and misleading. To dwell within the light is to dwell in an extreme, and many enlightenment teachings over the centuries have sought to escape the darker side of human nature. Awakening is a broader term – you can be awake and in the light or asleep and in the light and you can be asleep in the dark or awake in the dark.
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