
MoonBlog 62.2

One of the things that came up in the year long Transformations set of courses about the 4 Variables and Digestion, Environment, Perspective and Motivation, is of-course some of our habits. And one being sleep, or waking habits. When to go to sleep, how long, or late, to stay awake.

And it is easy to say, that this is our conditioning, ours, of how we live to work from 9 to 5, how our days are scheduled along those hours to make room for when to eat breakfast and when to eat lunch, dinner, when to watch tv, and go to bed again, how long to sleep, and so on.

Everything neatly fixed within certain time frames, every single day, and make a fuss when things are not happening along those lines, those times.

But what is so interesting in my exploration of my own observations, is that we like to call it, our conditioning. As if some outside force is to blame, it makes it easy to use this language, so we can identify an outside source for our behaviour, or for our perceptions of other peoples behaviour.
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MoonBlog 42.5

Isn’t empowerment just more identification?

We don’t -feel- more or less empowered, we -think- to be or not, and then we even call it ‘our experience’

For me, words and wording is very important, both in their meaning as we commonly accept as well as their potential energy. To distinguish between our minds games of latching on to certain made up meanings or beliefs of words and wording is all part of the ongoing experiment of living my Design. And to play with them and tackle them if and when hinted at or openly discovered. That is not a power play by far, but an interest and an enjoyment.

One of the things I am investigating in my experiment, is the notion that many of our concepts, are only mental, are only psychological in nature, and not an actual body experience.

Empowerment, being part of those, is thus an interpretation, and not a felt sense. And to strive for, or encourage empowerment is therefor just another trick of the mind to keep us locked in our opinionated prison, in the illusion of happiness while continuing to suffer greatly.
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MoonBlog 38.4

Some people have this sense that they are not the killer monkeys some of us claim we all are, as a species.

And I get this sense that those people are indeed not, how they are not the hierarchic killer mob, not the follow the leader do as I say kind of monkeys, whether that leader has been voted in democratically or the role has been taken by force or corruption. Where each individual has a specific role and place, and all are wanted and needed, and sacrifices are made, consciously for the common good of the group, this ‘ruff n tuff’ looking band of killer monkey brothers and sisters,

but they are killer bunnies….
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MoonBlog 53.3

Human Design will not fix your life, or even help fix it.

Besides nothing being wrong, we are only under the impression that it is, Human Design helps you see your life in a different way, a re-orientation. And -that- will dissolve the perceived issues all together.

But most of us come into HD looking for the fixing tools, looking for the tool-shed, looking for that piece of information to help us.

And then we get submerged and possibly drown in the vastness of the Human Design System acquiring more and more information, where some will stay afloat, bobbing heads barely breathing at the top of the surface. Where most will just dabble on in confusion and turmoil, of both Human Design and their unresolved issues.

And few will start swimming, and leaving the waters of information, and start applying the information, the basics, first. Strategy & Authority. And dive into the not-self behaviours of our minds, of our openness, the rigidity of our definitions and activations, the knee-jerks from our splits, and the claiming and blaming of self, others, the world and the universe through our mental filter.

Some will venture onward, after a while, into PHS, exploring their Digestion of life itself, in their correct Environment, from their own unique Perspective and observe the workings of our Motivation and all the see-sawing that takes place in our lives, between this and that.

And you get to see, to see, how vastly conditioned we are, you are, I am. But also, how it actually works, how it all operates, mechanically.

And the seer changes the experiment, seeing itself does. Without shaming, or guilt tripping. Simple realizations through observing. Your life.

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MoonBlog 41.5

To rationalize our behaviour, particularly to others, as to clarify and justify what we do, is nothing but mind.

And deep down we know we’re just making it up, we’re trying out a white lie, to masquerade the bigger lie within.

Hiding the truth that is either barely known, or barely embraced.


And come up with whole scenarios of why it is so, definitively, really, truly. And in doing so, keeping the truth, our own inner truth well in place where we want it to belong, hidden.

Hidden from escaping, from being looked at, from being seen and so we assume; to be judged, talked about, frowned upon. As if our inner truths are something to be ashamed of, as if we need to hide or defend that which is perfectly true, for you.

A simple scratch at the surface, and all hell breaks loose. All of the hidden truths, the correct desires, the lusts, the wants and wishes come blurting out, in mangled up ways as we keep ourselves blocked away with psychological restraining orders from living our own truths.
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MoonBlog 54.5

Facebook or not

about a year ago it became clear to me, and people near me, that I had to approach my online presence in a different way. Noticing how I got consumed by righting wrongs and engaging in many online skirmishes and even battles that then also trickled down into offline life. Now of course not every person one meets is for you, correctly so or not, whether online or offline, and with some people I am glad to have only met as briefly as we did, because really, some of you, fuck you man, wow. And given my Perspective/view of Power where I not only see the winners and losers, from my own perspective, I do indeed keep score, naturally. But all that is just the face of it, that might even only be the result.

What is far more important, is my own process, and the ongoing investigation; why do I do the things that I do, or not do? Important and exiting, exhilarating at times, as I dive into the uncertainty of the quest, and all the different explorations that open up as I question myself.
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MoonBlog 46.5 Pacing

First off: I personally enjoy the break-down of material and trying to rid what some see as additionals put in way after the Revelation, and I cherish the 2nd version of the Human Design Course book, simply because it is such a great break-down of the different elements.

However, these ‘mode to do’ and ‘mode to wait’, where do -they- come from? Why are they still in place, or did the voice really tell those as well?

But onto the video Zeno made about Reflectors and the misinterpretation of their Strategy & Authority:


Zeno: “Hi, Today I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for a very long time. And that is, there’s quite an error in types. And so what I’ve decided to do is talk about the errors, and I start with the reflector because I tell you, I think this is the saddest and worst crime that we could possibly do.”

You are right to say “I think it is a crime”, you think it, does not make it true or not true, you think it.

Zeno: “Okay, so we have this type called reflector. And as you maybe, probably, already know that is having no definition, all centers are undefined. And the reason I say this is a huge crime, that you would start off with the strategy for these poor folks as watching the moon and then giving 28 days before making a decision – I have no idea whether Ra did this on purpose to screw up these people – or it was just in his narcissism, arrogance that he thought it was alright to just play around and say ‘well, reflector you are obviously a moon-person’. So, going back just a tiny bit it is clear that having no definition, the one thing you want get right off the top is, you are not a mental person, period.”

To say someone is or is not mental, because one is (or not) not ‘mentally defined’ is saying I am not emotional because my Solar Plexus is undefined, but maybe this is a subject for another day.

Zeno: “And you look at that watching the moon. It isn’t anything practical about planets. For example, Pluto could give you a definition for a couple of years, or Neptune, or Uranus. And this is part of what deeply bothers me. It’s not to say the moon doesn’t have an influence. I did this exercise very early on watching the moon about half a year. I’m a mental person I am mentally defined, so I made games so ‘oh okay, so today the moon is in Libra in hexagram 48’ it will, I mean Libra 48 – It will next be in 57’. And of course having – having no definition, and then that exercise to just completely watch the moon – oh my god that is not the biggest influence, period.”

‘The exercise’ as you call it, to watch the moon is -not- about what Gate it is in and then assuming that influence to happen in your life, or you living that out. Just like no other Transit -defines- you. It is a temporary conditioning. Read that again, a temporary conditioning. Any influence from outside, does not -define- you, or your life, or who you are. It is not you, in other words it is not-self… good play of words there yes?

However, as you correctly say, the moon does have an influence. But how that plays out, is different for everyone, for every single Reflector or any other Type (or definition or person, whatever words you want to use). How it plays out is what you watch for, that and only that. This is what you journal.

It is simply not true, that because the Moon is in Gate 48 all of a sudden you have depth, and all Reflectors have depth, or when the Moon is in Gate 13 all of a sudden all are great listeners. No. Or have to be (!)

But through tracking and journaling what happens whenever the Moon is in Gate 20, or 13 and so on, you get to see, -how- you sample life differently, most of the times the Moon is indeed in Gate 20, or 13
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MoonBlog 35.3

To be grateful is a hoax, another trick of the mind, to soothe ourselves into believing in the goodness of the life we live, to focus on that one side of life to feel good about ourselves and our life. But who needs one-sided tricks to do that, to simply enjoy and accept all of it?

To include the drama, the horrors, the hurt, the cheating lovers, the broken down car, the crashed banks, why can we not be grateful about that? Why is striving for gratitude even an issue, what do we have to prove, to ourselves or others. Humbleness does not show, especially not on FaceTube

We can see the forced efforts in the sentences, comments, and even the videos, so desperately trying to show and show off what the fuck we are so grateful about. And the horror of admitting -that- is palpable.
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MoonBlog 41.6

honesty, sometimes referred to as confrontation and truth

Just now I got a call from a friend to come and join this manifestation/protest to keep the squat he lives in, which is happening now live, just a few hundred meters from my house.

I find it difficult to say, in the moment to this friend, that I not only not agree with all this energy poured into trying to retain and sustain that which is, but also what a wonderful opportunity for them, to start fresh and new, to use all their creativity into a new project.

Instead of keeping the same old same old, which they have indeed worked for so hard. This big empty nearly derelict industrial space and turned it into a thriving joyful gathering space for artists, living space & highly praised restaurant. With concerts, and whatnot
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MoonBlog 44.5

A double feature:

An interesting thing to remember is, when Ra said something, there was a context to it. There was a whole litany of reasons and meaning to simple catch phrases or even rhymes.

However, when we repeat what Ra said, verbatim, without the contextual message we get into dogma and untruths, we get into teachings of faith and beliefs.

We can not say, in relationships or connection charts that ‘8-1 have some fun’ will always be like this, or even like that. Even if in our experiences so far, it has.

One experience or even 6 million don’t make a truth. They remain experiences.
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MoonBlog 6.1 retreat

Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.

Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.

In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.

The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook

And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:

Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):

Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision

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MoonBlog 62.3

Life, interaction, energy -can not- be reciprocal. That is mechanically impossible, unless we make ourselves do that, make ourselves behave in those ways, forced. As we place another condition before having our experiences. See where that takes anyone?

Just look at our own self, and our own desires as a reply to our own experiences. “I want the other to be this, to be that. This person is correct, this one is not” and all are made a. from a mental discernment and judgment about b. the experiences we have because c. we don’t want or like those experiences. But when this happens to us, someone demanding these things, then we get all wound up about it, too.

Everyone is unique. We can not place demands on anyone else. No one is here to fix things, or to be equal to another. You are here to be you, while you -experience- the other. Uplifting or draining. Be aware, notice, experience.

This breath, this breath, this breath.

Sounds so easy right? Now try it 


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MoonBlog 3.1

Was my Power view the reason for one of my FB groups & its name, I ponder of late.

To have seen the winners and losers, and continue to see, in HD groups & gatherings, outside, in my view & perspective. And the need to round up some winners to get rid of those losers, from my power view and also through my distraction.

The view never stops, the power structure is never fixed, so ready to interchange some people in here too. Theses ones in, theses ones out, from the personal (distracted) vision and my experience. Keeping score, adding and subtracting continuously.

Adding Brotherhood/Sisterhood and can I Trust you or Not?
or can I Trust you to, to fuck (me) up…?

Meeting more and more Power View people too, in person/aura or online, is that fractal gravity? Read more

Moon Blog 55.1

For me, depression happens in my mind, and there alone, and however not wanting to resolve the experience with tricks and schemes to convince my mind that there are solutions to that same mind that is worried, I do enjoy distracting my distracted mind.

At the surface I read a book, usually only a chapter, or if it has very long elaborate chapters, I read a few pages, and let my mind wonder and ponder in the distraction of what I have just fed it.

While my subconscious can continue to process the processing that is going on; the trigger for the thoughts that results in the experience of depression. Letting it all in and happen, letting it all run their course, while on the surface I’m staring outside in reflections of what I just read, or wrote.

And then there are actions to distract that surface level awareness of my worried mind, like baking a cake, riding my bike, doing laundry, consciously, slowly and pensive. Because any form of depression has it’s place, and trying to avoid or solve will not work. Stick with the feeling of the feeling, the experience of this now, and let it all run it’s course.

Even when you have no truth in your now, you can still observe it and be the wittness of that now that is no truth. This is where the depth of your being is explored, including the not so funny.
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MoonBlog 59.2

A pattern emerged, a recognition of me doing was spotted. As I’m in the 4 Transformation courses we get to experiment and investigate some of our behavior and mental processes, and stuff comes up.

And one of the realizations is that those patterns have been there all along, bubbling, like lava on top, bubble, bubble, a never ending cascade of fresh lava, of new bubbles, a chemical processing of stuff. *blip, blop, bubble*

And one of the bubbles is this recurring perception of utter deep and overwhelming suffocating boredom, as a pattern. So deeply and utterly bored with elements of this life, with things that happen, especially those that do happen. And recognizing now, it is a pattern, it happened many, many times before, and the results are nearly identical. This sense of suffocation and loathing and their subsequent action(s)

This particular pattern emerges as a noticing of more and more resistance to ‘do’ the weekly experiment suggestions of a course. This is a pattern that I recognize throughout my life but starting as early as about 13 years old and then particularly in school and classes, which for one major part has gotten me in so much trouble with schools and teachers and their authority.
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Moon Blog 39.6

Locked in the illusion of getting there, getting anywhere. To attain, to conquer, a goal, a vision, a dream, a whisper. To believe some thing, some doing, will make me anything, like vulnerable, or stronger, being able to learn to go beyond my own borders, as a trick or a trade, something to learn, to acquire, through exercise, and the exercise is called experimenting.
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Moon Blog 3.5

As long as we wish, we’re in the mind, making decisions from the mind, which is not what -you- are about. While as we speak about it mean to say something different but use these words for it, language can be like that, as that too is a part of our conditioning, where we think to say and mean one thing, but actually say something else.
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Moon Blog 25.4

in my dream, I was connecting with someone I have known for a few years. Well not known, but know of, a friend of a former friend. Seen sometimes at my former friends place, and connected with on FaceTube. A stunner, a looker, and a gentle person, sweet and caring. The sudden renewed or intensified connection happened through social media, but also voice/telephone, somehow, the dream was unclear about that.
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Moon Blog 55.5

How easy are we distracted, getting our brain veiled all over again, by cosmic fairy-tales?

However interesting it is to have a glimpse of what the future may bring, that future is not ours, yet. And might even never ever be. While we sing and dance in the presumption of knowing of this bright future, we hug and presume to love, because of this growing awareness, on the fairy-tale distractions.
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MoonBlog 46.3 Projection

Writing about Human Design is not as easy as it may seem. Besides it being an art, it is not easy to write in such a way, that what is said is actually true. And particularly mechanically correct, because this is about the description of mechanical functioning. And most people botch it up, they turn phrases around as if that is possible, as if the reverse is also true, or confuse functioning with meaning. But most of all, one tends to write about what they believe to be true with no real way of knowing or being able to verify. But it does sound nice for the story loving mind, so people continue, and if ‘everyone’ else gives them praise for it, then why should your one negatively perceived comment have any value? As you might see, the psychology to explain away with more mind and reasoning runs deep, very deep.

Another pitfall is that if it makes sense to the mind, it is therefor true. And if we then repeat it often enough and have a persuasive way of speaking, or writing, then everyone else also believes it to be true, as we continue to communicate on the mental level, alone. And several things I’m about to say will make no sense to some, but I’ll try and give an example first:

Strawberries are red. Strawberries are sweet when ripe. Strawberries are beautiful.

Most of us will agree with the 3 statements. But the last statement is a judgment. It is personal and subjective. It is not true for everyone. True perhaps for most people, maybe even 95% of the population on Earth. But it is not (therefor) a truth. And it is also not a truthful conclusion, however logical it may sound to our minds, it is not a given sequence that always works. Someone might have an allergy, or gets shivers just from looking at them, or as they touch the outside of them. As it freaks them out, deep in and from their core being, perhaps when they taste or smell them. Truthfully.

The same is true with Human Design descriptions. Some are true, some are simply false. But many people relatively easy go along with what is said, and the writer also believes what came up from their sometimes powerful minds, and run with it. While the reader tries to apply what is said. because what is said sounds true, it sounds like a general truth. And therefor I must …
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MoonBlog 7.2

The emotionally overwhelmed mind is unaware of any consequences, being caught up in only now, in this single moment of the wave there is no perception beyond this now. This can start to really fuck things up when speaking or acting before the clarity has actually arrived.

Following up on the wild interpretation of the intensity and ravishing all within reach for that singular phased truth, now. To only learn about the mis-take later, and to further the depth of drama may even beg for forgiveness, by that time it is either not applicable or can be too late.

It is the mind that regrets what the mind has done, in response to that momentary perception of this particular now, of this singular phase of the wave. If and when there is no truth in the now, who is speaking anyway and what is the content?
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Moon Blog 12.2

Feelings are like torrential rains, there is nothing you can do to stop them

We try to protect ourselves from these overwhelming experiences, but all you really have to ‘do’ is to stop what it is you -are- doing. And allow that flushing flood.

Just like in that massive rain, you can not continue walking, or driving your moped as the rain and winds beat down on you, the water and winds permeating your clothes and chilling you to the bone. Or even flying in a jet-plane through the clouds as you and the plane are rocked and shuffled

You have got to let go of having any control over this emotional weather.

Including the positive ones !

You stop, you look around, you discern what is happening, and make yourself as comfortable as possible for allowing the flow, of water and winds, feelings and emotions. Happy and sad ones.

And as the intensity rolls away and slowly slowly moves beyond the horizon, you go back to all those doings of life, walking on the pavement, on your moped on the soggy back-roads, or in a business jet-plane piercing the clouds.
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MoonBlog 42.4

I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did that

Oh, I’m still bleeding
how you must hate me
because I did not understand
and I made that comment
when you told me this story
and then the other day
of me
of you
I am so scared
I am so bad
I am rotten to my core
of course you don’t like me
I know I should have expected this
I feel horrible about myself
I feel horrible
I don’t like it when I deserved it
did I deserve this?
am I bad?
is it because you have reason to not like me?
is it because you don’t like me?
is it because of something else?
is it because of that?
is it?
when I looked at you funny
what happened the other day?
is it because of what happened?
are you evil?
did I do something wrong?
why did -you- prick -me-?
why did you prick me?
don’t you love me?
you scare me
when you prick me?
what am I to think of me?
what am I to think of our relationship?
what am I to think of you?
what am I to think of this?
I don’t like that -you- pricked -me-
I dont like being pricked
auw that hurt

the reversed reasoning of the not-self mind
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Moon Blog 63.2

yesterday I read this link I found on FB:

and particularly nr.2 (“We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world.”)
spoke to me considering this topic ( Because yes, some information needs to be verified, tested in our personal experimentation and some maybe scientifically and more. Within the greater scheme of things and the validity of Human Design particularly, but some really do seem unexplainable, and that is ok to be. Which is not about believing, but it is about trust.

And it is not even about trust that it will be ok (as in good), or it will be this or trust that it will be that. but trust that it does not matter to me, living my life what it actually is, how and why it is. That for me was the big breakthrough in my life, of having the acute realization of -not needing- to know anymore. While still not believing any of it, but simply having found an inner cadence to living my life, with the Lunar Cycle, with my S&A, and seeing that -that- actually works.
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Moon Blog 11.5

It is a great joy to notice people coming to me with all sorts of questions, conversations, remarks, discussions, arguments and more in private messages, about this, about that. Usually Human Design related, but some also on my other passions guitars and motorbikes and all their paraphernalia, and some relating to former occupations like my computer-tech business and inter-net-working and my education in graphic design.

Sure not all interactions go smoothly, but that sorts itself out rather quickly too.

To see people find me, and ask me stuff they can see in me, which I might not talk about, like solving puzzles/riddles on information. How does this work? Do you have any info on that? Which I usually do. Or know someone else who does.

Permaculture, I-Ching, Lunar Cycles, Gearbox ratios, Guitar bridges, marketing and lay-out, proofreading and feedback sessions and a dip in my extended digitized library of stuff, of information. Where some gets paid, some unexpectedly and some is shared for free sometimes also to my surprise.

I mean, hello everybody.
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MoonBlog 6.1

I don’t have a smart center, I don’t have an I know what I need to know center. I have centers for wisdom, yes, but none of my centers give me any indication of what I need to do in my life. None of them respond with any authority of what is and what is not correct for me, or whom.

My Inner Authority is a process, and it is through this processing that I can become aware of it. Latent, dormant, or quite new. What is what and what is me in or with that, and how. Is it this? Is it that? I do not yet know. I do not.
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Moon Blog 47.6

something is dawning on me, like an insight and perhaps preliminary conclusion (and perhaps complete and utter nonsense), which is; whatever the Reflector encounters, they -have- to filter it, and not even that, the filtering, the sampling has already started. There is no not filtering of someone, or something when it has reached the vicinity of a Reflector. And even going beyond the breathing in of life through the Digestion as in PHS where one can stop their sampling, their breathing in of this or that, as another sense has picked up on something or someone too.

And when filtering happens, conclusions happens, discernments happen.
I believe (.) that this is part why, we need to be so careful who we are with, what they say, what tv we watch, and what information we allow in our Facebook newsfeed.

Because we can not not filter that which comes in our lives, filtering started the moment one of our senses picked up on it. So filtering who you filter is in order. Here on Facebook this might mean to unfriend someone, or even block them, but unfollowing is also an option, while remaining FB friends. To stop all notifications from certain groups, or even leave certain groups, if and when you notice you are stuck filtering what is going on there.

And this also includes filtering messages about horrible things in the world, be it mistreated pets, or dolphins, tv-shows, movies, the news… as we can have (I say, but debatable) this mechanical functioning in processing about things that might not be for us.
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Moon Blog 59.4

All those lovely creatures doing all their coming together, all kinds of spiritual work, all the rituals all the movements, all the behaviorisms deemed to help them wake up, or even maybe, possibly, some day, if they are good enough, attain enlightenment. while not for once seeing, seeing with their minds eyes, that they will be stuck in the mannerisms and meditations the yoga exercises the roughing it out and chantings in groups, the long or short pilgrimages in the illusion that that is, how you wake the fuck up. That it is through the act, the doing, the postures, day in and day out, is how you become, or are a good person, a correct person, one who is awake. And all that is now needed, is only more people doing exactly like you are, thinking exactly like you too, what you are against, what you are for, having the same vision of how to better a world, how to change what is unwanted. If my own individual thoughts and behaviours, prayers, mantra’s and facetube posts do not help, it must be a numbers game. 144.000 people maybe/perhaps, as we then seek and ploy, to gain momentum, never alone, never enough, never good enough, never, NEVER ! How to change, this, and that, change, never accepting, never dropping, never letting go. Well, letting go of all the things we deem bad in ourselves, dropping all of those that we can not include in our vision for this world, for what we deem and seem and agree upon of what is spiritually correct, as we make signs to hang next to our frontdoors “love and light only”. While still not understanding why we, ourselves still suffer so much, inside, and when we can not contain it any longer, as it overflows our outside, our connections with others, our interactions, where we feel shame for our human behaviour, where we talk and talk gratuitously about our perceived wrongdoings, but never about our unwanted thoughts, our unwanted desires our yearnings, cravings, that are unfit to share, to express. How we overflow with angry frustrations, about our lives, our situations, our love lives. how, we, overflow but keep our heads down in search for the next, the next, the next… solution, the next meditation, the next group, in the next country, with the next lover. That lover who is, just like us, so open minded, so identical to our vision for the world, that was never my own vision but is something I fell into, and adhered to, felt drawn to. So I would not feel so alone anymore, so helpless, and incompetent, so ashamed, so angry, so… Until that lover too turns out to be an angry frustrated overflowing blob of shameful helplessness trapped in mannerisms and behaviourisms clinging with clasping fingertips to a sign from a frontdoor packing a bag in the hasted escape to another, the next, the … other… the other…?
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MoonBlog 63.2

The notion, as sometimes told/taught in Human Design, that your Gates on the Personality side are something you/your mind can identify with, and the description of the Design side Gates are something your family easier identify you with, is something else than presuming there are Types in either separated sides of our Human Design Bodygraph, and I am amused how this information can be shared here without any comment on it. But then it also took a Lunar Cycle to get back into this group.

Only in the quantum of the whole Design which includes both Personality and Design calculations do we arrive at Type, and it is only through this combination that the Aura has a specific functioning. Aura functioning…

And this Aura functioning is detectable. If you are lets say a Generator, I can detect you Sacral buzz. If you would be mistaken for a Projector in both Design and Personality individually but combined are a Generator, it is not true that you yourself will only detect you being a Projector and I will also detect you (only) as a Projector. That is using the information described above in our minds and running with it and making stuff up to seek meaning and purpose when there is none.
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MoonBlog 49.2

For years I have struggled with the notion, that Reflectors need or must have one or more confidants, sounding-boards, trusted allies to work through their Lunar Processing. This notion that the Reflector must share their issue with one or even several people over the course of a Lunar Cycle to hear their own processing and resolution as they share. Different with the neighbour, different 3 days later with a sibling, again different sharing on the same subject with your partner 10 days later, and so on.

It sounded then and still does like a fixed processing thing and I felt imprisoned by this need or must, to have to seek outsiders for my own processing. Whether that is due to not trusting so many people (ie a more psychological reason than mechanical) or because I simply wish (hehe I and wish, let’s call it my mind ok?) to be able to do stuff on my own, and find my own inner truth inside myself by myself (manifestor wannabee?)

But also, because for many, many years I was able so very often to find my own inner truth inside myself. And yes sometimes also through sharing it with others, both the issue as the process, but not always or all the time, actually, far less of the time then how this notion occurred to me.

Yesterday I was stunned to observe myself having this drive to talk to my then-girlfriend about something that I needed to make a decision on. I told her as well, that I just needed to share this information and process with her, and… listen to myself, while still being interested in her experience and observations as well, but mainly to share it, with her, with my confidant, my trusted ally, my beloved sounding board. And I was in the need for that, it felt like an important part of the processing to take place.

And I shared my topic, she shared her perspective. She let me ramble a bit and explain how I saw & experienced it so far, I asked her for her sense and opinion as I became more and more clear on what my answer is, as I gradually fell into the acceptance of what was correct, for me.
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MoonBlog 10.5

Nothing ever is similar. It is the minds desire for sameness and homogenization, to run away from the horrors of individuality (so it perceives this).

No Reflector is alike, no open Center has similar experiences. We can let go of these notions, and get on the path of uncovering ones uniqueness. Human Design is not yet another profiling tool where you are different on the surface but then can huddle and group together with ‘identical different people’.

That would be the mind wanting to believe this and aiming and even working towards such experiences. To hide away in the sameness of being (called) different, and have polite conversations over tea. That is not individuation and living out your design. That is just more mind tripping and seeking comfort for our fears as opposed to uncovering and learning more about our fears, knee-jerks, immoral desires and non-social traits.
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Moon Blog 32.2

Just because one uses the alphabet does not make one’s words poetry

Just because one uses Human Design information does not make one’s forecast hold any truth
But energy will go where it will flow, and one can be too ignorant to even be shamed
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MoonBlog 32.1

The Human Design System Testimonials

Jovian Archive is working on a new and exciting project for newcomers and long-time professionals alike, one that provides a service to all students of Human Design.

The collective has a tendency to resist the type of knowledge that Human Design represents; amid public skepticism, people are often unwilling to give such methods a chance. This is where you can help us.

Testimonials are key to highlighting the value of the Human Design System to newcomers across the globe.
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Moon Blog 3.4

Are we here to change the world?

Or are we here to learn to accept it, and notice our own processing of what we do and do not ‘like’ in it?
And if we are here to change the world, to which standards are we changing it, forcing it, willing it? Who decides?
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Moon Blog 17.4

Are we upset for the reason we say so, truly? What is our need to be (so) upset? Is the using of the reason for our being upset not a symptom of something else? Is the reason for our being upset not shielding off a deeper desire for something else?

We believe our being upset is merely that, and the this or that is more than enough, isn’t it? Just look at it, how unjust, how terrible, how awful, how poor, how this, how that, can you not see !!??

Can you not see it my way? Can we not agree upon my way?
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Moon Blog 28.2

self-doubt and worries, as the mind is let loose to be triggered by what other people write, as they call themselves analysts, professionals, and offering not just sessions but even whole courses while not even knowing simple basics. Mind kicks me back saying to want to throw in the towel, as it ponders and reflects, is this truly for me to do anyways?

All those arrogant people out there claiming this and that even if they themselves were tricked by the Parkyns and the Currys to follow and believe this facade they bought themselves into, as they get triggered by their easiest weaknesses, usually money and a shallow self-image. Lured with tricks and lies, but slowly populating groups and fora, open house sessions asking the right questions as a result of that missing information they had not received themselves, being conned and tricked into believing they matter and what they do does. By now, there must be more fake and conned session givers out there, than real ones, as the machines keep pumping out more half-witted wannabees
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The Human Design System

is not for the average seeker, although many seekers do come in contact with it. It is not for those that seek enlightenment, but it is for those that are ready to wake up. HD is not a journey of discovery of new things that you need to learn or acquire, it is however about uncovering that which is a dormant potential within you, some of which you or those you love have suspected all along. Living Your Design is not for people that seek only happiness, fluffy bunnies and positivity in life, but it is for those that can embrace a radical new way of inter-communication, where their inner truth and being correct for themselves is the basis for living life. HD is also not a belief system, but you will realize many of your beliefs will have to go and dissolve, to be able to live correctly as yourself.

The Human Design System is not for everyone, many people make up numerous reasons to find fault with it, or even seek to change it; only one person in six hundred and twenty five people that ever meet Human Design will continue to live by following up on their inner authority. Many more people only talk about it in the assumption and illusion that talking is all it takes, to live your life correctly, boasting about the traits they read or heard about on this or that type without ever applying the vast knowledge of Human Design in their lives, while arguing about what they think it is, or should be, as their minds try to grab and hold onto different opinions and dogmas to continue to control life. HD is about applying, about living according to the mechanics of what it is to be you, it is where it all starts. Without doing so, Human Design has not one single benefit for you.

Human Design is not what you think it is, nor what you decide to make of it, it is not your interpretation, neither your perception or your judgment. it is not about controlling your life in any way. It is however the best thing since sliced bread and silly putty *<|:o)

If you are keen to tread honestly and with humor, to look at life and yourself, if you are ready to jump in the deep end, then find those that can assist in that uncovering of what it is to be you, and how you function correctly.

But, stay vigilant, there are many people unqualified or untrained allowing you to distract yourself from living correctly, as they offer their services in the illusion of having any clue, knowledge nor experience of what it entails to live the life that is correct. And not every certified Professional is for you either, some will speak to your inner self, appeal to you, and some you might not be able to hear or comprehend. Take your time to discover those people that are correct for you, since the Human Design System is certainly not a quick fix, to run hurriedly through the motions, books, sessions and courses, but a way of living your life, correctly.

Moon Blog 39.6

So for a while now, I’ve been investigating knife-sharpening systems, methods, tools, sets, accessories and so on. The more I read, and saw on utube, there was this conclusion growing of which tools to get and how to use them.

And all this without ever touching a single one, but, with the help of my trusted spreadsheet program, to make elaborate overviews of sets and parts, how to combine for the lowest price including or excluding shipping, money conversions, customs and on and on. To buy at a retailer or ebay, amazon, or the shop next door.

Of course I had my share of wet-stones in the past, but realizing now, I never learned how to properly use them, not even for the occasions I did use them, and had neglected them, mis-used and mistreated the knives I used on them.
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Moon Blog 28.3

The 47 comes up with answers, lots and lots of answers. Some in response to questions asked, and some come through the the veil, as if they were pushed through the cloth of it, and *plop* there they are. A realization, an insight, a pondering, suddenly existing in the conscious awareness of the mind.

But… just this fact of having all these answers, come up, over time or in direct response, says absolutely nothing about the quality of the answers, at all. As very often, it is just made up, seemingly sounding true, and very intelligent, so logical, and so well worded, sentences formed, near magical and the ego can run off boasting about this capacity.
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Moon Blog 47.3

Using Human Design as a psychological tool, to free yourself, to help yourself or someone else will get you stuck eventually, because that approach is finite, it is limited, mainly because it is false, secondly because it keeps the mind in control. Firmly.

Human Design is a mechanical tool with psychological consequences, not the other way around. Human Design is not so you can train your mind to act differently in similar situations, as psychology intends, as many other systems seek to accomplish.
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MoonBlog 3.5

Human Design is a tool, a practical tool, it is something that we use, that we apply. It is not a philosophy, it is a tool to experiment with, and see, witness how we actually operate. It is also an individual tool, it is something we need to apply in our own personal life, on our own, for it to work. It is not a group effort, there is no safety in numbers, we and we alone need to do the work. Yes, by all means, sharing our process, sharing about our experimentation with others, be it with one other or a thousand, but no one can help us with it, except we ourselves as we go deeper into the uncovering of how we function, how the mechanics of our Design operates.

Human Design is not an opinion, let alone a shared opinion. Even among the same Type, or with the same Centers Defined and/or Undefined, the same Variable, PHS, or Defined Channels, no one is the same, each and everyone is completely unique, and as soon as we try to adhere to any group, or group effort, at least one of us is using their mind as a decision maker, and not their inner authority. And the experiment slows down or even grinds to a halt, discussing opinions and what are perceived as feelings in an effort to find a common ground. A ground that will never be found, and thus the people forever lost in the discussion about it. Imposing mental considerations to which there is no solution, no escape, no right nor wrong, but just another run around while seemingly experience a sense of purpose and righteousness.
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MoonBlog 17.1

Life as a theatrical spectacle.

Are we the ones on stage after studying to become actors for so long making our stuttering debut or are we laureled with golden statues for our performances? When and what is our next performance, will we let you know, and make a Facebook Event announcement perhaps? Do we perhaps whisper words to the actors, do we write the scripts? Are we paying to be in the audience eating popcorn, cheering on or booing away? Are we the ones running the theater, the lights, the show, are we selling tickets?

Or do we get up and walk outside the theater and go do other stuff all together?
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MoonBlog 37.2

what is the point of telling someone to start or stop (doing) something? Who’s in control of anything, really? Who am I, to even share my inner desires and projections, commanding veiled as wishes? Will this make me more or less comfortable with the world around me? Am I then in acceptance of life and all in it, or in opposition? Of you, you as well, and you too… Constantly reacting, no like this, yes just a little bit more of that, do this, not that, perhaps like this, more like so. Deluded by meanings, results, opinions, convictions.


Why do we identify with a higher calling of our opinions, of our moral superiority on any other living being. Falling into the trap of comparison and reasoning, logic and even feelings. Yes even feelings. Your feelings for right or wrong have absolutely no bearing on mine, none whatsoever, ever! And yet still we continue to do as if there must be some agreed upon correctness for all. And one is either in, or out of that unwritten correctness, but held accountable for sure! As if we need to find common ground, yours or my common ground to begin with.

Moon Blog 26.2

The desire to be someone, and to identify with something that you like, something positive, is pretending at best. This archetype, or that one, or combined in a hotchpotch of identities, colours and attitudes.

Would you like to scratch the surface?
